This weekend was a celebration of my favorite person, Dad. Mom and I had to make it

really special because Dad is really special. We got up early, of course, and let Dad sleep in; when he was ready to get up, we made him Eggs Benedict for breakfast and gave him his presents. I got him a book about Dadisms, and Mom and I jointly got him a new electric smoker. To go along with the smoker, Mom and I went to Whole Foods and got an entire fish with the head and all to cook - Yuck! I like Whole Foods; I got to try a bunch of samples, and Mom bought me a mango, some apricots, some Tofu, and some cottage cheese. I really like Tofu, as long as it is dusted with wheat germ. Anyways, back to Father's Day, Dad really like his breakfast and his gifts. We ran a few errands and then went down to the pool. Later in the evening, Dad smoked the fish, and we just hung around the house. I know that Dad had a really good day, and he totally deserved it for how hard he works and what a good Daddy he is. Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Monday was errands day. like always, and I experienced being

outside in my first big thunderstorm. It was scary! Mom by accidentally stole Publix's umbrella, but she took it back - Mom, what a rebel. Tuesday's moms/babies lunch was at Lindsi

and Jackson's house this week. Mom and I both wore our shirts with the shoulder ties; we like to coordinate. Selena and Jackson had a great time hanging out together on the the play mat, and Ms. Lindsi blew bubbles for Luke and me.

The bubbles were so neat, and they kept popping on my face,

which I thought was pretty funny. I made sure to close my eyes whenever the bubbles came near, just in case. I pretended to crawl for a few minutes and then spit Tofu across Lindsi's table. It was a great play date.

Yesterday was a busy day. Luke and Ms. Allison came over for some pool time, and Ms. Allison brought white grape juice popsicles. It was my first experience with a popsicle, and it was awesome. My lips were red and numb, but I could not get enough.

Thank you, Ms. Allison. I was so excited to have Luke over during lunch that I figured out how to stand up in my high chair so that I could watch him play; now, I won't sit down in my high chair. Everyday brings a new talent. Aunt Stephanie and Grandma Purnell came over for dinner, and the day got even better because Aunt Stephanie brought me ice cream. It was divine; I didn't make a peep for at least 10

minutes, and I kept my mouth wide open for each perfect bite. Thank you, Aunt Stephanie, for playing with me and trying to help me crawl, as well as bringing me ice cream. The excitement didn't stop there; Grandma brought my very own little car. I can ride on it or walk with it; I'll stick with the riding for now. Aunt Stephanie read me a bedtime story and stayed the night so that we could play all morning long. So far, this has been a great week! Now, I just need Dad to come back from his trip, and all will be perfect. Hurry up, Friday.

For those who are interested, here is a sneak peak at my upcoming workout video.