To celebrate the big 0-3, Mommy planned a fun-filled day with my bestest friends down at Imagine It! The Children's Museum of Atlanta. We had a blast! I wanted

My birthday extravaganza didn't end w
ith just one day of fun either; the party continued throughout the entire week and culminated on my actual birthday with a school celebration and birthday dinner. My real birthday started with a special birthday breakfast that included all of my favorites: Lucky Charms, croissant, chocolate muffin, strawberries, and peaches, complete with a candle for making a morning wish. Since my actual birthday was on a school day, Mom baked spe
cial princess cupcakes with sparkly icing, crowns, and pearls - and we all know that she does NOT bake - to take to school, along with party hats and noise makers. I feel that it is an impossibility to have a true birthday without hats and noise makers, but beyond t
he hats and noise makers, my best birthday surprise was definitely Daddy! He took half of the day off from work and came to my school party to help celebrate. Besides the cupcakes, which were a huge hit, Daddy was the highlight of the party. All of the boys in my class and I chased him around the room for at least 30 minu
tes and beat him up with our noise makers. It was so funny! There are only two other girls in my class, and they read while we ran; they aren't the rough and tumble type, like moi. Things did get a little out of control when my youngest classmate tackled me, and Daddy had to pull him off; Daddy is a bit overprotective when it comes to the boys, but he has good reason to be. It isn't a true party until the birthday girl gets tack
led though. Mommy read us a couple of books in an attempt to calm us down, but the sugar rush was in full force. I am pretty sure that at least half of the kids went home with icing up their noses, but that just means that it was a good celebration. Ms. Kila gave me a cool, birthday girl sticker that I wore for the rest of the day, and when we got home, there was a present in my book bag! Thank you, Ms. Kila, for the sweet Humpty Dumpty book and for letting us have a crazy celebration.

My birthday week was awesome, and I am now under the impression that my birthday should and will happen once a month from here on out. Happy Birthday to Me!
After my crazy school party and a quick nap, Mom and I headed over to
Lucas' house so that he could give me a birthday surprise, Pez, and I could give him a big kiss, for a birthday is just not complete without a best friend kiss, given or received. As we left Lucas', there was even a special birthday rainbow in the sky just for me. Aunt Mal and Grandma then headed u
p for my annual birthday dinner at Red Robin. I like Red Robin on my birthday because they give you a balloon and a huge ice cream sundae to celebrate. Before heading to dinner, I got to open all of my gifts from Mom and Dad, as well as the gifts that came in the mail from all of my wonderful grandparents! Mom and Dad hooked me up with a car mat and cars, wooden 'paper' dolls, a new tea set since my last one got broken in the room move, and the Lion King, about which I
was beyond excited. I think that I have watched it at least 5 or 6 times since my birthday, and I always insist on being Scar when Daddy and I play. From all of my sweet grandparents, I got costumes and princess gear and a tractor and clothes and a roll-over dog and my reading chair for my girl room, as w
ell as a couple of very generous contributions to my savings account. Thank you soooooo much, Grandma Purnell, Gramma Eileen, Grandpa Purnell, Granddad Kendig, and Grandma Trish! Mom was afraid that I wasn't going to have anything to open on my actual big day, but you all made sure to not let that happen. I am one lucky girl! Aunt Mal and Grandma quickly helped me test out all of my new goodies before heading out to eat. Dinner was super fun too! Grandma played at the table with me and took me to the bathroom about
5 times to dan
ce to the bathroom music; only a Grandma will indulge you in such bathroom antics. Everyone took pictures with me, and although I wouldn't pose with Aunt Mal at first, I got jealous when she posed with Little Piggy, so I jumped right up in her lap. Then all of the servers came out and sang to me! However, I barely even took notice of them, for the ice cream sundae was far too enticing! Ice cream or singing...hmmm...that is not a hard one to which you allot your attention. I love my birthday! I talked about it for at least a month prior, and I am pretty sure that I will be talking about it for months to come. Thank you to every family member and friend who made turning 3 so very special.
To prove how cool I truly am, I even got my first international birthday card this year from London. That's right; I got peeps all over the world! Thank you, Domi and Andy, for my sweet birthday card and birthday treat. I shall spend it wisely.

