We have been taking full advantage of each and every beautiful February day, and the sunny, warm days are becoming more and more the norm. I hope that spring is here to stay because, Winter, I am over you and the terrible dry skin boo-boos you leave under my nose!
February has been a month full of fun in the sun, good friends, a chill here and there, and a glimpse of approaching spring. The month started with t
he finale of football, which is apparently known as the Super Bowl. Dad, Mom, and I joined the family at a Super Bowl party that not only celebrated the commercials and performances of the event but also a visit from my Uncle Steve who works in Iraq. I thoroughly enjoyed
the food, Cameron, of course, and entertaining everyone during the half-time show and throughout the game. I shared my trains with cousin Harper and tried to show her a good time. She is so close to sitting up on her own; I can't believe how fast time flies. Uncle Steve was happy to be home for the week, and although I wouldn't sit on his lap for a picture, I did consent to standing next time in exchange for a bite of chocolate cake. I do things my way. I spent the majority of my time glued to Cameron: We read together, ate together, dance
d together, and I even tackled him towards the end of the night, in keeping with the spirit of Super Bowl Sunday. My performances were far better than those of Christina Aguilera and the Black Eyed Peas; they should have hired me. Eventually, Harper could t
ake no more of the craziness, and she passed out in a very comfortable spot on Aunt Mal. I think that highlight of the night was definitely the chocolate cake! Football, I will miss you and the cheering until next season. Uncle Steve, take care of yourself, and I will see you when you get back, hopefully for good, in a few months.
Superbowl 2011 - slideshow maker

The rest of February has been absolutely beautiful for the most part, and I have taken full advantage by checking out all of the local parks, both new and old, with some of my very best friends. I believe that I am a bona fide park critic at this point; although, a park doesn't need much to get a thumbs up from me. Here are some of the park highlights from February:
Sims Lake Park 2/13 - picture slideshow
February 16 at Midway Park - I met Tyler for some quick playground fun.
February 17 at The Greenway - We are back on the running routine, and I don't mind, as long as I get a good snack, some music, a few dog sightings, and a little running of my own at the en

February 19 at Wills Park - While Daddy helped Grandma move into her new house, Mom and I picked out a new pair of shades and checked out Wills Park for the first time since it was totally redone. We had lunch in the park and played on quite possibly the best playground ever!
Wills Park 2/19 - picture slideshow
February 22 at Wills Park - We just can't get enough of our ne
Wills Park 2/22 - picture slideshow
February 23 at Sharon Forks Park - We joined Mrs. Joanne, Parker, and Gr
ayson to try out a new running trail, which kicked the Moms' butts, before we tested Sharon Forks' playground. It was okay, but it was no Wills Park. I think Parker found her new love interest in an older boy named Carter; hear that, Lucas! Later, we all had a picnic in the park; although, Parker and Grayson eat on a constant basis, so they were having their own picnic all day. After, Parker and I practiced our soccer skills; I don't think that you will see either of us in the World Cup at any point in the future, but I am getting the hang of it. The girl bonding on a regular basis is really nice, and I love having my friend Parker around all th
e time.

February 27 at Wills Park - I finally got to show Daddy around my new favorite park before we found a much-missed Mellow Mushroom and had lunch on the patio in the warm sun. I love weekends, and I love warm weekends even better!
February 28 at Midway Park - Mom and I made a quick stop at the park before our Monday grocery shopping. Lucas, Parker, and I took a little playground nap; Lucas insisted on laying in the middle, and I gave him a quick back rub before we enjoyed a few minutes of play before the r

March 1 at Fowler Park - A brand new park just down the road opened up last weekend, and my friends and I wasted no time in checking it out. It is a really good park! I'm super
excited! The park is huge, and it attaches to the Greenway, which may work to my disadvantage. The playground isn't bad either. I am a daredevil, and I had Parker doing things that were freaking out Mrs. Joanne. Selina came, and it is the first time that we have seen her since she got really sick and had a seizure. We are just so happy that she is well again, for she was very much missed over the last month or so. Tyler got stuck on the slide, and I think he is scarred for life. Mrs. Alisha insisted that he at least try and go down to fight his fear, b
ut he clung to the middle of the slide and cried hysterically until Mrs. Alisha got Mom to pull him back up; now, that was quite a fight you put up, Tyler - Kuddos. Since Lucas has been a bit preoccupied, I have turned my attention to Madden, and I don't think he minds. Parker and I got in some girl time on the moutain, and I made a new friend who had a bubble gun. That is about all it takes to become my friend. I love, love, love the new park!
Fowler Park 3/1 - slideshow maker

