I experienced my first Halloween; I didn't think that it was

all that it was cracked up to be. Mom dressed me up like a cow because she says that I am turning her into a cow by wanting to eat all of the time; I didn't find this very funny, and the costume was too big. The doorbell rang every five minutes, and Opie barked his head off, which just interrupted my sleep. I guess he had to because he was dressed up as a Playboy Mansion security guard; I'm still trying to figure out if I am one of the girls next door. I didn't get any of this candy that everyone is raving about, and again, my tummy was hurting, so I decided to cry for about an hour straight to get my point across - trick's on you!

The only redeeming part of Halloween was the pumpkin that grandma painted for me and dad's really scary costume that made a bunch of kids run away.

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