Summer, oh summer, you make it difficult to blog with your long, sunny days, pool lounging, evening activities, fun holidays, and outdoor destinations.
It is like everyone comes out of hiding when the temperatures start to rise, and I love seeing all of my friends and family on a regular basis. I'm a lucky girl, and I got to spend many days and evenings with some of my favorite people during the month of June.
I, of course, spent many days with my man Lucas. A couple of more notable days included:
An afternoon of crib jumping, lunch sharing, bed cuddling, TV watching craziness at his house,...
as well as another afternoon of crib jumping, baby hugging, parachute hiding, playroom trashing, music making, movie watching chaos at mi casa!

Aunt Mallory again joined us one afternoon for some pool antics and old school candy sharing. Mal and I did our own interpretation of Lady and the Tramp with the dots that Grandma got for me last month. There is nothing wrong with a silly, laid back Saturday with Dad, Mom, and Aunt Mal.
As another June treat, the rents and I spent an evening at the Germanys'. McKenzie is crawling, and she had a blast chasing me. We spent some girl time in her crib, and I even helped give her a bath and get her ready for bed. I did greatly enjoy trying all of her huge bows! Mom, why don't I have any huge, head-sized bows!? I feel to deprived! McKenzie was so sweet to share all of her toys. After she headed to bed, I got to watch a little Cars with the grown ups before making my way home to bed. Thanks for a fun evening, Mrs. Teri, Mr. Justin, and Kenzie! 

June is al
To top off an exciting month of June, I discovered t
he awesome, and close, Warbington Farm. The fa
rm just opened about 5 months ago, and they have so many fun activities and events. I made it to the farm twice during the month of June. The first time, Lucas, Parker, Grayson, and I attended the Warbington Farm's weekly 'Hey' Ride Story Time. We got to ride behind the tractor and feed the cows, who came running down the hill as soon as they saw us coming. Lucas was not a fan of the cows, but Parker and I were enthralled. Then we rode around the farm and stopped off for a quick st
ory time under the trees. Of course, the ride included some shenanigans and love, and story time allowed us to shake our piggy tails and stomp our hooves. I must admit that I was just as
entertained by my water bottle and spray fan. After story time, we took time out for some crafts and to eat lunch before I got to ride my 2nd pony ever! I had a little trouble staying in the middle this time, so the farmer had to hold me on as I hung off to the side. Before we left, we got to feed the goats, who were a bit aggressive and almost took out Parker and Grayson. Lucas dumped out all of his fed right away, so I shared mine with him because, like Mrs. Allison said, "[I] am such a good friend". Mommy tried to free the goat, whose neck seemed trapped, but the freeing of the goat backfired a bit when he came after us. It was hot, but I must say that I am a fan of the farm.
ater in the month, Lucas and I returned to the farm for another 'Hey'
Ride Story Time. This time, we actually got to fill up cups and feed the cows from the side of the cart. Lucas was not afraid this time; although, we did almost get trampled by a bunch of older kids. How rude! We also got to pretend to plant seeds during this story time to prepare us for our next, exciting activity. We got to plant our own pumpkin seeds! I put my name on top of my pumpkin seeds, and the farm is going to e-mail us pictures as my pumpkin grows. Then in October, I get to go back and pick my very own pumpkin. It is so exciting! I am an excellent pumpkin-planter! Before we left, we fed the pony, but I adamantly refused to hug him, as did Lucas. We aren't stupid; that horse looks kind of scary. Lucas and I are both thinking about having our birthday parties at the farm, and we will definitely be going back soon!
Little Tidbits:
I can talk, and I know it! I can go 30 minutes or more without even taking a breath sometimes. Mom has taken to calling Grandma and letting me talk to Grandma on longer car rides so that she can let her brain rest for a minute. I can't believe that she is not beyond interested in my every question, comment, and conversation. Plus, I have totally learned the word "why"! I don't care if it makes sense within the context or not; I want to know why everything! Mom wishes she could jot down my every hilarious statement, comment, and question, for I am a regular comedian, and I love to entertain, even when I don't know that I am entertaining. Also, I must admit that I am S-A-S-S-Y! I especially love to give Mom a bit of attitude; I listen, but only after I get my point/opinion across sometimes with arms crossed for emphasis.
I still love my Imagination Movers...and dancing...and my tutu! I now like to throw some of Barenaked Ladies' kids' album in there once in awhile as well.
I am getting sneaky too. I have started getting out of bed and quietly playing around my room after Mom closes the door for nap. I still can't figure out how she knows every time; I think she has my room tapped. Anyways, as soon as I hear her coming, I run to my bed, jump in, cover myself back up, and close my eyes. I am a master of deceit!
I can talk, and I know it! I can go 30 minutes or more without even taking a breath sometimes. Mom has taken to calling Grandma and letting me talk to Grandma on longer car rides so that she can let her brain rest for a minute. I can't believe that she is not beyond interested in my every question, comment, and conversation. Plus, I have totally learned the word "why"! I don't care if it makes sense within the context or not; I want to know why everything! Mom wishes she could jot down my every hilarious statement, comment, and question, for I am a regular comedian, and I love to entertain, even when I don't know that I am entertaining. Also, I must admit that I am S-A-S-S-Y! I especially love to give Mom a bit of attitude; I listen, but only after I get my point/opinion across sometimes with arms crossed for emphasis.
I still love my Imagination Movers...and dancing...and my tutu! I now like to throw some of Barenaked Ladies' kids' album in there once in awhile as well.
I am getting sneaky too. I have started getting out of bed and quietly playing around my room after Mom closes the door for nap. I still can't figure out how she knows every time; I think she has my room tapped. Anyways, as soon as I hear her coming, I run to my bed, jump in, cover myself back up, and close my eyes. I am a master of deceit!
I have a self-proclaimed trashcan obsession; I talk about trashcans, trash men, trash trucks, and the dump way more than I would like to admit. Plus, I refuse to go within 100 feet of a trashcan without dramatically holding my nose and encouraging all those around me to do the same. Garbage is stinky! Trash woman is definitely not in my future!
Just FYI, do NOT call me a baby! I will let you know that I am Livie and I am BIG girl!
One last note, I have finally gone totally under water, willingly, so I am now allowed to go down the big slide at the pool all by myself. It's a big slide too, and I'm not scared at all! I'll go backwards, forwards, sitting up, laying down, any way! Just the other day, I even asked Mom and Dad to stop catching me at the bottom. I am such a daredevil! I've even had parents of kids twice my age point me out to try and convince their own kids to go. I do like my "gobbles" though.
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