I know that Mom explained my stitches fiasco to everyone, but really, it wasn't that bad. The actual stitches part wasn't pleasant, not to mention the huge needle in my mouth prior to the

stitches; however, I got to flirt with the little boy in the ER, and I got more balloons than I could ever imagine. I might just have to bust up

the other side of my face to keep the balloons coming! Lucas brought me a balloon and some fruit snacks the day after my ER visit; Lucas always makes everything better. Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Ian sent me like 10 balloons, through which I got to fly while playing airplane with Dad! Now, that is how you make a 1-year-old forget all her worries.

Even Grandma's balloon is still afloat; although, half of Aunt Stephanie's balloons are stuck on the ceiling: Good job, Dad. The doctor at the hospital explained that I might be in pain and that my lip may be very sore for a couple of days, but it hasn't

bothered me at all. I never needed any Motrin, and I let Mom clean it and apply Neosporin everyday without any fuss. We'll see how tomorrow goes when I get the stitches out, but so far, stitches aren't so bad. Plus, I got to do something that neither Mom nor Dad has ever done. Also, I'm not mad at Opie; I know he didn't mean to hurt me. In fact, I still ask for him first thing in the morning and whenever we pull into the garage. I actually feel kind of bad for him because I know something that he doesn't know: He has to go to the vet tomorrow for his annual checkup, and they are going to cut his nails as short as possible so that we don't have another accident. It sounds like tomorrow will be a long day, for both of us.

Yesterday, which was Sunday, was a perfect day. Mom, Dad, and

I went down to Atlanta to have brunch with Mrs. Lisa, Mr. Monroe, Baby Monroe, and Mr. Rommel. I finally got to see Baby Monroe again, and it was on his one month birthday, so Happy Monthday, Baby Monroe. Brunch was awesome at Kirkwood Public House thanks to Mr. Rommel's girlfriend, Ms. Maggie, who is the head chef there. Baby Monroe slept so peacefully the whole time, and I think that I was pretty darn good with the exception of the fit I threw when I couldn't climb the stairs in the restaurant over and over

again. I can't be perfect all the time! After brunch, Mom, Dad, Mrs. Lisa, Baby Monroe, and I went over to Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Ian's house. Baby Monroe finally woke up, and he is so cute! Mrs. Lisa fed him a bottle and changed his diaper while I tried to sit in his car seat and played with his little hat. Mrs. Lisa is such a good mommy, and Baby Monroe was so good the entire time. He didn't even cry once, and in fact, he smiled a couple of times when he

looked at his mommy. I gave him a couple of kisses, and I even tried to point out his eyes and nose, but Mom wasn't too keen on that idea for whatever reason. I also patted him very gently on the head and laid on the floor with him. While Baby Monroe checked everything out, I had a ball p

laying with Uncle Ian, Aunt Stephanie, Mrs. Sharon, and Miss Heather. Aunt Stephanie showed me lots of pictures of my favorite person, me; she also let me wear her sunglasses, so I let her give

me kisses. Uncle Ian taught me how to play guitar, at which I was quite good until I dropped the pick inside of the guitar; I sense another musical calling in my future as long as Uncle Ian will give me less

ons. While Dada and Uncle Ian hung around the house to watch the Olympic hockey game, the ladies and Baby Monroe went to get ice cream. I enjoyed emptying Mom's purse more than the actual ice cream, but I did get to show off my new shades. We finally headed home around 4, and although I was proud of myself for making it so late without a nap, I didn't make it to the highway before snuggling up with my baby and closing my eyes. It was a wonderful Sunday!

Today was Boris' 2nd birthday party. Lucas, Selina, and Carla were all there,

as well as lots of kids I've never met before today. Of course, I hung out with Lucas most of the time, but I also met a new friend named Emily. Boris and I played Peek-a-Boo with a napkin; however, I was much more interested in his motorcycle. I didn't really want to share the motorcycle, but Mom made me take t

urns with the other kids. Boris didn't really want me playing with his motorcycle either, which culminated in my getting shoved and then giving the nastiest look as Mom scooped me up before I pushed back. It wasn't all warfare though; there were a lot of kisses being doled out

. I kept it G-rated and kissed Luke on the nose this time. I

was even given a party hat that didn't go over too well because I didn't like the string. At one point, Boris took us all upstairs to show us his room, and after watching him jump on his bed, Lucas, Emily, and I had our own little jumping-on-the-bed party. It was so much fun and something that I would never get away with at home. I was a little perturbed that I couldn't play with his balloons, so Mom had to keep diverting my attention away from them. A bushell of balloons at home is just not enough for this little lady. Bor

is' mommy, Mrs. Olga, did bring down little chairs just for us kids, and I made sure to grab one of them, literally, and take it with me wherever I went; you never know when I'll need to take a breather, and I want to be comfortable. At the end of the party, we all lined up on the couch for the inevitable picture time. It went well for about 5 seconds until we all went our separate ways; you can see in the picture how it turned out - chaos. The party was a lot of fun and a nice break from the normal, monotonous Monday. Happy Birthday, Boris.
On a side note, I am totally joining a step team when I get older. Thank you, Sesame Street, for the inspiration. Watch me copy the stomp, clap, and floor touch with sheer ease.
I'll let you know how tomorrow, my doctor's appointment to get my stitches out, goes. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't hurt too badly. Dad is very worried about my beautiful lip, so I may be seeing a plastic surgeon at the end of this week. Wouldn't want to mess up my possible modeling career, would we? I'll keep you all posted.
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