I am done with nasty, bulky, smelly diapers! After all of the anxiety, mainly on Mom's part, we waited until I was ready to use the potty on my own, and potty training was a cinch, which only took a couple of days. Mom is proud; Dad is proud; Grandma is proud; the Aunts are proud; Mrs. Allison is proud, and pretty much everyone with whom I come in contact is proud because I am very proud, and I am not afraid to announce it. In fact, while in the library during my first week of potty training, I picked out a book about using the potty for Mom to read, and at the end, I stood up and very loudly announced to everyone that "I pee and poop and fart in my own potty" accompanied by frantic arm gestures. I felt that the last part gave my proclamation an air of class. I was mainly letting the 6-year-old girl next to me know so as to impress her with my maturity. My potty news came shortly after I sat down next to her, inched closer to her, introduced myself, then told her that "I have beautiful hair" and that "I get haircut someday". I was just trying to find a common interest, and seeing how her hair was bright blond and waved down to the middle of her back, I figured we had gorgeous locks in common. After a week of pull-ups, I moved on to big girl underwear, and in the last few days, I have transitioned to the big potty. If you are lucky, next time I see you, I will gladly show you my big girl underwear.
The Monday after I started potty training, I decided that it was time to claim some more independ
ence for myself, so that morning, I took it upon myself to get out of my crib unassisted. Mom was sleeping soundly when I threw open her bedroom door and announced that "I get up all myself"; I about scared her to death. After battling back and forth to stay in my crib, on Thursday, after a fun-filled Saint Patrick's Day complete with the park and dinner with the parents and before Dad left for a week-long trip, we converted my crib to a toddler bed. I helped, of
course, and although I wasn't down with the introduction of a pillow, I did s
leep all night in my big girl bed without any problems. Then, just to drive Mom totally nuts, in the morning when it would have been so much easier to get up on my own, as compared to climbing out of my crib, I instead stayed in my bed, called for Mom, and waited until she came in and got me up. I have continued with this routine ever since. I start with sweet "Mommy, where are you? Anybody home?" calls to "Mom, get up here right now!" shouts in a matter of seconds. After a couple of days in my big girl bed, I accepted the addition of a pillow, and besides the first couple of days during which Mom had to come up and remind me to lay down during nap, I have transitioned to my big bed flawlessly. I truly am growing up so fast.
St. Patrick's Day 2011 - free slideshow maker with musicMarch is a month full of birthdays. First, we had Boris' Birthday, which we celebrated with cupcakes during a playgroup at the park. Boris' twin brothers, Roman and Andrew, even celebrated with us; they are so cute. I think that Parker and I were the messiest cupcake eaters out of the bunch, and Mom had a hard time getting Boris' candle to stay lit, so we just had to pretend. Happy 3rd Birthday, Boris!
Boris' Birthday - free slideshow maker with musicLater in the month, we celebrated Selina's 2nd Birthday with a birthday
bash at Fowler Park. It was one hot Saturday, so after spending very little time on the overcrowded playground, - that place is a zoo on the weekends - we all had an awesome time eating cake and running around in th
e pavilion. There is nothing like a day with my boys and Selina; even some of Selina's family from Germany came to partake in the festivities. We went crazy in the field next to the pavilion, and I accidentally knocked Lucas down and cut his nose; I'm sorry, Lucas. While Selina opened gifts, the boys and I set our sights on a huge ball that was being kicked around by the guys next to us. Eventually, one of them noticed our excitement, and he was nice enough to
let us play with it. I have got to get one of those! Towards the end of the party, Mrs. Lisa, Baby Mo, and PGo
met up with us, and PGo garnered quite a bit of attention. It was a great birthday party; Happy 2nd Birthday, Miss Selina! After the party, Baby Mo, Mrs. Lisa, and PGo came over to our house for a slumber party. I tried to show Mo a good time, and Mrs. Lisa tried to teach me how to blow up a balloon; I think that may still be a little advanced for me, Mrs. Lisa, but I appreciate the lesson and the confidencen my abilities. Just so you know, I pretty much wear a tutu around the house all the time now; it wasn't just to impress Mo; although, I hope he was impressed. That was one heck of a Saturday!
Selina's Birthday - free slideshow maker with music
semi-sleepovers with their girlfriends. I spent the evening and well into the night at Parker and Grayson's house a few Fridays ago, and while the parents hung out, Parker and I played, tickled each other, lounged on the couch, made each other fake meals, watched Despicable Me, donned some awesome hats, and caught up on our gossip. It is so nice to finally have a good girlfriend. I like to take care of my good friends as well, and when Parker was thirsty, I frantically called to Mrs. Joanne, "Parker need, Parker need...water". I then made sure that Parker had her Woofy, her stuffed dog, before we got comfy on the couch for movi
e time.
hanging out with their bffs. Although Lucas and I get a bit testy with each other, he is still my best friend, and
we always end up having a blast.
hanging with their Dads. Dad is my main man, and I hate that he has to travel so much right now, but when he is home, we take full advantage of our time; even if, it just means hanging out in the hammock and having lunch outside. He has also promised to take me fishing this weekend, just like Curious George goes fishing. On a side note, I decided at some point that a blue shirt means that Daddy is staying home with me, so as soon as he gets home in the evenings and on weekends, I immediately go and get one of his blue shirts and force him to put it on. Don't ask...

