This past weekend was beautiful, for the sun finally came out to play, which made me so happy. Can you believe the weather in Georgia; it is crazy! We got about 4 inches of snow just last weekend, and then the temperature got up to 68 degrees this weekend, and now, they are predicting a few snow flurries this Wednesday. I wonder if it is this crazy everywhere; for some reason, I doubt it.
Anyways, the weekend was beautiful, and we took full advantage. On Saturday, Mom, Dad,

Opie, and I headed to Sims Lake Park in Suwanee. I had such a great time playing on the playground, going down the slide, and climbing the stairs while holding on to the railing like a big kid. I did not, however, like the swings or the little girl who kept trying to hug me and carry me around the

top of the play fort. I kept giving her the nastiest looks, and I was finally able to escape her grip as she was trying to carry me down the stairs while Mom anxiously asked her to put me down before she dropped me. I know that I am adorable, but doesn't she know that it is a bit rude to violate my personal space? Okay, I'll let the bad memories dissipate now so that I can get back to my beautiful day. After playing on the playground with Dad, we took Opie for a walk around the lake, and I got to see real ducks. Did you know that not all ducks are yello

w? That was news to me; although, I am pretty sure that I was looking at geese this time! There were tons of kids at the park, and like always, I made friends with several of the boys and ignored the other little girls. One of the little boys, Lyric, loved Opie. I think that Opie was even more excited about the park than I was. I am so excited that spring is around the

corner and that pool season isn't far behind. After the park, we stopped by the Publix on the way home, and to my dismay, it was not our normal Publix, and they wouldn't even give me a balloon. The nerve of some people; I mean, I'm the Publix baby - you should recognize! To make matters worse, I wet through my pants, - oops - so Mom took them off when we got to the car, and then Dad accidentally snapped my skin in the car seat buckle. Dad felt so bad, and Mom sat in the back with me the rest of the way home to make me feel better. I forgive you, Dada; I'm a tough cookie. It was a wonderful day in the park gone wrong! I was still very happy to see the sun, and the park definitely outweighed the Publix mishaps.
Here's me at the same park on the same rockin' car almost exactly a year

ago, March 6,

2009, versus me this past weekend. Time really does fly! Let's just say that I wasn't so keen on the rockin' car this time, so I didn't really give Mom the chance to get a good picture for the comparison. Also, shouldn't I have more hair to show for a year's worth of growth? This is getting ridiculous.
On Sunday, I got to wear my hair in a little fohawk -

that's right, at least I have enough hair for a fohawk now. Dad, Mom, and I went out to lunch, and when we got home, I helped Dad with some home projects, like hanging pictures and fixing the wooden seam that separates the hardwood floors from the carpet. I am such a good little helper! Later that day, Grandma, Aunt Mallory, and her friend, Chris, came over to see me. Grandma, Dad, and I played outside while Mom prepped dinner and hung out with Aunt Mallory and her friend. It was a very nice Sunday.

Yesterday, Mom and I went to our Publix, and Mrs. Suzanna made up for Saturday's cruddy Publix by letting me pick out my balloon and help blow it up. Mom hadn't even gotten me into the cart when I spotted Mrs. Suzanne and took off running full speed towards her. Mrs. Suzanna is my favorite Publix friend; although, they all give me tons of special attention every Monday, which I don't mind in the least. We also went by Old Navy to return the maternity kid jeans that Grandma got

me - they totally had the blue maternity band around the top - so as to get some new shoes and sunglasses. I do like my other clothes, Grandma. As I was roaming around, I came across a little bench that was just my size and a dog that talked to me when I pressed the button. Now, that is a fun shopping discovery, oh, and the sunglasses are super cute too.

Last Friday, Mom and I went by Roswell High School to visit some of Mom's old co-workers. I was so excited to see Mrs. Hillegas, who loves to carry me around and show me off to everyone, and Mrs. Bright, who lets me type on her computer. Quite honestly, I love all of the attention that Mom's friends and co-workers give to me. I even blew a high school boy a kiss as he walked past me, and he blew one right back. He couldn't resist my charm; can you blame him? Mom was really worried about my touching anything for fear of high schoo

l germs, but when she wasn't looking, I ran up to a locker and licked it before she could grab me. I can't help it; something on that locker looked quite appealing. Mrs. Spradlin decided to nickname me Locker Licker, and then she went and got some crackers to lure me away from the apparently appetizing lockers. I just don't get why Mom was so grossed out: I suck on my own feet for goodness sakes; how could a locker be that much worse? Just so you know, licking your own foot is way funnier, as you can see below.

Mom and I have been thoroughly enjoying the Winter Olympics over the last week or so. If naked coffee table running was an Olympic sport, I would definitely win gold! I can really move now. I love to run around the house naked; another thing for which I have developed a new interest is my baby. Before I was born,

Aunt Stephanie got me the same baby doll that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has, and I have recently decided that I want Mom to hold me while I hold my baby whenever we are upstairs in the playroom. I pat

my baby on the butt and give her kisses while Mom rocks me and gives me kisses; I have also, just yesterday, started to carry my baby around with me while patting her on the back or rocking her. Sometimes, I prefer that Mom hold the baby on one side of her lap while I sit on the other side. Mom and I did have to talk about not poking the baby in the eye, as well as how to treat the baby nicely. Maybe, I am trying to send Mom a signal, or maybe, I've just been really intrigued by babies ever since I met Baby Monroe.

Mom hasn't been feeling well for the last week, so today, she dropped me off at playgroup while she headed over to the Minute Clinic. Mama's got to get well so that we can go see Baby Monroe again! Thank you so, so much, Mrs. Lindsi, Mrs. Sindy, Mrs. Alisha, Mrs. Olga, and Mrs. Tina for watching me today. We have such great mommy friends! It was also great to see all of my little friends whom I have missed over the last several weeks.
To end, I finally got the love part down, so "I love you", and I hope you all have a nice, somewhat relaxing week - just do what I do and read a good book. Ciao!
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