I made it home to tell the tale of my days as a West Virginia Mountaineer. Mom, Aunt Stephanie, and I went to Clarksburg, WV to visit Grandpa Purnell and the rest of Mom's family on both Grandma and Grandpa's sides. My first plane ride, not including my in-tummy-days, was so exciting! To start the big vacation off right, Mom bought me a brand new car toy to play with on the way to the airport since we had to leave as soon as I woke up in the morning, which is my favorite time to play. The airport was a bustling place, and after Aunt Stephanie tipped everyone really well, they took good care of us. Our flight into
Pittsburgh was almost all men flying up to see the first Pittsburgh Steelers game of the season. I took full advantage by standing on Mom's lap and looking over the seat to flirt with everyone
behind me; I kept smiling really big, but my signature move was to blow a kiss and then point to the person for whom the kiss was meant, which I did over and over. Everyone thought that I was adorable, which is so obviously true. When we got to West Virginia, the craziness did not end until I got home on
Monday. As soon as we got in to Clarksburg, Grandpa took me to feed the ducks; there were tons of them, and they were so excited to see us. I never knew how much I would like feeding ducks; although, they better keep their distance. I was
attached to Grandpa from the moment I saw him, even without the ducks. We stayed at Great-Aunt Becky and Great-Uncle Larry's house, and I want to thank them so much for
everything. They even gave up their master bedroom so that Mom and I could take it over for the weekend, which was too nice of them! It was especially nice because Uncle Larry had worked hard all week just to come home and sleep in a little twin bed in the guest room; thank you so much, Uncle Larry; I love you, and I know you love me too. Aunt Becky's granddaughter
Becca, my second cousin, spent most of the weekend with us, and she kept me thoroughly entertained; she even worried about me when I cried at night. Her brother, and another one of my second cousins, Jonathan, stole my heart by chasing me around the kitchen;
however, my favorite game of the weekend was the screen door peek-a-boo game that Grandpa started. I couldn't get enough of that screen door, so everyone had to be extra careful in making sure that it was latched at all times.
Grandpa was so much fun, and he told me about a
billion times how beautiful I am, which I love, of course. I loved meeting everyone; even though, I was a little freaked out by Uncle Tom. Sorry, Uncle Tom, facial hair freaks me out, apparently. I
was super excited to learn that I have a second cousin and a third cousin who are both just a month older than me. I actually got to celebrate Elias' first birthday while I was in WV, and I just want to thank Mrs. Kayla for my very own smash cake, which Mom wouldn't actually let me s
mash due to the necessity of wearing my outfit for the rest of the day. Elias definitely smashed his though. The birthday party was at the same park that Mom used to go to for family reunions when she was really young - flashback. Happy Birthday, Elias. Before the party, we had breakfast with Aunt Stephanie's Godmother, Penny. She is so sweet, and I am really mad at Mom for forgetting to get my picture with her; gosh, Mom, don't you know that you are supposed to be on top of everything! Thank you for breakfast, Ms. Penny. After the birthday
party, Dad took us to a biker rally at the VFW to meet some of his closest friends. It was wild; I had a blast singing along with and dancing to the band. I wore my Ed Hardy shirt to look the part at the rally but threw up on it as soon as we arrived. I admit it; I was hitting the bottle, literally, before we even got there; now, that is how you party hard . Everyone was very complimentary about
Grandpa; I was really proud. The day didn't even end there; right after the biker rally, we headed to Mom's cousin Tristan's birthday celebration, and I got to meet his daughter, Reagan. Reagan and I had a ball playing together; she even got a motorized vehicle for her first birthday; I am so jealous. Aunt Stephanie is trying to talk Mom into letting me get one for my birthday, but I don't think Mom is going to go for it.

