Mom and I actually made it to Gymboree before class started last Thursday - Go, Mom! Mrs.
Allison held Luke and me up so that we could watch the end of the big kids' class, and I also got to hear the opening song for probably one of the first times ever; Mom didn't even know the words, about which Mrs. Allison totally made fun of her. Thanks, Mrs. Allison. The new concept at Gymboree last week was hard and soft, which made absolutely no sense to me, but Luke and I didn't care because the new setup included a wavy slide, on which
we spent almost the entire class. He and I pretty much monopolized the fort area with the new slide. We took turns; we tried going down together, and we just had a ball in general. Speaking of balls, at one point, I went and got one of the bouncy balls to put down the slide, and when it got to the bottom, one of the other little boys, Jack, tried to grab it. I wasn't having it; I put my toughest look on, threw myself down the slide, and yelled, "My ball!" Mrs. Alison and Mom could not stop laughing, but my tactic did work, and Jack dropped the
ball pretty quickly. My little performance to warrant a discussion from Mom about giving a toy up once I let it go. Whatever! Luke and I were able to tear ourselves away from the new slide for parachute and bubble time. During parachute time, I walked around
and gave everyone high fives, which Luke and I started, and I got a little pissy when one little girl wouldn't reciprocate, so I put my hand up and started saying, "High five, high five" very loudly in her face. Apparently, she just doesn't get it. Luke even got to lay with big Gymbo himself: Luke is so cool! I was able to snag my kiss from Baby Gymbo, and I made sure to get my Baby Gymbo stamp before I left. I now constantly look at my hand and
ask, "Gymbo stamp?" all week long, and Mom and Dad have to keep reminding me that I have to wait until Thursday to get a Baby Gymbo stamp. Anyways, Luke and I held hands after class while the Moms put our shoes back on; Gymboree is always better when Luke is there to be my partner in crime.
Mom and I spent Friday once again on the bathing suit hunt. I didn't
mind since I got a set of golf clubs and a new shirt while on the search. On Friday night, Dad, Mom and I went out to eat at Cinco's, and when we got home, Ms. Amanda was waiting for us. I gave her a very enthusiastic tour of our house, and she brought me a red velvet cake; I believe that I got the better end of that trade off. I was supposed to see Mr. Joe on Friday night, but of course, he didn't make it until after I was fast asleep. Thankfully, he spent the night, so
on Saturday morning, the four of us went on a 3 mile run before cooling off at the pool. I LOVE the pool, and I even talked Dad into taking me down the big slide. I wasn't scared at all; in fact, I begged to go again. No fear Olivia - that's me! My favorite pool activity seems to be walking around the giant mushroom over and over and over again; I think
Mom and Dad were starting to get dizzy watching me. I also like to take big steps through the kiddie pool and climb the steps in the big pool. My kicking skills are improving with every dip, and I am quickly becoming a regular pool rat. After eating lunch poolside, I laid down for nap, and when I woke up, we were off again to a party at Mrs. Alisha's house. Almost my entire playgroup, Dad's included, were there. Mrs. Alisha made an awesome cake with fondant stars that she actually created just for us. It was quite
impressive! We, meaning my playgroup peeps and me, went crazy running around, destroying Mrs. Alisha's house in the process, while the Moms hung out inside and the Dads played Bocce ball outside. The big hits included: a blow up ball pit, a rocking chair, several push toys, and the windows, on which we all banged to get the Dads' attention.
I can say everyone's name in my playgroup now, so I talk about all of them constantly. Tyler now gets about half the number of weekly mentions as Lucas, which is still a lot. Boris and I had a blast trying to k
nock over the rocking chair. Lucas and I fought over the little red chair, chased each other around, and sent kisses to one another across the stairs. Madden and I vigorously jumped on the couch while yelling and had a full on conversation with one another, which no one else could understand, while lookin
g out the window at the Dads. Oh, and of course, we took the obligatory toddler, that's right - we are toddlers now, couch picture; the Moms and Dads even got in on the fun by taking group pictures. During the couch picture, Selina did her signature move of sliding off the couch as
soon as her butt hit the cushion; I tried to take Madden's ball before Tyler decided to get cozy with me, and Selina momentarily returned to the couch to sit on Lucas' lap: I think she is trying to move in on my man! Jackson was smart, like always, and just stayed removed from the chaos. By 8:00, we were all starting to crash, so the festivities winded down. It was an awesome party, Mrs. Alisha and Mr. DJ; thank you so much for having all of us.

Sunday was a day of recuperation and relaxation with Dad while Mom went back out on the bathing suit hunt. How hard is it to find a bathing suit, woman!? I look good in all of them, so I guess I just wouldn't understand.
Today was playgroup day, and again, the weather messed up ou
r pool plans, so we headed to Mrs. Tina's house. This was a special playgroup because we got to celebrate Miss Carla's first birthday. She was out of town on her real birthday, so Mrs. Allison baked some cupcakes, and we got to have a mini-party for her today. Happy 1st Birthday, Carla! After the singing, I took over her highchair and chose pizza over a cupcake. Stranger things have happened. We all fought over push toys and took turns getting in trouble for touching the dirty diaper trashcan. I even took a moment for myself on Carla's changing pad under the table. Pool or no pool, we always have a good time together.
On a side note, my new thing is to put my hands up and shrug my shoulders when I ask where something is. I have gotten really into working out with Mom, and I even do her sit ups routine while she does it; the ones where we lift our butts in the air is my favorite. My new favorite book is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" because Cameron gave it to me, and I always say,
Quick Add-on:
So, Mom and I ran to TJ Maxx tonight, and since we were only going to be gone for a short amount of time, Mom didn't check her purse for extra diapers. While on the way to TJ Maxx, I just had to go. Mom and Dad have asked that I let them know when I go potty, so I let Mom, and six other random people inside TJ Maxx, know that I had, "Pooped in pants". I speak very clearly now, so everyone was privy to my current diaper state. What!? I figured if Mom and Dad want to know that everyone else would want to know as well. A couple older ladies laughed, and the cashier told us that she had previously worked in a daycare, so nothing surprised her; I wasn't going for shock value, lady. I also chased several older kids around Blockbuster while waving and frantically saying, "Hi, hi!" One little boy complained to his mother saying, "She is staring at me and won't stop"; I just wanted to play - Geesh!
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