although, everyday is love day for me because I am quite possibly the most loved person ever. That be
ing said, Valentine's Day is a day for me to spread the love. Mom and I spent the entire week prior to Valentine's Day shopping for supplies and creating little crafts for my favorite playgroup friends. I made lollipop flowers, clothes pin puppets, and heartmen, as well as sent some traditional V-day cards. During the creative process, I also put a hole in the wall with the kitchen chair, painted the kitchen table pink, and put glitter glue pen on the rug when I threw myself on the floor during a "I don't want to wash my hands" fit. Are you feeling the love yet? I was just trying to
bring out the holiday red in Mom's face. By the third day, we weren't even attempting to wear a shirt while painting. By the way, "I don't want to" is my new favorite phrase, and Mom is loving it too! Even Aunt Steph got a taste of one of my "I don't want to" fits the other day, but that is for another blog. My crafts turned out pretty well, and I have to say that I absolutely love to paint, but I do not like writing my name on multiple cards, just for the record. I even made Daddy a picture frame for his office, as well as bookmarks for Aunt Steph and Grandma. On Saturday evening, Dad, Mom, and I had a nice pre-Valentine's Day dinner, and I shoved an entire mini-cupcake in my mouth at once. What!? It's Valentine's Day, and I was thoroughly enjoying the most important part of Valentine's Day: chocolate! Poor Daddy cut his finger while making ou
r special Valentine's dinner; then he proved that real men wear animal Bandaids. On actual Valentine's Day, I donned my customary red and delivered my goody bags to some of my closest friends. I looked so grown up; I thought Mom was going to tear up. I was very excited when I got to go in and deliver Lucas' bag personally; I told him, "I got something for you, Lucas; I make bag for you!" Lucas was really excited about the lollipops, and at the next drop spot, I was not so excited about Selina's canine house guest. I like Rocky, but the new dog was huge, and he pretty much ran me over when Mrs. Sindy answered the d
oor. I practically jumped into Mom's arms and kept repeating, "I don't like dogs", which I followed with "I like Opie." Selina has a new puppy too, and I did like him; I commented that he is "so cute" and "so soft"; then I proclaimed, "I do like puppy". Speaking of dogs in general and Opie specifically, I made a Valentine's Day goody bag for Opie at Petco, and I know Opie really appreciated it. I love Opie. I forced him to look at all of my Valentine's Day cards that came in the mail, and I had a long conversation with Mom and Dad in the car the other day about "when Opie gets bigger, he go to school with Livie". I then proceeded to come home, get down on my knees in front of Opie, and ask him, "Opie want to go to school with Livie?" He didn't answer, so I was forced to chase him around the house and ask him over and over again. After a little Valentine's Day nap
, I made Daddy some yummy brownies; I was jonesin' for chocolate so bad that I tried to eat the chocolate powder before it was even mixed with anything. Then I tried to lick raw egg off my fingers; by the time the batter was ready, I could no longer control myself; I licked the spoon clean and then tried to dip it back in the batter for more. Chocolate...yum! I was even nice enough to let Opie lick the remaining chocolate off of my fingers; I share so well. I got to see Lucas again Valentine's evening when he brought me a handmade card, with his hand print to match last year's, and a red
Matchbox car. He even brought Mommy flowers; that Lucas is such a gentleman! Thank you, Lucas! I also got a beautiful, homemade card from Boris, which I loved and excitedly showed to Minnie and Elmo. Then Daddy came home with flowers and a gift card to Sage for Mommy and, more importantly, a rose, a card, a balloon, and a chocolate for me, Livie. I love you, Daddy! It was a wonderful Valentine's Day weekend. I just can't decide: Is Opie, Lucas, or Daddy my Valentine? I think Daddy is definitely my Valentine, now and forever, or at least until some long-haired, bad boy shows up on the doorstep, whom I am sure Daddy will threaten within an inch of fantasy bad boy's life. Happy Valentine's Day to you all, and I hope your day was filled with love.
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