Stop the presses! We have breaking news: It took 3 1/2 grueling years to get to this point, but "finally, it has happened to me"! I got my very first haircut! That's ri
ght, folks; mark March 7th in the history books, for it was a momentous occasion. I was a little nervous about the whole thing, but the cool car, in which I sat, and the Lightening McQueen movie, that I got to pick out, put me at ease. I was a little
perturbed when the first thing to come out of the hairdresser's mouth was "this shouldn't take long; she doesn't have much." I really just wanted to turn around and say, "Hey lady, I worked hard for this, and I am proud of what I got!" She was nice enough though, so I kept my mouth shut. After all of the buildup, the actual haircut took less than 10 minutes, and about half of that was spent on the little braid she added. I did get to take my hair in a little baggy for my baby book; although, I'm n
ot a baby anymore, so I don’t know if it deserves a spot in the baby book. I was mostly proud of my braid, so Mom, you better start watching some YouTube videos to figure out how to recreate it. Unfortunately, over the next few days, Mom and I
came to realize that the lady cut my hair crooked! The nerve of her! I waited my whole life for that moment, and now, I have crooked bangs! Mom can do a better job than that, and I don’t have to pay her 20 bucks! Oh well, it still looks better than the flyaway mess I was working before; I just think we will be switching salons next time.
March Madness around here really equates to March Birthday Craziness, and I love every minute of it. Party Animal is my middle name. Ethan, however, is still on the fence; he gets a bit overwhelmed in really big crowds. We are not at all similar in that respect, as in many respects; from the moment I came home from the hospital, I have been happiest when I am out and about. Ethan, on the other hand, is more of a long as Mommy is home too. Anyways, I must give a big shout out to all of my favorite March babies:
Happy 1st Birthday to Ella Bella Goldsworthy, who celebrated at home with all of her favorite baby friends and their older siblings, as well as with her sweet family, grandparents, and great grandparents. Now, that girl knows how to don a birthday outfit and eat a birthday cake! Ethan got to hang out with sweet, smiley Juliet
Wheeler, and it’s hard to believe that he is more than 3 weeks younger than she. She is so dainty, and he is a big, but absolutely handsome and adorable, boy. He also got doted on by Mommy, Mrs. Joanne, and some of Mommy’s other favorite ladies. I got to run around and get mighty sweaty with Lucas,
Madden, Tyler, Parker, and Grayson while the Dads let us break all the rules outside. Parker and I are just too cool hanging with all the boys, and I so know it. T-R-O-U-B-L-E! The party was fabulous, just like Ella herself. We cannot believe it has already been a year; Happy Birthday to our favorite red-headed princess!
We also celebrated Grayson Loiseau's 2nd birthday at Fowler Park with
balloons, bubbles, and chalk, oh my! It was Ethan's 1st birthday party experience, and he hung pretty well for most of the shindig. He has got Grayson to teach him the ropes when he gets a bit older. It is wild to see the second round of babies all under a year in our group; this time, Ethan gets to be the only boy,
just like I was the only girl for a while until my Parker returned to our group. This is one procreating group! Back on subject, we all love the park, and we all know that Madden loves cake, - you'd have to be there - so it was the perfect party. Happy, Happy Birthday to my favorite little Jonas brother hunk, Grayson!

