Mom headed to the store on Sunday afternoon to get a few necessities before the storm hit, and she was inundated by stories from our Publix friends about Saturday being a bigger deal in sales than any single day last year. Everyon
e was stocking up for the winter storm! Publix was literally out of bread, according to Mom, and she got the very last half gallon of organic milk. Phew! Oddly enough, they were also out of pancakes, which must be a big snowstorm necessity. Who knew? The snow began to fall around 9 p.m. and did not let up until well into Monday; it accumulated very quickly too! By Monday morning, we had approximately 6 - 7 inches covering everything, and Daddy didn't have to go to work, about which I was probably most excited. Snow is snow, but a Daddy home on a Monday is cause for celebration. Now, I know you northerners are l
aughing at us, but 6 - 7 inches in the south is crazy, people! After a big, pancake breakfast, - thank goodness Mom stocked up the week before because apparently a snow day is not a snow day without pancakes - a long process of layering, and a quick snowball-throwing lesson, Mom, Dad, and I headed down to t
he Wheelers to enjoy the snow. Lucas was already pretty much done with the snow after a reportedly terrifying sledding encounter, and he was content to lounge in the wagon while Daddy and I took on the sledding hill. It was awesome and fast; check out the video! Of course, Mom wouldn't miss getting my first anything on film; she was literally the only crazy lady out there carrying a backpack with her nice camera a
nd Flip camcorder. After a little sledding, Mrs. Allison pulled us up and down the hill in the wagon while the grown-ups acted like school children, and I, being the concerned friend that I am, asked Lucas about his health. Last time we hungout, Lucas threw up; you'll get the whole story in the next post. Dippy, Lucas' dog, loved the snow and bounced to and fro like a woodland creature. Mr. Ben and Daddy had a little snowball fight - boys! - before I decided that my hands were cold, started crying, and forced the troops to move indoors - crying gets them every time.
Lucas and I know how to keep a snow day going strong, and we continued with th
e fun indoors. Mrs. Allison made us all lunch while Lucas and I fought over his toys. I eventually ended up in his recliner with the guitar; this is the perfect setup for my lyrical talents. I gave them all a taste of my "Lucas and Tyler" song while strumming the guitar. Lucas showed me how to use all of the neat stuff on his train table, and then we moved to the couch for a little indoor danger, which all came to a halt when I did a slow motion somersault into a handstand onto the floor from the very top of the couch while giving the adults mini-heart attacks. Wusses! I thought it was hilarious, of course, and thank goodness, I walked away unharmed. Unfortunately, Daddy had to go home to do some conference calling, which I totally don't get; I'm still trying to get the whole conversation with one person down pat, but at least Daddy got to play in the snow with me for a little while. After some fish s
ticks and mac and cheese, Lucas and I headed upstairs for a round of miniature golf and a musical soiree. Lucas was cracking me up, literally, with his crazy piano playing. I finally stopped laughing long enough to do a little dancing, and then I took my turn at the piano, which wasn't quite as fun as watching Lucas
jump and bang on the keyboard. I even got to finally ride a yellow school bus - hooray! We eventually started to crash and had to head to our respective beds for a little nap; Lucas nicely loaned me his wagon so
that I wouldn't have to walk home in the snow, and I covered my face with blankets to avoid the harshness of the falling sleet. I was excited to find my mini-snowman complete upon my return, and Mom and I took a couple of snow bunny pictures before heading inside. As for nap, when I say it was a little one, I really mean it; we both made sure to make our naps short so as to avoid missing any of the snow day fun.
Just as a quick recap since Monday was the only truly exciting day, Daddy ended up getting to work from home on Tuesday and half of Wednesday before he stubbornly heade
d out on the ice. I woke up with a nasty cold on Tuesday and had to stay indoors and close to a box of Kleenex for the remainder of the week. This week's motto is "Mommy, I have booger": I look like Rudolph at this point. I have almost driven Mom crazy, literally, with my constant desire to watch Toy Story 3 over and over and over again; Goofy, Piggy, and Minnie love it too! I have found and exhausted every toy in every nook and cranny in my playroom. I played a little headband dress up. Let's just say that we have had to get a little
creative when it comes to sources of entertainment: "Can I get a what, what!?" Just check out the video; that's right, peeps; I raise the roof. Plus, Daddy turned into a dog; that's how bored we are getting around here. Opie, however, doesn't seem to mind being snowed in; he has pretty much refused to step foot in the snow and is more contented to find a nice, snugly spot on the sofa with Daddy. And, as I write this, we are still imprisoned by Snowmageddon 2011.
Just so you know, I am getting close to being able to spell my own name. I have also come to terms with the fact that my middle name is not James, Lucas' middle name, but I am not quite ready to give up on the dream and embrace my actual middle name, so for now, my full name is just Olivia Kendig.
I tell you what though; if I do meet another snowstorm in this lifetime, by golly, I'm ready for it!
By the way, the Christmas/New Year's blog is coming soon; I let way too much time pass with way too many noteworthy events. At this rate, it may take me until next year to get it out.

After nap, the Wheelers headed up to our place for some more warm, indoor fun and a traditional snow day dinner ala Mom. Mom made potato soup and pepperoni rolls, which Grandma used to make for her on snow days way back when, while Lucas and I ransacked the house and the adults chitchatted. We were both a little worn-out and grumpy, and a bit of a fight did break out over the vacuum cleaner, but we had a blast nonetheless. Our fights always end in affection in some form or fashion. That was one heck of a snow day, and the snow days weren't even close to over.
Just as a quick recap since Monday was the only truly exciting day, Daddy ended up getting to work from home on Tuesday and half of Wednesday before he stubbornly heade

*Mom always seems to get the video camera when we are hanging out on the couch; however, I promise that we actually do leave the couch sometimes.
Just so you know, I am getting close to being able to spell my own name. I have also come to terms with the fact that my middle name is not James, Lucas' middle name, but I am not quite ready to give up on the dream and embrace my actual middle name, so for now, my full name is just Olivia Kendig.
I tell you what though; if I do meet another snowstorm in this lifetime, by golly, I'm ready for it!
By the way, the Christmas/New Year's blog is coming soon; I let way too much time pass with way too many noteworthy events. At this rate, it may take me until next year to get it out.
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