March 1 at Fowler Park - A brand new park just down the road opened up last weekend, and my friends and I wasted no time in checking it out. It is a really good park! I'm super

Fowler Park 3/1 - slideshow maker
Believe it or not, there were also a few or more park days that Mom did not capture on film; I know, I don't believe it either. Forget crazy bag-lady; Mom should be called the crazy camera-lady.
Mom and I have continued with the Library Wee Reads, and we have talked more and more of our friends into joining us. Although I am excited to share the fun, the Wee Reads have become less and less fun for Mom; the more friends who join us, the more regulating Mom has to do. I just get too excited to pay attention and follow directions when there are so many people with whom to play. I'm not sure if Mom is more devastated or relieved that Wee Read is taking a hiatus until the spring.
Library Read LoveFest between Lucas and me; we are out of control!
On the few colder days that are still popping up here and there, I've kept myself busy with some indoor fun. I got to play at Parker and Grayson's house one day. Parker and I had a field day with her stickers - I am quite the fashionista if I do say so myself - before doing some arts and crafts. We learned how to do polkadots, played with her stamps, and made sun catchers out of coffee filters, and I now get to see my creations displayed on the window everyday while I eat. Later, Grayson joined us in the ball pit, and I got to check out their awesome tent house; it is huge!
Sticker Play with Parker and Grayson - slideshow maker
Aunt Steph and Harper joined us a couple of Fri

Hanging with Harper - picture slideshow
I need to give another big shout-out to my second cousin C
ameron who wo
n first place in the Regional Science Fair and is now taking his project all the way to the State Science Fair. The regional competition was held right near us, so Dad, Mom, and I met Cameron, Great Aunt Marsha, and Great Uncle Ray for lunch while Cameron waited for the results. I know that he must have been a little nervous about the competition, but he still made time to play with me. We drove the racecar, and he tried to help me win a stuffed animal; now, that is a good second cousin. Good luck at State, Cam; we know you will win!

I also want to congratulate Grandma on her new house! She is once again a homeowner, and her house is beautiful! I spent last Sunday helping Grandma unpack boxes and wash her dishes because we all know that I am an expert dishwasher. I can't wait to see the house once it is all put together...and I can't wait to spend the night. *hint, hint, wink, wink, Grandma*
Just the other night, I got to wear my very own
Daddy was gone at a conference in Orlando almost all of last week, and I missed him terribly, but he brought me back a Minnie Mouse hat, so he is forgiven. I sent him lots of pictures while he was gone so that he didn't miss me too much.
This past weekend, Dad put together my new
log cabin for the backyard, and it was probably one of the most exciting days of my life. When Mom and Dad called me into the garage to show me the box, I looked from them to the box and back to them before shouting, "Daddy, build it!" Being the good helper that I am, I assisted Daddy in carrying all of the pieces to the backyard before being told that it was naptime. I tr
ied to stay with my house and take a nap in the backyard, but my efforts did not work, and I ended up in bed while Daddy constructed what we like to call my clubhouse. The minute I woke up, I asked, "Daddy build my house?" Sure enough, there it was, fully constructed in my backyard. My face said it all. My house has a grill and a sink and a real doorbell and sliding windows and flower pots, and it is awesome! I keep asking when Lucas will come and see it; I'm ready to play some full-blown house. I did tell Mom and Dad that I was parking my car in my garage, and I demanded cups, utensils, and salt and pepper in order to make Dad dinner on my grill. I love, love, love it, and I am glad that I didn't have to wait for the Easter Bunny to bring me a house just like it.
My New House - picture slideshow
So, we ended up at a Benihana Japanese Steakhouse the other night. The food is overpriced and not the parents' favorite, but the very cool chef's hat, miso soup, and choclate ice cream made it all worth it, at least in my book. I was thoroughly entertained, and I thoroughly entertained those around us.
Benihana - picture slideshow
Speaking of miso soup, Mom and I shared a bowl at our local, favorite sushi bar the other night. Well, actually, I ate all of the seaweed, tofu, and most of the broth; I'm not the greatest sharer of miso soup. Anyways, the previous week, I ordered my normal calamari, edamame, miso soup, and shrimp tempura roll, and when the waitress came by to check on us, I very seriously looked at her and said, "Best calamari ever!" She totally remembered my favorable calamari assessment, and asked if I wanted the "best calamari ever" before I even ordered it when we dined there on Saturday night.
So, I've taken to calling Mom and Dad by their first names, Sam and Steve. I don't think they like it too much, but I think it is pretty funny. I woke up from nap the other day and said to Mom, "You not a monster; you Sam. Where's Steve?" They are feverantly trying to break the habit that shouldn't even be an issue until me saucy teen years. What can I say? I am advanced! Also, my new favorite question is "What kind?" Mom serves me corn; I ask, "What kind of corn is it?" She says, "Yellow corn", and I counter with, "What kind of yellow corn is it?" I literally asked six questions about a banana this morning, and the other day, when I was getting into my chair for dinner, I saw a piece of dirt. I asked, "What is that?" Mom said, "Dirt." I then asked, "What kind of dirt?" Mom came up with, "Dirty dirt." I finished with, "What kind of dirty dirt?" Driving Mom insane is way too entertaining; plus, I can't help that I am inquisitive.