Then Miss Selina had an awesome 3rd birthday at Great Play. Can you believe it!? When we all, Selina, Lucas, Tyler, Parker, and I,
first met, Selina was the youngest at only 2 months old, and now, she is turning 3! We have literally grown up together, and it doesn’t get better than friends who have known you from the start. We have also been so lucky that Madden and all of the younger siblings joined us along the way. I am a blessed gal! Great Play
had a packed schedule of activities for all of us, and I was more than willing to oblige. I think the parents had fun gabbing as well. Lucas and I, of course, got into a little 'debate' when we first got there, but after that, it was all smooth sailing. I think that everyone had a really good time and got into all of the crazy games. Ethan got to be the focus of a little game called 'Pass the Baby'; he is so loved. It was a heck of a party! Happy, Happy Birthday, Miss Selina!
As soon as we left Selina's big bash, Ethan, Mom, and I gave Daddy the day off, and we headed over to Grandma's house to get in some Easter practice with
Harper True. We dyed eggs and pretended to be Peep Bandits behind our bunny masks; then we had a little Easter egg hunt. I was a good big cousin and helped
Harper fill her basket…after I ran around and scooped up most of the eggs before she even realized what was going on. Grandma and Mom headed inside for all of 5 minutes, during which time Aunt Mal let us stuff ourselves with candy and put blue stamps all over our bodies. It took 3 days to get all of the blue off! Aunt Mal is awesome; although, Mom and Aunt Steph may not agree. Ethan spent some time with Aunt Mal and Grandma, but mostly stuck to Mom; he is a total Mama's boy already. Harper and I danced and ran
around until we crashed on Grandma's floor, or more precisely on Grandma. Harper is crazy these days, and she can almost keep up with me. Books are her absolute favorite things in the
world, and she showed us how to interpret her book about teeth brushing; I'm not quite sure you are supposed to eat the paper toothbrush, but she thought it was pretty funny, and we totally egged her on. Plus, she is talking a ton; she said Grandma, Sam, Mal, a version of Olivia, Ethan, and so much more for us. By the end of all of our Easter preparations, Harper was worn out, and I was getting close, so we opted for a little downtime on Grandma's lap. Thank you for the super fun afternoon, Grandma, and it was even more awesome because I got to totally skip nap! I think Mom and Grandma were hurting for naps by the end though.
Grandma is always so much fun, and I can talk her into anything because I am her “special girl”! I even talked her into being my highly contagious patient this month during a game of doctor, which is my favorite game. She was quite convincing.
Home Depot's
Build Your Own Racecar Workshop - Daddy and I built a darn -
which is not a bad word; trust me, I've asked multiple times - good race car. Then we raced it against several other race cars, and it definitely held its own. However, I think I was even more excited about the apron, which I got to keep and have worn around the house many times since. Ethan elicited several ooohs and ahhhs from several passersby while hanging around in the Baby Bjorn on Mom's chest. Unfortunately, Mom forgot her camera and her phone, - insert shocked gasps here - so she used Daddy's phone to capture the event. Then Daddy erased most of the pictures, including a really cute one of Ethan, before Mommy got to e-mail the pictures to herself - Bad Daddy! I’ll still build a racecar with you anytime though, Dad.
Daddy and I are just two peas in a pod in general. When he is home, it's like there is no one else in the world. I love Mom, most of the time, but I am definitely a Daddy's girl!
Lorax Movie - I got to go see The Lorax in the movie theater with Parker and
Grayson; it was their first times in the theater, but I am an old pro. The movie sold out, so the theater was packed. However, Parker and I did not mind sharing a seat at all; we also shared candy. I think I consumed a whole big bag of Skittles, most of a bag of popcorn, some of her M&M's, and a full Sprite! I like it when Mom is too exhausted to say no. It is not surprising that we were dancing in the aisles by the end of the film, which was a really cute flick; even if, there was a scary, hidden guy throughout the movie. The marshmallow bears were definitely my favorite.Unfortunately, Grayson didn’t stay awake long enough to see them. I’ll share my movie theater seat and Skittles with you anytime, Parker.

Box Castle - Daddy built me a big box castle in the living room on St. Patrick’s Day, and I got to decorate it any way I wanted. That box provided hours and hours of princess fun! I have more than a slight imagination. Thank you, Daddy!
Lunches outside in the beautiful weather is just a sign of the spring and summer happiness to come.

