Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Hey, Hey, Hey..."

(Blog finished on Sunday, August 1st.)
The title of this blog is paying homage to my new favorite song, Drake's "Find Your Love", which starts out with "I'm more than just an option/Hey, Hey, Hey/Refuse to be forgotten/Hey, Hey, Hey...". Every time that song comes on in the car, I start singing the "Hey, Hey, Hey" part really loudly. Who knows, I may just be the next big thing in Hip Hop, so watch out Drake 'cause I've already got the gettin' low part down.

Speaking of...well...speaking; I am officially a chatter box, and I really love to chat on the phone. Watch for me rolling around Publix; I'll be the one with a mac and cheese box to my ear, deep in conversation. Moving on from my phone obsession, I am still referring to everything in terms of Livie, like "Livie highchair", "Livie choo choo", "Livie eat", etc. I think that everything sounds better with the word Livie in front of it. I also have found that it is a great way to claim territory; for instance, walk around the pool, grab someone else's toy, and then claim "Livie toy", and it has to be yours, right? But beware, you may do it too many times, throw too many fits when Mom tells you that the claimed toy is not yours, and wind up back at home before it is even nap time. I'm just saying because I may know from experience. I am not just partial to talking either, I have found my love of singing as well, and I really love to sing with Dada, who came up with the "Opie Oh" song. Mom and I also sing "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "Patty Cake" before bed every night; sometimes we even throw in a rendition of "The Wheels on the Bus", "The Itsy, Bitsy Spider", or ""Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes". Here's a small taste for you music lovers out there:

This past week and the previous week were nice, normal, relaxing weeks. Mom and I enjoyed a couple of days at the pool with Mrs. Allison and Lucas the week before last, but we mainly stayed around the house to make our first attempt at the whole potty training deal, which didn't go so hot. I had a great time sitting on the potty about 20 times a day, but I had an even better time peeing on the rug 2 feet away from the potty chair, as well as the living room floor. Seeing as I never actually went in the potty, and I started to get frustrated with the potty by the end of the week, Mom and I are going to shelve the whole potty idea for a couple of weeks. The whole concept is way over my head right now; I'd much rather tell Mommy and Daddy when they need to go use the potty. On Friday, we left the potty chair behind and went to lunch with Grandma and Mrs. Sharon at Seasons 52 to discuss the final details for Aunt Steph's baby shower. Grandma was in a bit of a rush, so she had us sit outside instead of waiting the 30 minutes for an inside table. Let's just say that it was H-O-T; I do look awfully cute with rosy cheeks though! I ate almost an entire lunch of edamame beans - Yum! However, I did refuse the chocolate mousse and cake that Mom ordered for dessert; I was much more interested in running around the patio and entertaining the two other crazy people who decided to sit out in the sweltering heat of this Georgia summer. By the time we left, I was as red as a tomato, but Grandma made it up to me by giving me my own little soccer ball, football, and basketball set. I am currently learning the proper way to kick, throw, and dribble each one, and Dad is extremely pleased to see that I am partial to the basketball, for which I wake up asking. Oh, I've been keeping Opie quite entertained as well; we have a great time together, and I am even trying to teach him how to jump on the bed, or at least let him watch while I jump on the bed. I think I spend a little too much time with Opie though because I have now taken to telling Mom and Dad to "Sit!" and "Stay!" It works with Opie, so it should work for the rents. I do take care of my Opie and make sure that he gets at least one treat everyday: "Sit Opie!"

I've got to give a big shout out to Dada who made the weekend before last awesome while Mom attended her 10-year high school reunion. We made hamburgers together, went for a run, and even went to Sims Lake Park. Of course, Dada didn't take any pictures, but I know that we had a great time, and that is all that matters. We need more daddy/daughter weekends. Mom really appreciated it too; she was super excited to wear her new dress and see some old friends.

This past week included a great playgroup at Catch Air. It was just Boris, Tyler, Selina, and me, but we tore the house down. I stuck mainly with Boris this time. Mom is incredibly impressed with me. She no longer has to climb any of the jump-jumps, slides, or play sets since I can do EVERYTHING all by myself. A group of moms was even commenting on my fearlessness and climbing ability as they watched from outside one of the jump-jumps. There is no way that I was going to let Boris go without me. Tyler really enjoys the balloon room, and Selina just had a great time running around: That's right; she is running now. Catch Air got some great new toys, including a giant, clear ball that Boris and I enjoyed pushing around the room. The wagon was still a drawing point for everyone, but the multiple slides definitely kept me entertained for most of my visit, as well as the water fountain, of course, which causes quite a controversy between Mom and me every single time. I always leave soaking wet. I no longer pay any attention to the under 2 area; I'm a big girl now. Next time, I plan on mastering the rock climbing wall. I'll see you soon, Catch Air. That night, Mom and I baked cookies, which barely made it into the oven; apparently, you are not supposed to eat raw cookie dough, but I got in a bite or two. We then decorated them for our after-dinner dessert; we even made a special cookie for Daddy. The cookies may not have been completely homemade, but we are testing the waters with this whole baking hobby. Perhaps, this week we will move on to box brownies, and I will get to stir some batter. Sweet!

