Boy, this week has been exhausting! Mom's been running me all over town trying to get things

done, and I have had my work cut out for me. Mom and I have been running every morning with the awesome jogging stroller that Grandma Purnell got for us. I must say that jogging is quite strenuous, at least from my point of view, i.e. inside the comforts of my stroller equipped with horn and padded restraints. I love jogging, or anything that involves being outside, and I like it even better when we get home, and I get to eat a cookie while Mom does weights. I try to shout words of encouragement at her in between bites. Mom and I have also run tons of errands this week, mostly involving her decision to return to work or

not. We visited a couple of day cares yesterday, and, thank goodness, I think that Mom and Dad have decided not to send me away during the day. Rumor has it that Mom is going to stick around to take care of me full time for another year. Hooray! (With her it's much easier to get my way, I suspect.) For one of

our specific errands, I escorted Mom to the dermatologist. I added my own touch to the office by ripping up the bizarre paper on the exam table and leaving behind a few puffs, in case any of the nurses got hungry. Yesterday, we went by Dad's new office, which is super professional and extremely

nice. While I was there, I helped Dad type up some documents, or drooled and banged on the keyboard - you say tomato; I say tomahto - whatever. I even got to use Dad's kiosk; although, it is kind of hard to get my eyes checked when everyone is distracting me. By the way, Dad calls me Munch now, which is short for Munchkin. Oh, the beginning of many nicknames I am sure. After such a crazy week, I am ready to head down to the pool and relax for the rest of the afternoon.

A Few Side Notes:
- I can now make it all the way across the living room by getting onto my stomach, then turning onto my side, and hurling myself a couple of inches when I roll back onto my stomach. Mom keeps trying to get me to crawl, but I think that this approach is just as effective. I never did follow the "rules". Mom and Dad are sure that I will be crawling soon because I have perfected the stance and mastered the art of scooting myself backwards.
- I have turned into quite a happy baby, and I laugh all the time, especially when dad is around. I was never worried about my disposition, but apparently, Mom and Dad were. I still refuse to smile at strangers no matter what antics they try, and there have been some crazies who will try anything. You can't be too careful nowadays.
- As I said in the last blog, I am into everything now. The world is full of exciting and intriguing things. Nothing in the house is safe, especially the giraffe in the hallway, which has almost come with me in my walker several times.
Now, for the most exciting bit of news, I have moved on to finger foods! I get little bits of fruit in the morning, with my beloved yogurt, of course; lunch meat, cheese, and a bagel for lunch; and chicken, some sort of cut up veggie, and rice for dinner. The menu is kind of predictable right now
because Mom is easing me in to the finger foods. Cheese is one of my new favorites; I prefer the orange kind, but I haven't given up my wheat cookies and puffs yet. The best part is that anything I don't want, I can just feed to Opie, and he likes EVERYTHING. Finger foods are WAY better than that pureed crud - sorry, Mom. 
Overall, life is good, and I wish everyone an awesome, sunny weekend!
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