Who knows, maybe, someday, Mom will get to hear those words for real. Mom and I have decided that Olivia Lee would make a great stage name. Aunt Stephanie already thinks that I look like a little Elton John in my 'almost famous' sunglasses, so there's got to be some kind of big Hollywood award in my future.
Anyways, let's get back to the present. Last Tuesday, I went to the doctor to get my

one, non-dissolvable stitch removed. My appointment got moved up an hour due to the snow, - yes, it snowed, again - so I was running on very little nap, which didn't help. By the way, I actually said, "Snow" this time; we've had enough of it this winter, so I might as well learn the word. Back to the point, you've gotta stay very focused when you enter a

doctor's office because they, as in the doctors and nurses, can be quite tricky. There is this perfect little table and chairs to lure you in as you walk into the waiting room, but as soon as you get comfortable, they come and get you so as to remind you of their true torturous nature. I must admit that I am always fooled. The nurse was very nice at first and gave me three stickers, again with the tric

kery, before she started in with the torture; I made Pooh wear the stickers on his butt - so funny. The bribe was a nice attempt, but it didn't work for long; I freaked out when she tried to cut the stitch, and it took about 10

attempts and 3 different positions to finally get it out; she ended up having to take it out while I laid my head on Dada's shoulder, so it's a good thing that he left work and came with us. She was nervous; I was nervous; Mom and Dad were nervous: It was quite a scene. The nurse thought that my lip looked great and that it wouldn't scar very badly. We did consult one of the pediatricians, not my usual doctor, and he wasn't so nice. He basically tried to make Mom feel bad about not consulting a plastic surgeon immediately; even though, she did ask the ER doctor if a plastic surgeon would be a good idea. Dad was not happy with that doctor, so I don't think that I will be seeing him again. My lip looks pretty good; although, the last dissolvable stitch has yet to dissolve or fall out. Mom is going to go ahead and start using Mederma on the scar today. I hope that my future does not hold anymore stitches!
Thursday was a fun-filled day. I got to head over to Lucas' house shortly after I woke up, for Mrs.

Allison was nice enough to watch me so that Mom didn't have to drag Opie and me to the vet. Lucas and I had so much fun playing with his wagon and his little Jeep. At one point, Mrs. Allison came into the room, and a buck naked Lucas was pulling me in the wagon. Thank goodness for the coincidental positioning of the wagon handle. Apparently, he is going through a naked stage while he potty trains, but I didn't even notice or care as long as I was getting my ride in

the wagon. Not to worry, she immediately put pants on him right after she snapped a couple of pictures, for which you can't blame her because we are so cute. I kept calling Lucas' dog Opie whereas his name is Dippy; I think that all dogs should be named Opie; it would make things a lot less confusing. Speaking of Opie, he got all of his shots and a bath; the vet

also ground his nails down as short as possible to avoid any future accidents that may leave him homeless. As soon as Mom picked me up from Lucas' house, I gave him a kiss goodbye. Yes, we give each other lots of kisses, but we are best friends, and we are both given lots of kisses at home, so that's what we know to do. Then Mom and I ran home, grabbed the food, and headed to playgroup at Mrs. Alisha and Tyler's house. I shoul

d have saved my kiss seeing as I was only away from Lucas for about 30 minutes. Lucas brought his drill, of which I immediately confiscated and refused to let go the entire time. I really liked pretending that it was a hair dryer and massaging my back with it; of course, it also found its way to my mouth a couple of times. Tyler has tons of big windows in his house, and we thoroughly enjoyed

watching the world from said windows. Miss Selina and Boris even got in on the action at one point; Selina is so close to walking, and I cannot wait until she joins in on our older-kid-antics. I guess I had really worn Lucas out earlier in the day because after about 30 minutes, he literally started asking his mommy to go home. I was also exhausted, but I don't see myself asking to go home from any social situation, ever. I love being out and about! By the way, Tyler has the best mohawk! Thanks for a fun playgroup, Mrs. Alisha and Tyler. That night, Aunt Mallory came over to play before bedtime, which was the perfect end to a blissful day.

Thank you for the great pictures and for babysitting, Mrs. Allison.
On Friday, I helped Mom straighten the house before Grandma's a

rrival. I found a new way to empty the dryer and cleaned the floor...with a wash cloth, nonetheless: I felt a bit like

Cinderella. Then I threw away all of my diapers when Mom wasn't looking; the only problem is they were all of my clean diapers. They make me throw away my diapers after I have worn them, so how am I supposed to know the difference?! Of course, Mom pulled out the

camera when she caught me and then told me that I could no longer throw away clean diapers, so being the sneaky one that I am, I tried to put one of the diapers on and then throw it away. There's got to be a loophole to every 'No'. Checking the

trashcan periodically has now become a must in our house. Grandma watched me that night while Dad and Mom went out to dinner. Dad applied for and wrote a grant last May that would secure a large amount of federal funding for SoloHealth, and the grant was approved just last week. Congrats and Good Job, Dad! I was so inspired that I have started writing my own grant for federal funding to finance a lifetime supply of chocolate Teddy Grahams.

Thank goodness that Thursday and Friday were so fun-filled because our weekend was kind of a flop. Mom and Dad thought that Grandma had just really worn me out on Friday night because they did not hear a peep from me until about 9:30 on Saturday morning, and when Dad went to get me out of bed, he found that I had thrown up sometime during the night. Mom and Dad felt so terrible, but I didn't cry or make a fuss when it happened, so they had no idea that anything was wrong. That was a lovely start to the weekend. After a thorough bath, a cup of juice, a call to the pediatrician, and some bland toast, Mom texted Mrs. Allison about Pedialyte Popsicles and, in turn, found out that Mrs. Allison had a

severe stomach bug, which must have been the source. I spent the day bundled up on the couch, taking it easy and rehydrating, which gave me s

ome downtime to discover another great reason why I love balloons - Static! Balloons just keep getting more and more fun. By Sunday, Mom and Dad had both gotten a touch of it, so we spent another day resting around the house; although, we did make it to the neighborhood park just to get out of the house for a bit. I love going down the really big slide and pretending to drive with the steering wheels at the top of the play set! I must have gotten into something at the park because I started to

scratch the back of my head uncontrollably when we got home, and Mom noticed that I was starting to hive - back to the bath. I also, somehow, ran into the grill while playing outside with Dad, so let's just say that I am falling apart this weekend. Last night consisted of laying on the couch with Pooh, Baby, and Mom so as to avoid anymore mishaps. I've got to get better so that I can host playgroup this Thursday; I can't wait to show off my playroom! Don't worry, moms and friends, we'll Lysol like there's no tomorrow.
Fyi, I learn something new everyday now, and I am not exaggerating. Recently, I've learned to say, "Help, please" instead of whining when I need something. I've also learned to climb up onto Mom and Dad's bed all by myself, which isn't surprising considering I climb EVERYTHING. I continually pick up new words, and I am starting to piece those words together into phrases. Mom and Dad think it is so cute right now, but just wait until I won't stop talking...
Just a random video for those who are interested, i.e. probably only family.
We just received word that some congratulations are in order! Congratulations to Mrs. Joanne, Mr. John, and Parker on their brand new addition! Grayson Louiseau was born at 3:04 this afternoon, weighing in at 8 lbs. and 7 oz. Mom and baby are doing great, and we are so happy for you guys!
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