"Hey, Mom, look at me! Pink eyes." This is the new trick that I do every time we get into the car and more. I am so talented!
This past weekend, Dad put together my new

My New House - picture slideshow
So, we ended up at a Benihana Japanese Steakhouse the other night. The food is overpriced and not the parents' favorite, but the very cool chef's hat, miso soup, and choclate ice cream made it all worth it, at least in my book. I was thoroughly entertained, and I thoroughly entertained those around us.
Benihana - picture slideshow

So, I've taken to calling Mom and Dad by their first names, Sam and Steve. I don't think they like it too much, but I think it is pretty funny. I woke up from nap the other day and said to Mom, "You not a monster; you Sam. Where's Steve?" They are feverantly trying to break the habit that shouldn't even be an issue until me saucy teen years. What can I say? I am advanced! Also, my new favorite question is "What kind?" Mom serves me corn; I ask, "What kind of corn is it?" She says, "Yellow corn", and I counter with, "What kind of yellow corn is it?" I literally asked six questions about a banana this morning, and the other day, when I was getting into my chair for dinner, I saw a piece of dirt. I asked, "What is that?" Mom said, "Dirt." I then asked, "What kind of dirt?" Mom came up with, "Dirty dirt." I finished with, "What kind of dirty dirt?" Driving Mom insane is way too entertaining; plus, I can't help that I am inquisitive.
I am constantly telling Mom, "I a princess!" or "I a ballerina!" these days. A girl has got to have aspirations. I only say that I am a ballerina when I put on my tutu, but everything makes me a princess. A piece of paper, a hat, a bow, a skirt, a crayon, undearwear...anything that goes on my head makes me proclaim, "I a princess!" I didn't say of what I am a princess. "I a princess" proclamations even come with a special princess dance. I've got the moves and the wardrobe!
"Hey, Mom, look at me! Pink eyes." This is the new trick that I do every time we get into the car and more. I am so talented!
I love the constellation turtle that Granddad and Grandma Trish got for me. I try to force everyone, even Opie, to enjoy the turtle's magic with me in the bathroom. I'm just lucky that the turtle hasn't accidentally ended up in the toilet yet since I insist on resting him on the toilet while I play, and I never check to see if the lid is open or closed.
Typical Me - A Star in the Making:
I have added drums to such original songs as "Tyler and Lucas" and "Washing the Dishes"; I'm also testing the bounds to see if I am allowed to use the TV as a drum. The fun never ends!
Just so you know, I believe that I am going to have to go to monthly blog posts, plus big event posts; I just can't keep up with the weekly blogs now that I lead such a busy life. I know, I know; try not to cry.
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