Reagan and I growled at each other a few times and then tried to push her car together, which was easier said than done. I was also jealous because Reagan has enough hair for a ponytail and then some; I think that she should share; I mean, she has enough to spare! Her mom, Mrs. Brittany, was so sweet; she made sure that I had dinner and socks to keep my feet warm. It was great meeting you, Reagan, as well as the rest of the WV Jenkins clan. Happy Birthday, Tristan. The day was nuts but so much fun, and I crashed as soon as I
hit the car on the way back to Aunt Becky's. That was not the end of the day for Aunt Stephanie and Mom though; can you believe that they snuck out after I went to sleep to party some more!? I guess it is okay because they had one heck of a time helping their cousin, Little Becky, celebrate her birthday. Apparently, we came the right weekend to help everyone celebrate a birthday. Aunt Stephanie even sang karaoke, and Little Becky had a little too much birthday fun; Mom says I'm still too young to unders
tand about what she means. Happy Birthday, Little Becky. Apparently, Aunt Becky was up when they got home, and she said that I started crying around 2 a.m. for a few minutes, and Uncle Larry had a really hard time not going in and getting me because he was worried about me; I love you too, Uncle Larry and Aunt Becky. Good thing I went
right back to sleep though because Sunday was another crazy day. I finally got to meet my Great Grandma! She even had presents waiting for me when I got to her house. Thank you so much for the beautiful clothes and stuffed bear, Great Grandma, and sorry I was a little grumpy when we first met; by that point in the trip, I was exhausted. We went out to lunch with her and her boyfriend, David, at the big Chinese Buffet; I learned that I like buffets, especially the ham. It was also very busy with people getting up and down, which gave me tons of opportunities to flirt and interact. I blew
Great Grandma several kisses because I love her so much, and I cannot wait to see her at Christmas. Again, thank you for the awesome presents. As a wonderful surprise, Uncle Ian came up on Sunday to spend one night before he and Aunt Stephanie went to Pittsburgh for a few days. I always love seeing Uncle Ian, but I was so confused as to how he got there. That night, we went out for our last dinner of the trip with Grandpa; we actually went to Twin Oaks, which is where Grandma and Grandpa met a long time ago. Thank you so much for everything, Grandpa, and I love you so much and can't wait to see you again. I want to also thank Aunt
Becky and Uncle Larry one more time for letting me totally take over their house. I had the best time, and that island in the middle of the kitchen is the best invention ever for peek-a-boo, with the exception of the screen door. Also, thank you, Miss Becca, for letting me play with all of your toys. I give West Virginia and all of my family there a big high five, which I have actually mastered, just to let you know. I love you all, and it was great meeting every single one of you, even those whom aren't specifically mentioned above - like Laurie, Brad, Nick, Shawn, Aunt Sandy, Kyle, Russell, Brian, Jodi, Jason, Ian, Aunt Janie, Uncle Ronnie, and
Heath. I have so many relatives. Who knew? The plane ride home was just Mom and me because Aunt Stephanie stayed with Uncle Ian in Pittsburgh, and it was a rough plane ride, at least for Mom. People are not as nice as you would think, and I had a bit of a meltdown because I was so tired from the whole trip, but in my defense, it was my ONLY meltdown for the entire trip. I probably could have picked a better place, but it was way more stressful for Mom than me. The guy next to us was really nice, and he tried to keep me entertained as much as possible; of course, I did ham it up for a few people in between fits, so it could have been worse. All in all, it was an amazing trip from which I learned that I have a great, and abundant, extended family and that planes aren't so bad.
I want to add a quick thank you to Aunt Stephanie; I am pretty sure that Mom and I could not have pulled off the trip without her. She watched me, held me, and kept me entertained whenever any of the aforemen
I did muster up enough energy to get my picture taken and throw a few

Home sweet home - I had a great time in West Virginia, but I am so glad to
be home and to be catching up on my beauty rest, as well as my refrigerator exploration. By the way, I love the refrigerator; I mean it is full of food, so who wouldn't love it? I go into a state of frenzy every time someone opens the fridge door. I also love Mom's makeup drawer, which I just discovered. I know that I am a natural beauty, but a little accentuation of the cheeks just adds to my whole look. Aunt Becky gave me some birthday money, which Mom and I spent on my very own singing desk and chair. Love it! This is just a taste of what is to come next month too!

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