Bubbles - Gramma Eileen sent me a really neat bubble machine that makes so many bubbles! The weather has been beautiful; although, the heat broke records this March, but that didn't stop me from chasing bubbles around the yard and spending every moment possible outside. The pollen is slowing Mom down a bit though, so some of my outside activities have to wait for the weekends. Thank you for the bubble machine, Gramma Eileen; I am going to break the bank buying bubbles this summer!

Speaking of record breaking weather, we had one heck of a stormy, Friday night in March. Daddy was out of town, so Mom let me have a picnic on
the floor while I watched Lady and the Tramp. Ethan was a little grumpy, probably because he was afraid of the storm, so I made sure to take care
of him while I ate and enjoyed my movie. I ain't scared of no storm, as long as I've got Ethan to comfort and Mommy or Daddy to comfort me; otherwise, I am terrified. Mommy then set up a bed downstairs, and I got to have a slumber party in the living room, at least until about 1 a.m. when the tornadoes had totally passed. I didn't sleep a wink downstairs; it was too exciting, and there was just too much to talk about. I did perfect the art of playing the weatherman and repeating every single thing he said for hours.Bring it on, stormy weather!

The Friday night, living room picnic and movie night has become a regular in our house, as long as I am good during the week. I love eating on the big sheet and picking out a movie to watch with Ethan, Dad, and Mom. We did learn a good lesson in the beginning stages of our new tradition: Sushi is not the best meal for a Friday night picnic; Miso soup and rice can get a bit messy, so we usually stick to pizza. I do request sushi whenever Mom and Dad ask me what kind of restaurant food I want, but I am willing to give it up on Friday nights to continue my picnics on the floor. I think Opie really enjoys our Friday night picnics as well since he has a better shot at scoring some crumbs.

Don't worry about the sushi/floor realization, for I still get in my sushi nights, and I, meaning Mom, never misses a trip to the gelato shop next door afterwards. Just the four of us makes for a nice night, always.
If we do eat at home, I prefer the finer things in life, like lobster and steak and crab legs and calamari, which are just a few of my favorites. I've got sophisticated taste buds for a 3-year-old, and I will eat more than my fair share of lobster on the nights that we indulge. Chicken will always be my go-to food though.
Speaking of quality time with some of my favorite people, time with Aunt Mal is always a treat, especially if she brings Mr. Chris. I was able to talk him into a shiatsu massage while Ethan made himself comfortable on Aunt Mal's lap. Ah, being pampered never gets old.
We only have a few more months until school is out for the summer, - the thought of which scares the bejesus out of
Mom - so my school has been having lots of fun events to wrap up the year. The month of March included the class Easter party and Easter egg hunt, which
was way too easy for my taste but fun nonetheless. The desserts at the Easter party made up for the lackluster egg hunt though! Lily and Andy's Grandma went all-out making bunny cake pops and yummy homemade Easter cookies. Ethan, however, was not impressed at all and made his indifference known by only opening one eye every once in a while. I did get to show Mommy the chicks that just hatched at our school, about which I was probably most excited. Oh, and if you tell me to show my teeth when I smile, I will show you my teeth; some sayings are so confusing! I am ready for Easter...and the Easter bunny.
To show Mrs. Kila and Mrs. Cindy how much we love them, Mommy and I made fun snack baskets for Teacher Appreciation Week. I am really going to miss them next year!

Mom has made sure to get pictures of him modeling all of his cute outfits, half of which he will never get to wear because he is growing so quickly. He is already 13 pounds and in 6 month clothes! He is a big boy! I think he looks the cutest in his baby leggings; yes, baby boys can wear leggings least until Dad realizes that they are leggings. Let the fashion show begin:
The month of March included Ethan's 2-month doctor's appointment and his first round of vaccines, which we decided to break up into 2 visits. Ethan was so good the whole time Doctor Eaton was checking him out. He indulged her with some big smiles and showed off his head lifting skills and was having a good ol' time until the needles. Then he freaked out! He was way more
upset about the shots than I ever was. I would cry while getting the shots, but as soon as Mommy picked me up, I would be all better. It took Mommy 10 minutes of cuddling, loving, and kisses in the room after the shots to calm Ethan down, and then he was out of sorts for the next 2 days. Poor baby! It was really sad. On a positive note, he looks great, and he is meeting all of the baby goals with flying colors. The mom milk must be working because Ethan is 24 inches long and weighs
12.8 pounds as of 2 months and 10 days old, which puts him around the 85th percentile in both categories. Doctor Eaton just kept saying, "He is so cute; really, he is so cute!" I examined his boo-boos when he got home, and like a good big sister, I made him feel all better, at least for the moment, and I let him know that "It's okay, Ethan; I'm not scared of shots. Your big sister is here.” He handled the shots much better two weeks later when he had to finish his 2-month round. He's a pretty brave boy.

