Mom and I hosted the Moms' lunch again this week; it seems to come

back around to us so quickly nowadays. It was just the three of us again: Lucas, Jackson, and me. Jackson stayed awake and laughed the whole time; he has got such a fun laugh. I was so excited to see him awake that I made a mad dash for his car seat as soon as he got there. I tried to play with him a little bit, but Mom says that I am a little too rough for him still. Lucas and I had a great time, of course. I had an absolute blast throwing his

shirt around the room, and the Moms caught us trying to eat Opie's dog food once or twice; I've got my very own partner in crime. Poor Lucas didn't feel great because he is cutting two molars, and he had to get his one-year shots before he came to play. Lucas is leaving me in the dust as far as teeth and hair are concerned; it is starting to get a little bit unfair! I couldn't leave Mrs. Allison alone, not even when she was changing Luke's diaper. I love Tuesdays!

On Friday, Mom and I went all the way down to Atlanta to see Mrs. Lisa and her baby bump. We were supposed to go to the zoo, but after eating outside at Six Feet Under, we decided that it was just way too hot to remain outside, so we went back to Mrs. Lisa's house. Her pug PGo is hilarious. I had a great time watching and chasing him. I don't think he was quite as

interested in me though. I can't wait to find out next week if Mrs. Lisa and Mr. Monroe are having a boy or a girl; I totally vote it is a boy. I'll be excited if it is a girl also, but I kind of like being the only girl; you know - more attention for moi, and we all know that I love attention. Mrs. Lisa, we are definitely on for the zoo as soon as it gets cooler.

Saturday was crazy! I didn't even have to take a full nap at all; I only took a couple of little car naps! In the morning,

Dad, Mom, and I headed downtown to tailgate for Dad's Alma mater, Georgia Tech. I actually started to get my third tooth on the way down there; Mom discovered it when she was getting me out of the car. There is even a fourth one visible right underneath the gum. Lucas, watch out; I'm gaining on ya! Back to the tailgate, I got to wear my new GT outfit, which

looked adorable, of course. There were so many people there! I hung out with Mr. Joe and his girlfriend, Ms. Leslie, the most. It was so much fun! Afterwards, the fam and I went out for pizza and then headed back up to the 'burbs for a Labor Day party at Mrs. Joanne and Mr. John's house. Parker was asleep when I got there, so I had to entertain myself until she woke up. Before long we'll be

chasing each other around; I can't wait. She is in an even higher percentage for height than I am; we are so going to intimidate the boys as we get older. Her cousin was there, and I immediately took a liking to him. I even tried to give him a little kiss; I'm not shy when it comes to the boys. Mrs. Joanne's house has stairs right in the middle of the living room, so Mom and I battled all day. I don't see what the problem; how hurt can I really get from all hardwood stairs!? We hung out into the evening and then headed home before I completely crashed. Thanks for the fun party, and congrats on the new baby to come, Mrs. Joanne and Mr. John. It was an awesome day! The only downfall was that the GA Bulldogs lost their first game, but Tech won, so at least Dad is happy. Go Dawgs (and Jackets, I guess)!

Yesterday, we ran errands to get ready for the little cookout that we had today. I decided that I didn't have to take a nap since I didn't really take one yesterday, so I was miserable all evening. Grandma came up last night so that Mom and Dad could go out on a date - Yuck! I love it when Grandma babysits; she does whatever I want. I got her to chase me around the house all

night long and up the stairs about 10 times. Grandma even spent the night - yay, slumber party - and this morning we did the stairs a few more times. I made sure to clap for myself, as I do after everything now, when I made it up the stairs and when I made it back down; a little positive reinforcement goes a long way. Dad is insisting on my wearing GT gear for the duration of the weekend; some battles just aren't worth the fight. I've been a little cranky because of the new teeth trying to make their debut, and I'm not really interested in eating right now - I know, crazy, huh! For the Labor Day holiday, Dad smoked some ribs and a turkey breast, which we enjoyed with Grandma, Aunt Mallory, Sebastian, Mrs. Lisa, and Mr. Monroe. After everyone left, my eye and the side of my face broke out in a really bad rash; apparently, it was an allergic reaction to something. Mom and Dad were really worried, so they called the doctor, but it cleared up on its own, thank goodness, during the two hours that Mom waited for the doctor to call back; she was none to pleased with the doctor. We then went down to the pool to swim, but we ended up dipping our toes in and coming right back because it was way too cold; I have limits, people! All in all, Labor Day was pretty good; that being said, I am still wearing white no matter what the rules say.
I am currently working on mastering the art of peek-a-boo. Now, for the biggest news of all; on Tuesday, I took my first step all by myself! I have also become a pro at standing without holding on to anything. It won't be long, folks!
1 comment:
Thanks so much for celebrating Luke's first birthday with us! I'm so glad you guys had a good time. There really is nothing cuter in the world than those two kiddos playing together!
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