On Wednesday, we pretty much got a second playgroup when we met Boris, Madden, and Tyler at the pool. Mom and I made frozen, fruit flowers that morning to take down to all of my friends, and let's just say that they were a huge hit. Boris even asked for a second one. I also took the rest of my cookies down to share with everybody because I'm nice like that. The four of us had so much fun playing in both the big pool and in the little pool. I have finally come to terms with the little slide in the kiddie pool, and I like to slide down over and over and over again. However, I make sure to keep my eyes closed when I hit the bottom to avoid the dreaded water in the eyes. I'm also swimming so well. Mom can put me in the middle of the pool, and I can kick my feet and swim all the way to the steps by myself. I am so proud when I do it too. I did throw quite a fit over walking up the stairs of the big slide by myself, which landed me in timeout, but I've gotta test the waters, people. I also threw a huge fit when Mom tried to help me get into Boris' float, and that fit landed me at home for a nap. Alright, I think I've found the line now. It's always fun to go to the pool with friends who enjoy the water as much as I, and Boris, Tyler, and Madden are all really good pool buddies; it doesn't hurt that I love being just one of the guys too.

This past Thursday, Mom and I went on the search for the perfect rock during our daily run. I was a little confused about the reasoning behind the rock, but when all was said and done, it made the perfect turtle. I painted the rock and some craft sticks to make the shell and the body for my turtle; while painting, Mom and I went over colors, and at one point, I had to remind Mom that green and blue do not actually make purple. That Mom sometimes - she gets a little spacey. After painting my turtle components, I decided to keep on with the creativity, so I painted a picture for Daddy, which ended in my painting my arm and leg. Good times! I am much better at painting body parts than I am at letting Mama clean off those body parts. I want a green leg; is that too much to ask? I had to let my turtle dry overnight, and Mom went ahead and glued his shell onto his body before she went to bed, which allowed for the continuation of arts and crafts time on Friday morning. I got to pick out my turtles eyes - one pink, one yellow - and glue them onto his head. I shall call my masterpiece...Turtle - very creative, I know. Mom and I also made a wooden choo choo aptly named Olivia's Choo Choo. I love playing artiste!

I have found a new favorite position: upside down. I like to crab walk while upside down, watch TV while upside down, and even sing while upside down. I always make sure to say, very loudly, "Up-Side Dooown" while getting into position. It's good to get a new perspective on the world every once in awhile.

This past weekend was filled with wine box races and errand running. While out running errands, I got to work a little on my athletic skills. I tested out a few bicycles with Dada, ran the racetrack at Dick's Sporting Goods, and even practiced my golf swing. Some little boy was nice enough to give me his golf ball so that Dad and I could take a few swings. After several misses, I wised up, picked up the ball, and placed it in the hole. Come on, people, golf really isn't that hard if you get rid of the club. After expelling some energy, I found a chair just my size and took a much needed rest. Errand running really isn't that bad when I get to run wild. I even found a new favorite show this weekend, Wipeout. It came on while I was getting ready for bed the other night, and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. The whole premise of the show is that people do these wild stunts that inevitably cause them to fall into waiting water below. Every time someone fell, I would grab my head or throw my hands in the air or kick my feet and scream, "Oh No!" It was hilarious; when the show went to commerical, I kept yelling, "Again, again" until it came back on. I even sat myself right in front of the TV and started exuberantly falling over onto the floor and laughing hysterically every time someone else fell into the water. My enthusiasm was so entertaining that Mom and Dad let me stay up until 8:45 to watch most of the action. I guess it is innate for people to want to watch other people fall; Cameron loves that show too, so I knew it had to be good. This past Saturday, Dada took me out to lunch with his friends, without Mama, for the very first time while Mommy attended Mrs. Heather's Sip N' See for Baby Avery Leigh. I think Dada finally realized that lunch with friends and me isn't exactly the same as lunch with just friends. Ms. Amanda was thankfully there to keep me entertained so that Daddy could actually eat. On Sunday, Grandma and Aunt Mallory came up for dinner and a visit with moi. Grandma snuggled with me on the couch before bedtime, and I was a little miffed at Aunt Mallory for not bringing Baxter, so I followed her around the house chanting, "Ba-xter, Ba-xter" for most of her visit. I hope you learned your lesson Aunt Mallory; you better bring Baxter with you next time. Oh, weekends go way too fast, and now, it is time for me to say goodnight and join my three bed buddies, Duck, Rosie, and the newest addition to the cool-sleep-gang, James, the choo choo. I may be the only little girl I know who insists on sleeping with two plastic trains, but they are my bestest train buds, and they keep an eye on me while I sleep. Have a wonderful first week of August, one and all.

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