I am still taking really good care of my baby brother. I hook him up with the iPad when Mom isn't looking because he wants to build his own zoo too, and when she turns her back, I make him wear bunny ears because "he looks so precious!" I like to introduce him to all of my favorite things, like stuffed animals really close to his face and songs really loud in his ear and every toy I have ever owned. I really love him; I just don’t always remember the need for gentle touches. I always
remember the need for a hug though. Mommy is always eating his feet and blowing on his belly and kissing his toes, so I like to do the same things; although, I may actually take a toe off or create some internal bleeding at some point. I’m just trying to toughen him up. I tried to share my favorite Sesame Street jam with him on the iPad, but he did not really like "The Letter T Song"; to each his own I suppose. I’ll keep sharing all of my favorites until he sees how cool his big sister really is.
March Madness around here really equates to March Birthday Craziness, and I love every minute of it. Party Animal is my middle name. Ethan, however, is still on the fence; he gets a bit overwhelmed in really big crowds. We are not at all similar in that respect, as in many respects; from the moment I came home from the hospital, I have been happiest when I am out and about. Ethan, on the other hand, is more of a long as Mommy is home too. Anyways, I must give a big shout out to all of my favorite March babies:
We also celebrated Grayson Loiseau's 2nd birthday at Fowler Park with

Then Miss Selina had an awesome 3rd birthday at Great Play. Can you believe it!? When we all, Selina, Lucas, Tyler, Parker, and I,
As soon as we left Selina's big bash, Ethan, Mom, and I gave Daddy the day off, and we headed over to Grandma's house to get in some Easter practice with
Grandma is always so much fun, and I can talk her into anything because I am her “special girl”! I even talked her into being my highly contagious patient this month during a game of doctor, which is my favorite game. She was quite convincing.
Back to March babies, this March welcomed a very special
new addition:
Malcolm Patrick Thrower was born on the very first day of spring, March 20, and he is beautiful! He was the exact same size as Ethan was when he was born, and I am so excited that they are going to get to grow up together! Ethan needs another boy with whom to pal around. I'm excited for Baby Roe too, who, I guess, isn't really a baby anymore now that he is a big brother! Congratulations Ms. Lisa, Mr. Monroe, and Roe IV; your new addition is simply perfect! The four of us are going to get into some trouble, someday...maybe, we shall show Ireland a new generation of road warriors – str-ahh.

The madness did not end with fun birthday weekends this month; it seems that almost every day was packed with indoor and outdoor craziness, which included...
Home Depot's

Daddy and I are just two peas in a pod in general. When he is home, it's like there is no one else in the world. I love Mom, most of the time, but I am definitely a Daddy's girl!

