I am free at last - only within the confinements of a walker but mobile, nonetheless! Yesterday at playgroup, Lucas and Mrs. Allison brought a walker for me to

borrow, and I have now had my first taste of real independence. Mom, being Mom, taped my first few minutes in the walker, and although it

was a little confusing at first, I figured it out pretty quickly, being a genius and all. Today, I got all the way down the

hallway and into the kitchen. Walls have become my new enemies, and I just hope that Dad has some paint to take care of my little run-ins, or Mom may have heart failure. Other than that, this thing is awesome! I have a horn to tell people to get out of my way, and I can even play a little tune while I cruise. Thank you so much, Wheeler fam! You have made my week; here's a little cheese for you - try to ignore the Opie tail.

By the way, Dad gets funnier and funnier. Yesterday, I laughed harder than I have ever laughed before; Mom was holding me on the bed, and Dad kept running from one side of the bed to the other trying to scare me. It was sooooo funny; I was laughing and squealing at the top of my lungs before he even got all the way around the bed. My sides still hurt!
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