Actually, the coffee table just moved upstairs until I decide to stop

trying, and failing, to climb it. Mom finally gave in and allowed Dad to move the coffee table yesterday when I gave myself a colossal bruise on my cheek. I am practicing for my future career as a stunt double, just in case I don't make it big as a musician; I think it could work out considering I am fearless. Dad says I look like I got in to a boxing match, and I am pretty sure that the coffee table won. For those of you who plan on having kids in the future, wrought iron tables are not the best choice. Mom just hopes that no one calls DFCS concerning the multiple bruises on my face; I'll have to keep that one in my back pocket for when I don't get my way.

Mrs. Teri came over last night so that Mom, Mrs. Teri, and I could do a little Yoga. I've got the downward dog and the pretzel positions mastered; although, I think that it is way more fun to crawl under Mom and Mrs. Teri when they are arched and to climb Mrs. Teri's leg when she is standing upright.

I did a few arm reaches and even worked as Mrs. Teri's weight for a minute; she just couldn't handle this rock solid body for long. It was a nice addition to my 'crawl laps around the living room' routine, which has been a constant activity for the last week. The only break from routine comes when...ohhhh, Baby Einstein Mozart DVD, I can't look

away. Mom only lets me watch it every once in awhile; she calls it her secret weird! To go along with my new high impact workout schedule, I have chosen to go on a self-imposed strawberry, noodle, and liquid diet. I have taken to only sticking the tip of my tongue out every time an edible object comes near my mouth, and if it is not a strawberry, noodle product, or juice, forget it! I'm a girl who knows what she wants.

I did allow for an exception to my strict diet today when Mom

ordered some ice cream for me at lunch. It was delicious! I still did the lick-trick, but after tasting the vanilla bean, I kept my mouth wide open for more. It was a really nice lunch, not just because I got ice cream either. Mom and I met up with her closest friend from college, Mrs. Amy. This was the first time that I got to meet Mrs. Amy because she lives all the way in Virginia; she was really nice, and

she kept commenting on how cute I am, so she is definitely a keeper. I let her hold me, and I hammed it up a little for her enjoyment. I was totally fascinated when she ordered fajitas that came out smoking. Mom said that when I get a lot older she may tell me a little about their crazy college days. While at lunch, we saw one of the

boys whom Mom used to coach in tennis. He had a couple of his friends with him, so I flirted a bit. I kept smiling at them, putting my face in Mom's shoulder, and then smiling at them again. They ate it up! That's two times this week that I have gotten to go out to lunch and meet one of Mom's friends. On Tuesday, I got to meet Miss Stephanie Wolf whom Mom has known since she was my age! I know, I know, I don't believe that Mom was ever my age either. I am always excited when we get in the car because I know that I am going somewhere fun. I hope this weekend is as nice as this week was.
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