Box Castle - Daddy built me a big box castle in the living room on St. Patrick’s Day, and I got to decorate it any way I wanted. That box provided hours and hours of princess fun! I have more than a slight imagination. Thank you, Daddy!
Lunches outside in the beautiful weather is just a sign of the spring and summer happiness to come.
Bubbles - Gramma Eileen sent me a really neat bubble machine that makes so many bubbles! The weather has been beautiful; although, the heat broke records this March, but that didn't stop me from chasing bubbles around the yard and spending every moment possible outside. The pollen is slowing Mom down a bit though, so some of my outside activities have to wait for the weekends. Thank you for the bubble machine, Gramma Eileen; I am going to break the bank buying bubbles this summer!
Speaking of record breaking weather, we had one heck of a stormy, Friday night in March. Daddy was out of town, so Mom let me have a picnic on
The Friday night, living room picnic and movie night has become a regular in our house, as long as I am good during the week. I love eating on the big sheet and picking out a movie to watch with Ethan, Dad, and Mom. We did learn a good lesson in the beginning stages of our new tradition: Sushi is not the best meal for a Friday night picnic; Miso soup and rice can get a bit messy, so we usually stick to pizza. I do request sushi whenever Mom and Dad ask me what kind of restaurant food I want, but I am willing to give it up on Friday nights to continue my picnics on the floor. I think Opie really enjoys our Friday night picnics as well since he has a better shot at scoring some crumbs.
Don't worry about the sushi/floor realization, for I still get in my sushi nights, and I, meaning Mom, never misses a trip to the gelato shop next door afterwards. Just the four of us makes for a nice night, always.
If we do eat at home, I prefer the finer things in life, like lobster and steak and crab legs and calamari, which are just a few of my favorites. I've got sophisticated taste buds for a 3-year-old, and I will eat more than my fair share of lobster on the nights that we indulge. Chicken will always be my go-to food though.

