Spring ended last week with a playgroup at Catch Air, my new favorite, indoor getaway, and a Gymboree class sans Lucas. Since Lucas wasn't feeling well and was unable to make it to Gymboree, I decided that I didn't have to listen at all. First, we were about 20 minutes late due to a broken traffic light on 141, so I definitely wasn't going to give up any of my precious playtime to participate in activities that I do every week. Second, Luke wasn't there to sit in my lap, so I didn't really feel like sitting down at all. Third, Mom forgot the camera, so there was no way of obtaining any proof of my misbehavior, so why not do whatever I want. Oh well, one not-so-great class after about 6 great classes is okay, and I promise to listen better this week.
Mom and I have been working on a few of our own new concepts at home over the last couple of weeks, one of which is emotions. I am learning how people express happiness, sadness, and anger. I am really good at the sad concept, and I even say, "Saaaad" in the most pathetic voice when I make my sad face. This emotion has translated nicely to when I am not getting my way. Along with learning new concepts, I am starting to talk in complete sentences. When Mom asked me if I like choo-choo trains last night, I looked right at her and said, "I LOVE choo-choos." I also totally get the yes/no concept at this point, and I am able to easily express my desires accordingly. I've got 'please' and 'thank you' down pat; I know to say, "Bless you" when someone sneezes, or coughs for that matter, and now, I am working on ma'am and sir, amongst other things. I can pretty much name anyone with whom I have regular contact, and I even know that my name is Livie. I constantly point to myself and say, "Livie".
That's impressive people, so get excited: Self-recognition is a tough concept! I believe that the mirror, at which I use to constantly stare at myself in the car, has helped with this concept. I love to sing, make faces, and playfully scream at myself while looking in the mirror, as well as put things over my face and head to see what I look like. In fact, the flower on the head is my tribute to the passing
of spring. On a totally random note, I have a new favorite food: whole apples. Dad says that when I am done with an apple, it looks like Swiss cheese - at least, I am eating something. Life just keeps getting more and more exciting, and I definitely learn something new everyday; I constantly surprise Mom and Dad, and I even shock myself sometimes.

To start summer off with a bang, the whole family celebrated Grandma's
Although spring has ended and summer has officially begun, Mother Nature hasn
't quite gotten the memo, and it has rained for the past 4 or 5 days! What is that all about? The pool is finally open, and I can't even enjoy it. Thankfully, Dad, Mom, and I were able to get down to the pool for about an hour on Saturday
evening. Unlike last week, I loved our pool because of the kiddie park. I had absolutely no fear and tried to run into the kiddie pool before Dad was even able to get my cover up and shoes off. The first video below is actually my absolute first minute in the water to prove that I wasn't at all afraid. I immediately headed towards the slide, and it didn't even faze me when the waterfall dumped water all over my face. There was even a steering wheel just my size.
It was awesome! I was a little more cautious about the big pool, and I kept a death grip on Dad most of the time; although, I did let go of his waist for a few minutes to kick
my feet like a professional swimmer. I definitely preferred the kids' pool though. We couldn't stay long since the water was freezing, and my whole body started shaking while I was playing under the mushroom. Trust me, I didn't want to leave, but the rents thought it best when both of my arms were covered in huge goosebumps. At least, I got to leave the pool in style wrapped in my new Elmo towel. For the past two, rainy days, I have called out for the pool, and I can't wait for a sunny day to get back down there.

Due to the ridiculous rain, I've had to stay inside too much over the last several days. I've kept myself busy by practicing on my drums and working on my coloring skills. However, I did get my crayons taken away the other day for coloring on the table - hasn't Mom heard about the freedom of artistic expression!?
I guess all I have to say is, "Rain, rain, go away, so Livie - that's me - can go out and play!"
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