This morning I got to try something that I have been hearing about for weeks, real food. Now, I think that real food is a bit of an exaggeration for soupy formula and rice flakes, but I'll take it. I felt very grown up getting to sit in my Bumbo seat and use a

real spoon, but I couldn't quite figure out how to keep the food in my mouth. I put forth a heck of an effort though. Mom promised that as I get the hang of this, I will get better tasting treats; she better be telling the truth because I thought that my bib tasted better than this stuff. It was

really fun to make a mess though. After a few minutes, I got a little angry because getting the food in was taking way too long; I just wanted my bottle, which I got after a thrown back protest in my seat. My bottle tasted so good that I drank the whole thing even after eating my cereal. I definitely know why a Thanksgiving nap is necessary now. My tummy was so full that I could barely keep my eyes open. The count down to the end goal, delicious fruit, has begun, and I cannot wait to get there. Until tomorrow morning, goodbye "real food".
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