We did break tradition when Mommy went on a Friday night date with Ms. Teri, but before they left, Ethan and I got in some quality Ms. Teri time, and I showed Ms. Teri my new picture pose several times that subtly demonstrates my independent woman attitide.
Speaking of quality time with some of my favorite people, time with Aunt Mal is always a treat, especially if she brings Mr. Chris. I was able to talk him into a shiatsu massage while Ethan made himself comfortable on Aunt Mal's lap. Ah, being pampered never gets old.
We only have a few more months until school is out for the summer, - the thought of which scares the bejesus out of
To show Mrs. Kila and Mrs. Cindy how much we love them, Mommy and I made fun snack baskets for Teacher Appreciation Week. I am really going to miss them next year!
Here is a quick catch-up: I must admit that I am completely lacking in the ability to stay silent for even one moment; silence is not golden in my book. Since I talk nonstop, which is not an exaggeration in the least, Mom asked me to be quiet for just a few moments the other day after Ethan had a 10-minute screaming fit, during which I did not even take a
momentary pause in my constant stream of questions, comments, and conversation. When, after her pleas for just a minute of silence, I continued talking, she again asked me to give her just a few minutes, to which I responded, "I am just talking to myself now". I am full of answers...and sass! Silly Mom then thought that explaining the concept of silence would work, but I showed her, for a moment later I began to hum...very loudly. I will not let the man silence me! I am constantly making Dad laugh with my wit, exasperated commentary on life, belly laugh, and do-it-now husky voice; I also
get Mom going when my sass doesn't cross the line. Anyways, my desire to make noise at all times is an unconscious inability to be anything but social with anyone and everyone. The predictive t-shirt that Aunt Steph got me before I was born predicted that I would be a talk show host, and I am making sure to get in the necessary practice to fulfill that destiny. I also have absolutely NO quiet voice no matter how many times I am reminded; sorry, Ethan. Like I tell him, "Ethan, listen to what your big sister says" or anything beginning with "Ethan, your big sister is/does/says/knows how to/wants/has..."; my life is an open book. I think poor Ethan even hears my voice in his sleep.
Speaking of what his big sister has, I apparently now have a new mom and 3 kids who are all named Olivia. I am the only one
who can see these new family members, but they go everywhere with us, and I let real Mom know what they are doing at all times. When real Mom is busy with Ethan, I just consult with new mom or talk to new mom about how terrible real Mom is. Oy Vey! Like real Mom doesn't have enough to do, I have decided that she needs to get up in the middle of the night and check on my 3 kids, whom I have decided should sleep in the living room; I’m no dummy, for I’m not getting up with my kids in the middle of the night. Playing with and taking care of Ethan has adequately prepared me for
motherhood and my 3 invisible children; Ethan absolutely adores me, and so do my kids. My kids are always getting into trouble though; they are constantly getting left at different people's houses, and they keep running away from me in public, which always gets them into trouble. I know because I ran away from Daddy in Ingles a few weeks ago, and he got to have a 3-minute panic attack while running around the store searching for me. Ooh, Daddy, you would have been in so much trouble with Mommy had you not found me very quickly. Luckily,
Mom and I have been talking about what to do if I ever get lost, and I did the right thing. I found another mommy with a little girl and told her that I was lost. Daddy and I both had to endure separate lectures from Mom when we got home, and I will not be running away from Mommy or Daddy ever again! My kids better quit running away from me as well. Good thing Mommy and I play the what-if game about strangers and dangerous scenarios in the car. Plus, I am very proud to announce that I know Mommy’s phone number in case I ever really get lost.
Ready for some super sass? Here are just a few cute sayings from Miss Motor Mouth herself, aka moi:
"I'm frustrated (angry face). I'll only be happy again when we get a new house." I think Dad and Mom have been talking about house hunting a little too much lately. Fyi, we are looking to move around January!
" a couple whiles", which is driving Mom nuts! She keeps trying to explain to me that it is just 'in a while', but I say what I want.
"My heartbeat feels sad when my fishy is sick, but my heartbeat feels happy when he is all better." Unfortunately, he didn't get better, and we lost six more fish this month because of a Black Ich Disease outbreak. At first, they were all dead set on going back to the ocean, but then I spotted one on his side, so Mommy and I had to talk about fishy heaven. It all happened in the matter of a few, crazy days when Daddy was out of town. Just to set the record straight, Daddy stressed the
fish out by incorrectly treating red slime before he left on his business trip, which caused the outbreak; Mommy and I did not kill all of the fish. We did, however, have to make a special trip to the fish store for medicine, and now, we can't get new fish for 30 days after Lemon's white spots go away. Don't worry, Lemon, we'll take good care of you now that we know what to do.
I am constantly asking Mom and Dad what words I can or cannot say, and if you say something that I even remotely think is inappropriate, I will let you know! In fact, I will let you know, with three snaps in a z formation, anything and everything that I think!
Here is your much anticipated Ethan update:
Ethan is constantly kicking and moving his legs, especially when he is happy or excited, and he has got the strongest legs ever! He can really get his bouncy chair moving; thank goodness he is buckled in. Mommy has to remind me pretty much every day that he does not mean to kick me. We think he is going to play soccer or run track the way those legs can move. My baby
brother adamantly refuses to take a bottle unless it is piping hot, hotter than Mom would even make it for a while. He is just like a man; he insists that every meal be a warm meal. He is also just like a man in that eating immediately relaxes him, and he often dozes off before the meal is done. The way to a man's heart, really is through his stomach, even from birth. Another of his adamant refusals, he would NOT sleep in his crib or flat on his back at all until he found his thumb and could find it regularly. At 11 weeks old, he finally made it
into his crib for regular naps. He prefers to sleep on his side since it gives him easier access to his thumb. However, when he is awake, he loves to lie on his back and look up at people or at his play mat friends. In fact, he even prefers to be on his back playing and 'talking' than to be held or carried around. He also loves his Baby Einstein movies, just like I did! He is such a happy baby, almost all of the time.

