I published my last blog post just in time because we barely made it into January before the big day arrived!
Ethan Christopher Kendig was born on January 3 at 12:01 p.m.
8 pounds 2 ounces and 20.5 inches long
We are so excited and proud to welcome him into our family!
Here is the story of my baby brother's arrival:
So, on the morning of January 2nd, Mom started having some decent contractions. We all chalked them up to be Braxton Hicks contractions, but Mom wasn't 100% sure, so she called the doctor, and "the doctor said, 'No more monkeys jumping on the bed'"...oh, wait, wrong story. He actually told Mom to just continue timing the contractions and to call back when they got really regular and more intense. I kept asking all that day,"Is our baby coming today?" Mom and I continued on with our day, which included our Monday grocery shopping trip. Mom told all of our Publix friends that there was no way that she was going to make it until Thursday, and boy was she right! On a quick side note, one of our not so favorite Publix peeps totally started talking Mom's ear off in the middle of a pretty intense contraction, and the lady would not get the hint to walk away, so I took note of the large gap between her two front teeth, and I asked her, "Hey, why are you missing a tooth? Someday, I will lose my teeth too!" That shut her up pretty quickly. You're welcome, Mom. Mom was right about not making it until Thursday though, for that evening, Mom's contractions were happening every 10 minutes and getting stronger. She and Dad were both timing them and counting the minutes in between. They did, however, taper off late that night, but by 7 a.m. Tuesday morning, they were definitely unmistakably regular and very strong, so the doctor got another call, and we were instructed to head on down to the hospital, just in case and especially since Mom was scheduled for a c-section. Mom was pretty sure that we were
going to be sent home after being told that it was false labor; however, we checked in at 9:45 a.m.; we were in a room by 10:00 where the nurse checked Mom and determined that she was 3 - 4 cm dilated and having contractions every 4 minutes, and they had an OR booked for 11:30. It all happened so fast! I was just laid back in the bed with Mom watching cartoons and entertaining the nurses, - who all loved me and went on and on about how cute and smart I am, just so you know - and the next thing I know, Dad was rushing me down to the parking garage to hand me off to Grandma, who left work in a hurry, while Mom g
ot her epidural. Before I left, I did ask Mom, "Will you be okay without me?", which melted not only her heart but also the nurse's. I did tell the nurse my entire life story as well. Then I gave Mom lots of love and told her that "I loved [her] so much" before I had to be whisked away. By the time Dad made it back up to the room, the nurse practically threw scrubs at him, and he was changing as they were wheeling Mom down to the OR. Then (and I'll let Mom take it from here)...

Ethan Christopher Kendig made his highly anticipated debut at 12:01 p.m. He is a beautiful, and
Soon, I joined the boys in recovery, and I am so very thankful that Steve
We planned it so that Grandma could bring Olivia down to meet her brother before anyone else arrived since it was very important to us that she be the third person to hold him, and she was beyond excited! The very first

Since Ethan arrived via c-section, we spent 3 1/2 days at Northside Hospital before bringing our little m

I'm going to end my part of this Baby Tale by saying that we could not be happier or more in love. The Kendig clan is now complete! Ethan is lucky to have such a great big sister, and we are so lucky to have him. I am not normally the sappy type at all, but having Olivia and now Ethan, as well as a wonderful husband by my side, makes me feel truly blessed and like the luckiest woman in the world.
Now, back to Olivia...
So, as Mom said, I am beyond excited to have my new baby brother! I introduce him to every single person, everywhere we go, whether I k

To help ease my mommy-woes, Mom planned a special Mommy and Me Day. We got to go sans Ethan to Baby Roe's, also known as IV, 2nd birthday pa
The rest of January has pretty much revolved around acclimating Ethan to life outside Mommy's belly, as well as our trying to adjust to the 'new normal', so to speak. Here is a quick breakdown of our first month of the 'new normal':
Ethan has been sleeping a lot...at least he did until about 3 1/2 weeks old, and

