Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Little Man Celebrates the Big 0-1!

Now that I'm a man, or at least pretending to grow facial hair, I'm gonna give this blogging thing a shot, as long as it doesn't interfere with meal time, pooping time, utterly frustrated throwing down time, or destroying crap time. I've got a lot of paramount importance in my daily planner. Anyways, it is true; I turned one, and it was a part-ee! How could you not celebrate all of this!? On my actual birthday, we had a fun-filled day that began with my breakfast favorite, French Toast, and ended not too shabby with a big cupcake. Little sister even surrendered her princess hairbrush to make me happy. It was good times, but the real celebration came that Saturday. Lots of ladies came out to celebrate with me, which is always a good thing, but seeing as I am in a 'just-being-one-of-the-guys' stage, I was also excited that all my boys came out to mingle. My girlfriend Ms. Joanne, to whom I am incredibly attached until I come to the realization that I got a better shot with her daughter, was most definitely there, as was my awesome cousin Harper True, who truly may smush me, squeeze me, or tickle me to death, but she is super awesome nonetheless. These two lovely ladies were joined by the rest of the Loiseaus, the Littles, the Goldsworthys, the Buices, the Gentrys, the Germanys, the Throwers, Grandma, Aunt Mal, Aunt Steph, and Uncle Ian. Good ol' Mom went all out with a pre-b-day photo shoot, a b-day photo booth with props, moustaches for all, a presentation of 12 months of photos of me, an over abundance of moustache decor and favors, and most importantly, quite a spread. There was tons of food, food, food, cupcakes for the others, and a cake just for me. You can always count on Mom to do it right and keep the food a comin'. Big sister and her friends flounced around the house in dresses and pearls, livin' it up in my playroom and hers, trashin' the house, and runnin' a muck, but I stayed were the real party was, in the kitchen. The 2-hour party was just long enough to eat a full lunch of sandwiches, the -es is intentional, and fruit; followed by the cake, oh, the cake, which I will get to in just a moment; and capped off with an immediate snack of mac & cheese, which I was hand fed by Great Aunt Marsha. It was so good! I'm not sure why everyone kept asking, "Is he still eating?"; it's my birthday, people, so back off! They were able to tear me away for a few photo booth pictures with the fam, but then I dutifully returned to the kitchen. I succumbed to the bow tie and suspenders in exchange for the constant flow of yum; however, I drew the line at the moustache. It was nice of everyone else to don moustaches to remind me that if I take after Dad, I'll never have a real one. The pinnacle of the yum was definitely my cake. They really just handed me a whole cake; I'm being serious! It was all of my dreams come true! The cake had one black moustache on it, and that is of course what I scooped up and shoved in my mouth first. Black icing stains nicely, just fyi. The blue icing around the cake completed the mess of stains, and I ingested so much that it messed up my delicate, little system all the next day, and my butt was literally dyed blue; the picture ain't great, so you've got to look closely, but the butt cheeks were definitely blue. Get used to the TMI, for I'm all boy. My time with that cake might have been the happiest 20 minutes of my entire life! I tried to be refined and use a spoon, but the excitement was overwhelming. The cake led to an immediate bath and a wardrobe change. Two months later, McKenzie Germany was still saying, "Baby Ethan mess". I leave quite the impression on the ladies. I did fit in a few minutes between cake and mac & cheese to hang with my guests. Malcolm Thrower, who seems about my size, came just so I'd have a buddy, whom I barely acknowledge, by my side in case we had to take down one of the big kids. Good lookin' out, Malcolm! Ella Goldsworthy came to rearrange the house; I see interior decorator in that girl's future. Harper True's smile lit up the room, as it truly always does. I think all of the kids had a blast! It really was a part-ee, as well as a first viewing of the new house for some. The day ended with present opening, - big sis was soooooo excited to give me her present, a Nemo fish just like hers - followed by some post-nap snack stealing from sis and another meal out with the fam, Aunt Mal, and Grandma. These people really know how to celebrate. Liv and I even got in some crazy knee time with Dad; Livie always seems to get the crazier knee. When we got home, I passed out cold, and I think the food coma that came that night was well-earned. Now that I am 1, I've mastered a catalogue of new talents. I am full on crawling, and I can throw a serious tantrum. My party tricks include waving, blowing kisses for night-night, and making the touchdown stance whenever touchdown is said or any ball is thrown; in fact, I take great pleasure in walking around the house, throwing any ball within reach, and then doing the touchdown move, to which I added the word "touch-don" in February. Yep, "touchdown" was seriously my second word. At the year mark, I can walk while holding on to something, and I actually run around the house with my walker; however, I am not ready to let go and walk, for I am not giving up the free rides to do all the work myself. Those early walkers are idiots...I mean not very smart; I just got yelled at by the Rules Police, also known as big sister Livie, because I apparently am not allowed to say the word idiot. Anyways, I learn something new everyday, and I love to run, run, run...and ram my walker violently into things. I've got a new swing in my step not that I'm one! Happy Birthday to me...and may the moustache-themed party not jinx me in my future facial hair endeavors. Lunch time!

The Last of the 12-Month Picture Series: Wipe those tears away; Mom will never stop taking everyday pictures, which is an unfortunate promise. Just so you're not confused as to why I am wearing a hat that is way too small; to commemorate the occasion, we brought back the owl hats from my newborn pictures. It seems to be a safe bet that this noggin is a growin'.
 I can be quite a pest, and she can be quite bossy, but I really do have the best big sister ever.

Oh, and the rest of January basically consisted of snacks - I'll take real or plastic, exploring our new casa with my trusty truck, falling asleep on the back staircase while trying to spy on Mom and Dad in our new casa, partying with big sis at her friend Apollonia's birthday party, and a one-year-old checkup, at which I was told that I am right on track and ahead of the gang when it comes to coordination. Apparently, placing a sock on a tiny windowsill again and again is pretty impressive. Who knew? I was also told to keep on eating, for I am in about the 50th percentile for height and only about the 25th percentile for weight. Ha - just proved most of you wrong! Therefore, I will keep eating, and I will even store a puff or two on my chin in case I need a late night snack. Unfortunately, Mom always seems to bathe away those late night snacks while Livie and I practice our drumming. We also squeezed in time during the massive task of unpacking and organizing to cheer on the Falcons with Daddy and Mr. James, as well as nom nom it up at my first Hibachi experience. Look at that, a whole month in a record-breaking, comparably succinct post. I bet you wish I was in charge more often.

We are finally feeling settled! This is now home sweet home, and we all absolutely love it! Sis loves the lake outside her window, and I love all of the opportunities for destruction...and my very own playroom.
Well, I've made my post, and to end, I think I'll give the blogging reigns back to sister, with my occasional two sense thrown in if you are lucky, for I have better things to do, like eat and throw crazy, irrational fits to try and get my way and walk around being all handsome and stuff.

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