This weekend was another nice, relaxing weekend. I caught up on my entertainment news by reading the People magazine that Grandma brought, and then I ripped that silly magazine to shreads. I caught up on some TV watching as Mom tried to
get me to play my piano. Nothing can stop me though; after a few minutes of jamming and singing, I just watched TV over the piano.
We went swimming on Saturday and Sunday; my tan is really starting to look nice. Lucas, Allison, and Ben even went with us to the pool on Sunday. Lucas is so good to me; he always brings something for me to play with, like his Nerf ball for the pool. I also cruised around the house in my walker all weekend. I have got this whole walker-thing down; now, I just have to figure out how to turn around because I am not sure Mom likes my shouts when I get stuck in a corner. You've gotta let your voice be heard, which I have NO problem doing. It was a lovely weekend spending time with the rents.

Yesterday was playgroup day, and we hosted it our house,
so everyone got to come and play with my toys. Selena even woke up and played for a bit! Jackson has been awake the last couple of times, and he is really starting to get the hang of this whole playgroup deal. I think Lucas had a really good time looking through all of my toys and pushing things up and down the hallway. The highlight of the day was when I got in the walker, and Lucas got behind and pushed me around the house. It was so funny when we rammed into walls. We had a blast! There is never a dull moment with Luke. I was so tuckered out when everyone left that I could barely stay awake to eat my bottle; don't worry though; I mustered up the energy to get through it before passing out. That is definitely the sign of a good afternoon.

I have become extremely talkative over the last couple of weeks; however, volume is not one of my concerns, so my talking is more like shouting most of the time. I like to just ramble on to myself or anyone who will listen; I just wish people could understand what I am saying because I am saying some pretty profound things here, people, which you can

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