To make the first week home a little easier, our closest friends and family brought us dinner every night, with the exception of one, for the first 11 days! We truly have the absolute best friends and family! Mommy named them our Meal Fairies, and we love each of them and the yummy food that they brought.
Meal Fairy #1
Potato Soup and Pepperoni Rolls from Grandma Purnell (We love us some pepperoni rolls!)
Meal Fairy #2
Baraonda Pizza and Salad from Aunt Stephanie
Meal Fairy #3
Chicken and Onions, Baked Sweet Potato Wedges, and Salad (plus, special marshmallow sweet potatoes for me) from Ms. Joanne Loiseau
Meal Fairy #4
Tin Drum Takeout from Ms. Allison, Mr. Ben, Lucas, and Juliet Wheeler
* They also got me a karaoke machine for Christmas, which they brought over with them. I love my karaoke machine, for I am a superstar; Mom and Dad really appreciate your amplifying my already super loud self as well, Wheelers!
Meal Fairy #5
Pasta Salad, Schnitzel, and Chick Peas from Ms. Sindy, Selina, and Elize Bauer
Meal Fairy #6
Homemade French Onion Soup, along with Popcorn Chicken, Fruit, and a Cookie for me, from Ms. Laura, Madden, and Lyla Little
* Madden and I had so much fun going wild and riding my plasma car together while Lyla ate her dinner during their visit. Madden is so sweet and such a gentleman! He chaueffered me around like we were on a real date.
Meal Fairy #7
Artichoke Pasta, Boston Cream Pie, and Wine, of course, from Ms. Alisha Goldsworthy
* Mom was also super excited that Ms. Alisha came, hung out, and enjoyed that first glass of wine since Ethan's birth with her. Now, that is a great friend!
Meal Fairy #8
Bacon-wrapped Pork Tenderloin, Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans that Ms. Lisa and the Thrower Family came over and made so as to keep us company on one of our first Saturday nights as a foursome. Baby Roe and I had a blast while the old people chatted.
Meal Fairy #9
Orzo Salad, Prosciutto, and Cuties from Godmom Kate's Mama, Ms. Peggy SpearMeal Fairy #10
Tortilla Soup and Quesadillas from McKenzie and Ms. Teri Germany
We appreciate every single one of you so much, and every meal was simply delicious. There are no words to express how lucky and grateful we are to have such wonderful people in our lives. Quick Mommy Message: This stage in life is so beautiful and exciting and fulfilling; however, it is also the toughest stage, which makes it even more paramount to have good friends and family. I feel so lucky to have such amazing women and friends in my corner, with whom I genuinely connect and for whom I deeply care, to keep me sane, to keep me laughing, to keep me confidant when it comes to the tough parenting and life decisions, and to share each and every mommy moment, the good and the bad...and that is just the truth. Thank you for just being you, and I think you all know who you are!

Speaking of wonderful friends, Ms. Joanne picked me up for ballet on that first Monday after Daddy went back to work since Mom couldn't drive yet, and she even let me come and play with Parker and Grayson while Mom headed to her 2-week post-op appointment. I love hanging with P and G; thank you so much, Ms. Joanne. Ethan did make it to my next ballet class to see his talented big sister. It is hard to see since Mom has been using her cruddy phone camera lately, but I am loving the new moves that we are learning in ballet, like the kitty cat crawl, toe to the floor, and "Lou, Lou, Skip to My Lou" dance moves. I am ready to start practicing for my June performance.
Ms. Laura also let me come and play with my man Madden so that I didn't have to be bored during Ethan's entire newborn photo shoot, so thank you to Ms. Laura as well. We really are so lucky! Ethan's newborn shoot when he was 8 days old was with Selena Mouledous Photography, which is right across the street from Madden's house. I got to take lots of pictures with my sweet brother before I let him be the main model. Newborns are supposed to be asleep for the majority of the newborn photo shoot, but just like me, my brother does not like to miss a thing, and he was awake for most of it, as well as fussing for a large portion. He is adorable though! He got to be an owl and hang in a mesh sack and wear a crown, since he is our little prince. Selena did a beautiful job, and I will make sure to include all of the pictures as soon as we get them. Here is a sneak peek to hold you over though:
After the photo shoot, we got in our 1st family lunch outing. I had already eaten lunch at Ms. Laura's, so I got a huge brownie sundae just for being an awesome big sister! Ethan, of course, wore himself out screaming at the photo shoot, so he slept through our entire outing!