making new friends and reconnecting with old friends. I spent an exciting afternoon with Brayden
, Hudson, and Baby Mo a couple of weeks ago, and during my visit, I got to meet Hadley Bickers and Presley Fournier for the first time. Although I love the babies, I really loved playing with all of the boys' musical instruments and playing dress up and playing doctor with Hudson and ogling Brayden and running the football and getting a massage from Hudson, but most of all, I loved giving a very animated performance with Hudson and Brayden on their fireplace complete with singing, dancing, and clapping. We are definite performers.
Day with the Bickers, Mo, and Presley - flash slideshow maker
discovering new places with friends, like Adventure Kids, which has a huge, indoor sandbox with a playset and wiggle cars.

hanging with the boys at Tyler's house, especially on rainy days.
choosing future aspirations. I have decided that I want to be a monster when I grow up, so I spend up to 50% of each day pretending to be a monster.
helping with the dry cleaning. My only motivation to get that laundry into the building is to collect my lollipop!

Last but not least, big girls are still allowed to have their moments and their fears. My current biggest fear is the car wash. I cried hysterically all the way there, insisted on sitting on Mom's lap as we went through, but then told her how much I loved the car wash the whole way home. I have not stopped talking about the car wash since, usually to say that I do not want to go to the car wash again. It is my prerogative to change my mind drastically and on a constant bas
is, for I am a lady after all.
Selina's Birthday - free slideshow maker with music
semi-sleepovers with their girlfriends. I spent the evening and well into the night at Parker and Grayson's house a few Fridays ago, and while the parents hung out, Parker and I played, tickled each other, lounged on the couch, made each other fake meals, watched Despicable Me, donned some awesome hats, and caught up on our gossip. It is so nice to finally have a good girlfriend. I like to take care of my good friends as well, and when Parker was thirsty, I frantically called to Mrs. Joanne, "Parker need, Parker need...water". I then made sure that Parker had her Woofy, her stuffed dog, before we got comfy on the couch for movi
hanging out with their bffs. Although Lucas and I get a bit testy with each other, he is still my best friend, and
making new friends and reconnecting with old friends. I spent an exciting afternoon with Brayden
spending the day with their cousins. Harper is getting so big, and she is starting to play with me! I love being around her; although, we both expressed a bit of jealousy over Grandma's attention this last weekend
discovering new places with friends, like Adventure Kids, which has a huge, indoor sandbox with a playset and wiggle cars.

hanging with the boys at Tyler's house, especially on rainy days.
eating at their favorite restaurants; mine is the sushi restaurant, and I am getting pretty good with the chopsticks. Every single time Mom and Dad ask where I want to go eat, I yell, "Sushi restaurant!"
helping with the dry cleaning. My only motivation to get that laundry into the building is to collect my lollipop!

Now, I don't love this one, but big girls are brave when it comes to boo-boos. After Daddy had been gone for a solid week, within the first 24 hours of his return, I got hit in the head with the hammock pole and ripped a chunk out of my toe by tripping over my train tracks. Mom just wants me to point out that this all happened on Dad's watch. I think Dad momentarily forgot how accident prone I am, but at least I am a beast when it comes to shaking things off.
Last but not least, big girls are still allowed to have their moments and their fears. My current biggest fear is the car wash. I cried hysterically all the way there, insisted on sitting on Mom's lap as we went through, but then told her how much I loved the car wash the whole way home. I have not stopped talking about the car wash since, usually to say that I do not want to go to the car wash again. It is my prerogative to change my mind drastically and on a constant bas