This weekend I went to Athens, Mom's old college stomping ground, to take my Godmother out to lunch for her birthday. It was my longest car ride to date. I wore my sunglasses so that I could arrive in style; I've got to impress all of those college kids. We went to Mom's favorite restaurant in Athens, Last Resort, but I was not impressed, and to show my disappointment, I threw a colossal fit. Mom had to stand next to the bathroom for 30 minutes before Kate and Mom got their food wrapped up to go. I feel kind of bad, but I just wanted to hang out with Ms. Kate in a quiet place. I hope that I didn't ruin her birthday, but I did get some quality time with her, and nothing makes a birthday more special than attention from moi. Happy Birthday Godmom! Don't get me wrong; I do like going out to eat but only when I feel like it. On Friday, I enjoyed a marvelous lunch at Simply Thai with Grandma and Aunt Stephanie where I learned that lime does not make for an appetizing meal; Aunt Stephanie had some really cool tights, and she kept

me entertained with her funny faces and stories. I even had a great time with Mom and Dad at lunch on Sunday. I got to sit in my very own seat in the booth next to Mom and watch the Tech basketball game; now, if I could just order what I want, life would be perfect! Oh, and by the way, being thrown up high into the air is hilarious and makes going to lunch even better; just take my word for it.

On another note, I am kind of starting to get the hang of this whole cereal bit. At least, I am really trying because I desperately want some tastier fare, like the insane banana that Mom let me taste; I kept pulling her hand towards my mouth for just one more delicious lick. The one thing that I don't understand is why eating cereal takes so much longer than eating my bottle; I am partial to the constant flow of food. I get really angry waiting for the next

spoonful. Mom just needs to hurry things up; I think she needs practice more than I do! I get so excited in between bites that I end up nose diving into the spoon as soon as it is presented to me. What? Give me a break - I just learned how to hold my head up for goodness sakes. I don't want to waste any of my precious meal, at least not any more than ends up on my face and bib. When I got home from Athens on Saturday, Dad had put together my very own chair that Grandma Purnell bought for me. It

is really neat getting to sit up high all by myself; the cushion even matches the dining room walls. I am so fashionable, all the way from the sunglasses to the Coach changing pad to the high chair! I do not miss an opportunity to prove my status as a fashionista. Rumor has it that I will be getting to taste oatmeal this week; I'll let you know what I think, don't worry.
OMG...this is hilarious! Mommy, she's a hungry girl! :>)
I LOVE the sunglasses! They are adorable! You are Miss Fashionista Olivia. Thanks for being so good today so mommy and I could have mommy chat. Tell your mommy thanks for having us over and we will see you guys next week hopefully! LOVE YA!
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