We even made it over to Walmart for Ethan to see Daddy's kiosk; we are all so very proud of the old man!

In the first few days home from the hospital, Uncle Ian came to visit and brought beautiful flowers, and Great Aunt Marsha, Great Uncle Ray, and Cameron came by. Cameron is really excited to finally have another boy in the family! They not only came to see Ethan, but they also came to take me out for a special ice cream treat. I made Daddy go too. See, a baby brother doesn't mean people forget about you; everyone has made sure to pay lots of attention to me, the big sister, too.
Ms. Allison and Juliet, who is only 3 weeks older than Ethan, also came by for a quick visit. Ethan is learning very early that girls are just plain loud and a bit emotional, for Juliet screamed in his ear the entire time they were hanging out. I get it though; I'm a girl, and we have our moments. I do hope they become best friends just like Lucas, who is Juliet's big brother, and me. That'll make for some crazy fun playdates!
Aunt Mal, Aunt Steph, Harper, and Grandma have been by quite a bit as well. They can't get enough of us. Grandma even came and picked me up one Saturday to take me for a special Grandma and Livie day. We went and saw my current favorite movie, Beauty and the Beast, in 3D in the theater! I got to wear the coolest glasses, and everything looked so real. The glasses were definitely the highlight though! I have decided I want to be Belle when I grow up. Thank you, Grandma; I'm glad I am still your special girl and best pal, and I always will be.
Ethan got his very first package from across the pond in the Royal Mail! Andy and Domi are so sweet, and they sent Ethan a fun, little octopus to welcome him into the world, and they didn't forget about me. I got a really neat Lightning McQueen white board and a Lightning McQueen paint kit; they sure do know the way into this little girl's heart. I love Lightning McQueen! Thank you, Andy and Domi, so much! On a sidenote, notice the bandaid on my head; I ran smack into the corner of one of our columns because I was...brace yourself...admittedly running with my eyes closed. Come to find out, that is not such a great idea. You live, and you learn.
Ethan also got an awesome pair of Montana-comfy booties from Daddy's cousin Winnie, and I cannot wait until he can wear them. However, I really cannot wait until I get to visit Winnie and Brooke in beautiful Montana; I want to see some wildlife! Thank you so much for the booties; they are going to keep his feet nice and toasty!
Speaking of things I love, I have two pairs of Thomas the Train pajamas that Gramma Eileen sent me! I think that they look especially nice paired with Mom's boots. Eat your heart out, Princess Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge; I am the fashionista around these parts! I am definitely a balanced young lady; I love cars, trains, and princesses equally.
Dad, Ethan, and I humored Mom and watched the Golden Globes Red Carpet Special with her; sometimes you just gotta make the mama happy. She is pumped for awards season!

To make Dad happy, I am already trying to help teach Ethan to root for the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets. This onesie is the first thing that Dad ever bought for Ethan before he was born.
The month also included some necessary tasks, like Ethan's first sponge bath, which he slept through, as well as a couple of subsequent sponge baths. Did you know that babies can't take a real bath until their belly button cord falls out? I am full of baby knowledge these days, and I like to constantly display all of my newfound knowledge.

After his cord fell out, we got to give him a real bath. His belly
button really does look just lik
e a button. We are trying to decide, does this count as an outie? Just for the record, he is 2 weeks and 6 days old here. I do want to know why he can't take a bath with me like baby Harper did; although, I don't want him to pee in my bath water...since he pees everywhere!
Ethan has been warming up his spot at the dinner table; although, right now, he prefers to be on top of the dinner table. Either way, it is still his spot.
Do we look alike? You be the judge - Ethan and me at about the same age.
We made it out of the house and to Ethan's first doctor's appointment by 8:45 a.m., which would have been a feat for us even pre-baby, the Monday after we got home from the ho
spital. It was Ethan's 6-day checkup. I am so proud of my baby brother that I introduced him to every single person who walked into the waiting room and to every nurse possible. I told them all his name and when he was born; then I made sure to slip in my name, age, and birthdate. What!? I am not willing to totally give up the spotlight! Doctor Eaton and we were shocked to learn that Ethan was already back up to 8 lbs.! He was
only 7 pounds 9 ounces when we left the hospital, so he gained a full 7 ounces in only 2 1/2 days. Mommy's milk must be working. Speaking of, Mom was also pleasantly surprised to find that the whole feeding thing hasn't fazed me a bit beyond the initial questions. Baby Ethan is doing great and gaining like a champ! He gained so much, that just like when I was little, we get to totally skip the 2-week checkup!

