After seeing the sharks in Despicable Me more times than I can count, I got to see a
real shark at the Georgia Aquarium this week, which is the world's largest aquarium, in case you didn't know! It was so exciting! On Tuesday, Mom and I joined Mrs. Allison and Lucas, Mrs. Alisha and Tyler, and Mrs. Joanne, Parker, and Grayson on a road trip down to the aquarium. We were all beyond excited; although, I am still upset that Lucas and Tyler got to ride together in the van with the TV; I've mentioned my lack of TV every time I have ridden in my car since. Anyways, the aquarium was packed; even though, it was in the middle of the week, and the excitement was contagious. We started off at the stingrays' pool where we actually got to lean over the side and see the stingrays up close. Mom actually touched one, but you couldn't have paid me enough in lollipops to stick my hand in that water. From that point fo
rward, the fish just kept getting bigger! We saw fresh water fish and salt water fish, and no, I have no idea what the difference is, but just go with it; I did. I do like salt though, just so it's out there. The penguins were cute, and I even stuck my tongue out at one of them: That's right penguin, two can play at that game. Although the animals were cute, Lucas was not so much. He has a new crush on Parker, who, by the way, doesn't even pay him much attention. When she is around now, he doesn't want anything to do with me, and he even gets mad at me when I try to hang with them. At one point, I tried to share his Fruit Loops, but he pushed me away and wouldn't let me have one; then Parker walked up, and he literally fed her a Fruit Loop right in front of me. I was devastated. I decided to take the approach of overcompensating with tons of hugs and unsolicited kisses, but he still wanted to hang out with Parker more. It is the hair; I just know it. You just wait Lucas; I'm going to get my luscious locks before long, and you will be begging me back. Anyways, I digress. The Beluga W
hales were huge and beautiful, and we all enjoyed staring at them for quite awhile before the big class of students got to the tank, and we decided to get away from that craziness. There were so many big, wild classes there, which made the moms a little nervous, so we tried to stay in front of them. I liked the classes of older kids though, of course, and got to spend a little time with an older boy at the big tank. Tyler was the only one brave enough to meet Nemo; the rest of us stayed far back from that crazy fish. We all made a great attempt to locate the fish scale that Mom bought for Dad as a wedding present. When they got married, Dad was thinking of opening a salt water fish store, so Mom got him a fish scale at the GA Aquarium to let him know that she would always support his dreams; I know, I think it is cheesy too, but that's parents for ya. Anyways, we all searched high and low, but after much frustration, we gave up. Since our aquarium adventure, I have
talked about how "we can't find Daddy's fish...we find it next time" more than I have actually talked about the fish that I did see. One of the neatest parts of the day was the moving sidewalk underneath the big shark and whale tank. We were all amazed and in awe. The sharks were great, and I had been asking to see one all day, but the sidewalk was even better. We got a little crazy, but Mrs. Allison was able to reign us in. I almost didn't get off of the sidewalk in time, and Mom had to grab me before I ran into the wall. Moving sidewalks get two thumbs up from this critic. We all took our time looking into the huge tank with whales, and although we kept ourselves pressed against the tank most of the time, the f
our of us - Tyler, Lucas, Parker, and I - did make some time for a little lovin' and insanity. I mean a huge open space with a big tank and stadium steps is way too inspiring to not engage in a little craziness. Parker is definitely the quiet one of the bunch, but we are sure to corrupt her in due time. We took the love on the road and held hands through the jellyfish exhibit; we just wanted to make sure that no one got lost in the crowd. By the time we got to the last exhibit with the waves, we were all more interested in the computers with the fish on them than the actual fish in front of us. All in all, we did pretty well; I believe that Lucas, Tyler, and I only got one timeout each, and of course, Parker and Grayson were angels. L
unch in the food court was our last stop, and by that point, we were all starting to get a little grumpy, and I think that the moms were even more exhausted than we. We did, however, get to play around on the blue seahorse and mermaid statues; whenever Mom asks me what my favorite part of the aquarium was, I say, "I ride blue seahorse". Go figure! It just took the plastic, food court statue to make my day. Baby Monroe and Lisa also met us at the end, and I was excited to see Baby Mo for at least a few minutes. He is so happy! I definitely recommend the GA Aquarium, for it was one fun-filled day with my bestest friends.
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