Three definitely changes a girl, ya know! For example, now that I am three, I don't need anyone to help me peel my bananas; like I told Mom the day after my birthday, "I can open my banana now because I'm three", and by golly, I did. I also no longer think Mom is cool at all, and I give her a piece of my mind, as well as a finger wag, at least 10 times a day. I've been watching what I say to her a little more closely though, for if I yell, "No!" or talk back to her anymore, I will get soap in my mouth, and I am terrified of that punishment. Three also means that I have been given more responsibility around the house, especially when it comes to helping get myself ready in the morning and cleaning up my room. Three means that I am way more grown up than two; that is for sure!
Speaking of way more grown up, with the arriv
al of my third birthday came the completion of my big girl room. It is beautiful...and yellow, just like I requested. My big girl room has my very own comfy, full-sized bed, which has caused a bit of trouble when it comes to going to bed and getting up in the middle of the night, but we are working through those
issues. I have gotten a bit sneaky about it too; the other day during nap, Mommy heard voices in my room, and as soon as she put the monitor to her ear and realized that I had turned on my radio, the monitor clicked off. That's right; I figured out that it is a good idea to turn off the monitor when I am doing something I am not supposed to be doing. I did turn it back on before the end of nap though.
Sometimes, I am too smart for my own good. Now, I am allowed to lay in bed and talk to my stuffed animals for as long as I like when I first lay down, but I may not get out of bed, and in the morning, I have to check to make sure that the sun is up before I may leave my room. So many rules come along with being a big girl. That being said, at least I haven't fallen out of my big bed. My new room has lots of birds, my own bookshelf, my kitchen with my name over it, and a huge tree with birds on the wall behind my bed.
There are tons of things with which to play and with which to get into in my new room, so I don't mind being in there at all. I guess there goes the threat of being sent to my room when I am bad. I love my big girl room...and my big bed! It is now time to get Ethan's room all ready for his arrival; surprisingly, I had no problem giving my baby room and some of my baby stuff to my little bro. I really can't wait until he gets here, and I keep telling Mom and Dad that "he is sooo sweet". Three and a big sister, life is definitely getting exciting!

Three definitely changes a girl, ya know! For example, now that I am three, I don't need anyone to help me peel my bananas; like I told Mom the day after my birthday, "I can open my banana now because I'm three", and by golly, I did. I also no longer think Mom is cool at all, and I give her a piece of my mind, as well as a finger wag, at least 10 times a day. I've been watching what I say to her a little more closely though, for if I yell, "No!" or talk back to her anymore, I will get soap in my mouth, and I am terrified of that punishment. Three also means that I have been given more responsibility around the house, especially when it comes to helping get myself ready in the morning and cleaning up my room. Three means that I am way more grown up than two; that is for sure!
Speaking of way more grown up, with the arriv
My birthday week was awesome, and I am now under the impression that my birthday should and will happen once a month from here on out. Happy Birthday to Me!
Since I had such a great birthday, four days later I helped Daddy give Mommy the best birthday too. This is the year of the 3's. Daddy turned 33 in May; I j
ust turned 3 on October 13th, and Mommy turned the big 30 on October 17th! Our family is so in sync! Daddy and Aunt Mallory threw Mom a birthday dinner party with lots of Mommy's good friends in downtown Roswell while I spent the weekend painting pumpkins and making cook
ies with Cameron at Grandma's house. Cameron even spent the whole night at Grandma's house with me! Grandma wore me out and totally indulged me, like always! Even after a decent night's sleep and a 2-hour nap the next day, I still couldn't keep my eyes open, and I had a 30-minute, Exorcist-style fit for no apparent reason beyond sheer exhaustion and the desire to go back to Grandma's house. Anyways, Mommy's bi
rthday celebration almost went awry when one of her good friends got sick and had to go to the hospital the day of the party, and then the restaurant where they had a private room for the party booked burnt down and didn't even let Mommy and Daddy know! Thankfully, Aunt Mallory, Daddy, Table & Main, Pastis, and lots of great friends, with a litt
le help from Mommy, saved the day, and Mommy and her friends ended up having a really nice evening. A couple of days later, Daddy and I made Mommy's actual birthday day perfect! Daddy surprised us and came home early so that Mommy could go shopping, meander around Barnes and Noble, and then get her nails done. Then Daddy and I gave Mom
my her presents before taking her to one of her favorite restaurants, Vinny's, for dinner; I even sat nicely through almost the entire meal; although, I am st
ill not sure as to why the guy outside took our car. Then Grandma, Aunt Steph, Aunt Mal, and Ms. Sharon took Mom to No. 246 in Dectaur for another birthday dinner and a little shopping; her birthday just kept going and going. Mom really did have the best day, and I know that she is so very thankful to have Daddy, me, and Baby Ethan to make her 30s the best decade yet!
Here is to all of the Libras out there; we hope you had as perfect of a birthday as Mommy and me! Let the rest of October and the Halloween festivities roll on!
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