Our next doctor's appointment was for Ethan's 1-month checkup, and he was not overly excited to go; however, because Doctor Eaton is so popular, we actually
had to grab her only open spot, which put Ethan at 3 weeks and 3 days. I was excited that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was being shown i
n the waiting room kids' theater; I did have to set one kid straight who kept saying that it was Cinderella. Learn your princesses! Anyways, the main objective in Ethan's life right now is to gain weight, and he is definitely succeeding. He weighs 10 pounds already!!! For those of you keeping track, that is 2 pounds in about 2 weeks! The doctor just wants to make sure that he is gaining at least a pound a month for the first few months, and he is blowing that expectation out of the water. He also went from 20.5 inches at birth to 22 inches,
which puts him in the 97th - 99th percentile for height and the 90th percentile for weight. My brother is a big boy! The doctor then checked his eyes and his ears and his body to make
sure everything looks great, which it does. Yay! Dr. Eaton kept saying how truly cute he is too; I mean, he is related to me, but beyond that he is sooooo cute in his own rite. Ethan met all of the expectations beyond weight t
oo, which in my opinion isn't much considering they just want him to turn his head when he hears noise and lift his head for a few seconds when he is on his tummy, both of which were tested while we were there. I guess you've got to start somewhere; I started there too. Mom and Dad are proud of him though. Before we left, he did have to get his first shot, about which I was very concerned, and he did not like it at all. He was pretty brave though and only cried for a few seconds; I was right there to tell him it would be okay. Poor baby brother, that first year of doctor's appointments is brutal!
School started back up after the holiday break,
and I was excited to return and tell all of my classmates about my new brother. I was also thrilled that Dad got to take me to school in the mornings for the first few weeks, so Dad and I got a little time just the two of us before he had to head to work each Tuesday and Thursday. Some of our January school activities included: pizza day, snowflake art, and pajama day, during which we got to make hot chocolate and pose with pretend snowflakes. Too bad we didn't get any real snowflakes this January...or this Winter at all for that matter. I love my school, but I am constantly telling Mom that I cannot wait to go to big girl school.

School started back up after the holiday break,

We have been getting a few smiles here and there from baby Ethan, but like me, he is pretty serious thus far, and it has been hard for Mom to capture one on film, whic
h must drive camera-happy Mom nuts. Some are definitely that-gas-feels-good smiles. My brother is a G-A-S-S-Y little thing, and his poops already smell too! Boys are just born gross; I am convinced! Poor little guy is having some stomach problems, once again, just like I did, and he has gotten progressively fussier over the last several days. It is sad when he cries because you can tell his tummy hurts. Mom is trying though; she has already stopped eating dairy, citrus, and greens to try and help his tummy.
Poor little guy, and poor food-deprived Mom. My favorite place when I was his age was in the vibrating bouncer in the bathroom with the vent on; his happy place seems to be in the vibrating bouncer in the closet where he can hear the shower and the dryer running at the same time; we may be wasting a bit of water right now, but it is for the sake of sanity. He loves his vibrating bouncy chair in general, so thank you, Mrs. Alisha, for letting us borrow your bouncy chair so that we wouldn't give him a complex by making him use my bright pink bouncer.

We are already prepping our newest addition to help out with the blogging around here; I think he is going to be a natural.
Because Mom can never take enough, here are some other blog-worthy photos from Ethan's first month:
Ethan, you are going to take some getting used to, but life is so much better with you here!
February, I don't think that you can bring the love like January did, even with Valentine's Day in the mix.
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