I am starting to really like this new world. I got this really neat Baby Einstein Ocean Animals Activity Mat; it entertains me for about 10 minutes at a time. I really like the mirror, the part that lights up and plays music, and the yellow fish. I think that the fish is my new best friend. The whale makes for a pretty comfortable pillow also.

There was this thing called the Presidential Election that took place the other day. I wanted to vote, but I don't think that they would have let me, so dad gave me his sticker, and I felt pretty important.
My umbilical cord stump finally fell off, so I get to hav

e regular real baths, which I love. I love to have the water dumped on me, and mom sings this "Splish, Splash" song, which is actually pretty entertaining, and I kick my feet to show my approval. Dad videotaped me taking a bath the other day, and I know that he is going to blackmail me with it later on. Note to self: Find that tape
and destroy it - as soon as I can walk!

People come and visit me all of the time, and I am able to persuade them to hold me during the entirety of each and every visit; what can I say, I am really cute! Grandma visits at least once a week, and she has even babysat me a couple of times. Aunt Stephanie also comes to visit quite often, which is really nice considering she lives all the way downtown. Aunt Mallory comes over once in awhile, but she is really busy with work, school, and her changing boyfriends. I miss grandpa; he is living in West Virginia, but I know that I will see him as much as I can. I can't wait to meet my other grandma on December 23rd, and I am very excited that my other grandpa is coming in March!
Now, I don't want you to get the wrong idea; all of these new things are very fun, but my absolute favorite past times are still eating and sleeping!

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