Mommy loves having a boy. She obviously loves me, and I have been her whole world for 3 years, as you all can tell, but I'm pretty sure she finds it nice to have a baby around again, especially a baby boy as sweet as Ethan. She says that it is easier to just enjoy the baby stage this time; it's not as confusing or stressful or uncertain, and she now knows not to take the can't talk back, just love on me stage for granted. Daddy, however, is looking forward to to the get out of their room and can wrestle on the floor stage.
Ethan was soooooo excited to find his thumb, which he discovered one day towards the beginning of the month when he rolled onto
his side on his play mat. He has spent the majority of his time since with his thumb in his mouth, especially when he is sleepy. No other fingers will do, and he gets horribly frustrated when he can't find it. I never sucked my thumb, so this is a new picture taking obsession for Mommy. She and I think it is too cute! However, Mom and Dad can foresee a lot of "Ethan, get your thumb out of your mouth" moments in their future. Let the thumb sucking montage begin:
Ethan started 'talking' a lot this past month, and I love to goo and gaa right back at him. He mainly talks to Mom, but I can get him going as well, and he tends to have a daily conversation with his octopus. He finally started talking to Daddy towards the end of the month, and he and Daddy are finally getting really close. Daddy is afraid of tiny babies, but now that Ethan
isn't so delicate, they can really bond. Daddy keeps saying that Ethan really is such a good baby and such an easy baby and such a sweet baby; well duh, Dad, Mommy and I have known that for months. Hopefully, Ethan will take after his big sister in the verbal department, as long as I let him get a word in here and there; although, I’m pretty sure the thought terrifies Mommy.
Baby brother graduated to the big boy, baby bathtub without a net this month, and he really likes it. He just kicks and kicks and kicks, of course!
He found his hands and feet this month, and he is totally fascinated, especially with his hands! What is more exciting than finding your thumb...finding 8 more appendages just like your thumbs!
We introduced him to the swinging hemp chair upstairs, and he thoroughly enjoys it. I enjoy having him hangout in my big girl room with me!

My brother has got the most beautiful eyelashes, just like me. Mommy is so jealous!
Actually, he just has really pretty eyes in general; we still can't tell if they are starting to turn a pretty brown, like mine, or a green/hazel color, more like Dad's. I think Mommy is holding out a tiny bit of hope that they will stay more of a dark blue, like her Grandpa's were.

Speaking of what his big sister has, I apparently now have a new mom and 3 kids who are all named Olivia. I am the only one
Ready for some super sass? Here are just a few cute sayings from Miss Motor Mouth herself, aka moi:
"I'm frustrated (angry face). I'll only be happy again when we get a new house." I think Dad and Mom have been talking about house hunting a little too much lately. Fyi, we are looking to move around January!
" a couple whiles", which is driving Mom nuts! She keeps trying to explain to me that it is just 'in a while', but I say what I want.
I am constantly asking Mom and Dad what words I can or cannot say, and if you say something that I even remotely think is inappropriate, I will let you know! In fact, I will let you know, with three snaps in a z formation, anything and everything that I think!
Here is your much anticipated Ethan update:

Baby brother graduated to the big boy, baby bathtub without a net this month, and he really likes it. He just kicks and kicks and kicks, of course!
He found his hands and feet this month, and he is totally fascinated, especially with his hands! What is more exciting than finding your thumb...finding 8 more appendages just like your thumbs!
We introduced him to the swinging hemp chair upstairs, and he thoroughly enjoys it. I enjoy having him hangout in my big girl room with me!
My brother has got the most beautiful eyelashes, just like me. Mommy is so jealous!
Actually, he just has really pretty eyes in general; we still can't tell if they are starting to turn a pretty brown, like mine, or a green/hazel color, more like Dad's. I think Mommy is holding out a tiny bit of hope that they will stay more of a dark blue, like her Grandpa's were.

Mom has made sure to get pictures of him modeling all of his cute outfits, half of which he will never get to wear because he is growing so quickly. He is already 13 pounds and in 6 month clothes! He is a big boy! I think he looks the cutest in his baby leggings; yes, baby boys can wear leggings least until Dad realizes that they are leggings. Let the fashion show begin:
We are continuing with the monthly pictures, and I love modeling with my baby bro. We got a few good ones for month 2. He has definitely got the Jenkins' ears. He really is such a cutie.
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