This past Friday was so exciting; it snowed more than it has ever snowed in my entire life! The snow started coming down really hard while Mom and I were having lunch with the Mollettas, and it didn't stop until late Friday night. By Saturday morning, we had about 4 inches of snow; I know that may not sound like a lot to you northerners, but to us southerners, that's a ton! It was a

little difficult to play out in the snow on Friday because it was really coming down, but I gave it my all and had a ball. On Saturday, Mom taught me how to make snowballs, and we watched the neighbors make a snowman. I even figured out that if I throw snow into the air, it almost feels like it is snowing

again. I had too much fun! I didn't even mind when I fell over and Mom continued to take pictures instead of helping me up: Sometimes, I wonder about her priorities. Even Opie loved the snow; he rolled in it and jumped all over the place. Snow is definitely growing on me. That being said, I am ready for spring now.

After nap on Saturday, which was my 16-month birthday for those of you who are counting, Grandma came over, and the three of us headed to Miss Parker's first birthday party. Unfortunately, Dad

had to work, so he didn't get to go with us. As soon as we got to Miss Parker's house, I saw all of the balloons and started shouting, "Balloon, Balloon!" Mrs. Joanne promised me a balloon to take home, so I was able to tear myself away to check out the party festivities. Miss Parker looked so cute with her pigtails and polka dot dress. The highlight of the party was definitely

the ball pit. Some of the kids were afraid of it, but I thought it was awesome! I immediately jumped in and started playing; I even threw myself over the side a couple of times, which I thought was hysterical. I can definitely play rough, and several parents took notice; watch out for Wild Liv! Every time a ball rolled out of the pit, I made sure to get it

and put it back, and I made sure that all toys that didn't belong in the pit were put back in their rightful places; I like things orderly - hmmm, I wonder from whom I get this attribute. I had a great time playing with Parker, her cousin, and her friends. Mrs. Joanne and Mr. John threw a great party. Miss

Parker thoroughly enjoyed her cake; although, she did use a spoon at one point, which is a total 1st birthday no-no. I helped Parker open her gifts before heading straight back to the ball pit, which is where I spent a large portion of the party. Due to a shortened nap and tons of fun, I finally started to crash, but I still didn't leave the ball pit until Mom drug me out to take me home. Mrs. Joanne gave me three balloons! As I carried my

balloons to the door, Mr. John jokingly asked if I wanted to take a couch or their car as well: Geesh, Mr. John, it's just three balloons, and those three balloons made my weekend. I had an amazing time at the birthday party, and I want to thank the Louiseus for having me. Happy 1st Birthday, Miss Parker!

By the time we got home, Dad was walking in the door - Yay! I didn't get to see him very much last week, so I was really excited when he got home. Grandma gave me my Valentine's

Day gift complete with giant crayons, a coloring book, number magnets for the refrigerator, and flash cards. I love the magnets and the crayons; I'll figure out the flash cards later. Opie actually ate one of my crayons - dirty dog. That night Grandma and I stayed home and played while Dad and Mom went out for a romantic Valentine's Day dinner at Morton's, which turned out to be not so great and way overpriced for those of you who are thinking about going sometime, but they had a wonderful time nonetheless. I guess Grandma was my Valentine and an awesome Valentine at that.

Sunday was actual Valentine's Day, and I received several special Valentines from my closest friends: Lucas, Carla, Jackson, and Boris. Mrs. Allison gave me a pink polka dot purse, and Lucas got me some really neat bubbles for Valentine's Day, which

made me say, "Bubble" totally unprompted: I love me some bubbles. Boris gave me a little Valentine's dog, and Jackson gave me a lollipop, which I thoroughly enjoyed on Sunday morning. Grandma and Dad had to teach me how to suck on the lollipop, instead of biting it; I think I did a pretty good job with it. I even got a really neat Valentine from Aunt Stephanie and a Valentine from Great Grandma Jenkins. I had sent vintage Valentines to my closest friends and family earlier in the week, and I gave my Daddy his Valentine's gift that morning; Dada is definitely my forever Valentine. I even got to spend the day as a Valentine's flower, and oh yeah, my shirt definitely says 50% Mommy, 50% Daddy, 100% Perfection - that's right. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone in my life whom I love and who loves me!


Last Wednesday, Mom and I met Dad for lunch. Dad worked a lot last week, so I only got to see him on Wednesday; therefore, Mom and I made a point to spend as much time as possible with him on his one semi-free day. I miss Dad when he is gone during the week, but I am always super excited when he comes back!
Last Thursday evening, Mom and I ran into Mrs. Allison and Lucas at the grocery store while we were grabbing a few items for dinner.

I got my balloon, of course, and then we did some joint grocery shopping. Lucas and I were really excited to see each other since we haven't seen each other in awhile; poor Lucas had pneumonia, so I couldn't go near him for a couple of weeks. Towards the end of our shopping trip, I got to ride in the cart with Lucas. We always have a great time when we are together; it doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing. Unfortunately, he woke up that night with a stomach virus, so here's hoping I don't get that. You're worth the risk, Lucas!
Around the house, I have just been helping Mom with the cleaning, catching up on some reading, doing some dancing, and playing with my new fridge magnets. I have become quite the little helper, and I help with all of the daily chores, like sweeping, dusting, doing the laundry, emptying the dishwasher, picking up, etc. I have also learned the words to a couple of books, so I read those books, as well as others, all day long. I know that
Ready, Set, Go has the word set on every page, so I tend to think that all books include the word set. I can also "read" most of my
Peek-A-Who book, which just proves my genius. I love reading!

Today, my God Mom, Kate, sent me real Mardi Gras beads all the way from Louisiana, which is where she now lives. They are awesome and really heavy. I spent about 45 minutes before bed wearing them around the house and saying, "Be-u", which is me language for beautiful. I can definitely pull off Mardi Gras beads; although, Dad has already restricted me from ever going to actual Mardi Gras.
By the way, I (point to my eye)...ou (point to you); I've almost got the love part down.
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