So, aside from the whole Santa Claus debacle, I am finding the traditional Christmas preparations to be quite fun!
Last weekend, I got to attend my first Cumming Christmas Parade, which was technically my first parade, period. I think watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade may have set an unfair expectation, but this l
ittle parade entertained nonetheless. It was cold and a bit drizzly; however, I am willing to brave the elements for lollipops and an owl in a school bus, which was my absolute favorite and made me beam like Santa, elves, marching bands, and lollipops could not. I spent most of the parade perched on Dad's shoulders so as to not miss a thing. It took Mom awhile to outrun all of the other kids in order to
retrieve a lollipop for me, but she finally did succeed. I donned my candy cane antlers, which, combined with my inherent adorableness, garnered me much attention not only from the masses but also from a reporter who took several pictures of me for the Forsyth Co
unty News. I was one of many photos on the Forsyth County News website and one of just a few on the FRONT PAGE of the Forsyth County Newspaper, which is just my stepping stone to the New York or Los Angeles Times. Unfortunately, Dad got cut out of the picture; I guess they just wanted to focus on the star - sorry, Dad. I was not a fan of the Grinch, who appeared in the parade more than once, and I actually ducked down on Dad's
shoulders when he went by to avoid being seen, which is
captured, of course, in the picture to your right. I loved all of the trucks and noise and marching, which prompted me to do a little marching of my own. Mom, being Mom, documented my every reaction. At first, I was a little confused and taken aback, but I soon got into the spirit. After the parade, Dad, Mom, and I grabbed coffee and a juice box at Starbucks, where I continued to get compliments, before heading home to wait for Grandma's arrival. My days as a celebrity have official begun.
Last Sunday, we braved the, literally, freezing temperatures to acquire a tree to bizarre
ly display inside our house. I wanted the most expensive tree and staked out the perfect one; however, in the end, I consented to go with Daddy's tree since he was the one paying. Mom got the traditional - yes, it is now a tradition since this is the 2nd year - picture of Dad and me walking through the trees. I have definitely gotten taller since last year. I waited with Dad to get the tree cut and then helped Mom bring the car around. I was astonished when they threw the tree on top of our car, and I proceeded to watch it through the sunroof all the way home to make sure that it didn't go anywhere. You would think that I would be very excited about bringing the tree into our house, but after witnessing an owl in a school bus the previous day, I barely even acknowledged the tree as it found a place in our living room. I did, h
owever, enjoy helping place my ornaments on the tree. I have a box of ornaments that are just mine with a book that tells from whom each ornament came and what each ornament means, which is sure to become more intriguing in later years. For now, I just wanted to hang the ornaments "all myself". The tree is just another addition to all of the Christmas decorations that have thrown up in every corner of our home; I did tell Mom when I first saw everything lit that the house looked "beautiful", for I know how to use the powers of positive reinforcement. It is officially beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
This Year
Last Year
Christmas Tree - slideshow dvd
I got to decorate my first gingerbread house last wee
Thanks to Grandpa Purnell, I also got to decorate my own little Christmas tree, which is lighting up my room with holiday spirit. My little tree came in the mail just yesterday, which was the 13th since the date on these is always misleading, and when I woke up from nap, Mommy helped me put the lights on before I very carefully placed each and every little ornament. Mom then insisted on taking my picture with the tree, of course, and I matched her insistence by getting my own camera and taking tons of pictures of my tree "all myself". What can I say; I was really excited. Thank you so much, Grandpa! In my very own words, it looks "perfect" in my room.
Thanks to Grandma, Mom and Dad also got to have a little holiday fun at the Lambs' 7th Annual Christmas Wine Party, for which they headed downtown last Saturday night. It is nice that the rents have their own holiday tradition with close friends, and I got to hangout with Grandma for the evening. I am a little miffed that Baby Mo and McKenzie got to go, but I guess I'll get over it. I can tell from the pictures that a good time was had by all.
7th Annual Christmas Wine Party - make slideshow
Since Mom has been so busy preparing for the holidays, I have taken it upon myself to help out with some of the household tasks, like cleaning up tree needles...
and fixing dinner.
I really am a great helper, and now that I have my very own kitchen stool, I help even when Mom wishes I wouldn't. At least I ask the right questions when shaking the green beans - "That's enough? No..."
Oh, just so you know, the packages that keep arriving in the mail are making me super excited, and according to my bear countdown calendar, we've only got 9 more days until the Christmas celebration begins!
Aside from the holiday madness, last week also included our weekly Publix visit, during which Mrs. Suzana made a corsage for Piggy to wear since I rarely leave home without him. A pig has never smelled better.
I attended the Hol
A quick note: Mrs. Alisha, Tyler, and their dog, Rusty, got into a really bad car accident on Monday, and I just want them to know that we are thinking about them. Thankfully, everyone, including Tyler's little sister, Ella, who is due in about 4 months, is perfectly fine with just a few bumps and bruises. We are sending you our love, and I can't wait to see you guys next week. I owe you a boo-boo kiss, Tyler.
I was very excited for my sushi lunchdate with Harper and Aunt Steph before Steph's r
I was able to get in a little trampoline playgroup at Mrs. Alisha an
This past weekend included a lot of Christmas shopping and a tr
I started out this we
Oh, we've also gotten in two Catch Air playdays. You guys know Catch Air by now and my affinity for it, so do I really even need to explain? The place is awesome, and I always have a great time! That being said, sometimes there are a few tears as well. Poor Lucas, I made sure to bring him a ball from the ball pit and pretend it was an ice pack to make him feel better. Just make sure you watch the hamster wheel video; I am ta-len-ted!
With all of the fun activities over the last couple of weeks, I have deseprately needed all the beauty rest I can squeeze in. Somehow, I forgot to take Piggy to bed with me for one of my naps last week, and I realized his absence after just a few, short minutes. I began to cry hysterically and call Mom frantically with "need Piggy". Mom heard my desperate pleas, and immediately brought Piggy up to me. This provided the necessary comfort for me to instantly fall asleep once Piggy was tucked safely under my arm. I woke up about 2 and 1/2 hours later, and when Mom came up to get me, I greeted her with "Thank you so much, Mom". When she asked for what I was thanking her, I responded, "Mom bring Piggy and put Piggy in Livie's bed. Thank you so much." It made Mom melt, and she almost cried because it was so sweet. I was just thanking her though; bringing Piggy was a very important task. I gave Mom a big kiss and continued to thank her for the remainder of the evening. See, I totally have sweet moments.
My current vocabulary dilemma: The difference between ma'am and sir - Language is so confusing! I have a feeling Mom is rethinking this whole southern etiquette approach anyways.
Mom's current dilemma: Potty Training - I'm pretty sure that she is just as intimidated and confused as I am on how to go about this whole thing.
With all the chaos that is to errupt next week, I doubt I will get another blog out before Christmas; therefore, I hope everyone's holidays are filled with love, family, and friends. Merry Christmas to all and to all, a good night!
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