Literally, I can. Within the last week and a half, I have been a cowgirl and a bumble bee twice; the world is my oyster.
The Wednesday before last was Rodeo Wee-Read at the library, and Lucas and I d

id not miss the opportunity to dress up, or I should say that the Moms did not miss the opportunity to dress us up. Lucas was a cowboy, and I was his cowgirl. Before leaving for the library, I practiced my cowgirl moves on my rocking horse to get into character. Mom then captured a few cute shots of Lucas and me outside of the library before we made our w

ay in to terrorize the librarians. We cooperated as well as can be expected from two crazy 2-year-olds, which means that Mom really only got a lot of shots of us on the move. Ms. Andrea, our favorite storyteller, read several books with a common rodeo theme; we sang some western songs, as well as the Hokey Pokey, during which I kept putting my hat in my face and saying, "Can't see"; I get a kick out of myself - check out the video. Then we played a few cowboy/cowgirl games. Lucas and I got a little out of control, but that's what

we do. He insisted on sharing my mat most of the time, and two older boys kept coming up and talking to me; I've definitely got it. Towards the end, I did get a little carried away and refused to listen, which resulted in my having to sit outside of the room during the last activity; that Mom, she can be so mean. Afterwards, we all got to meet the different characters. I was especially interested in petting the horse, and L

ucas doled out hugs to the storytellers because he is sweet like that. Before leaving, we each got to pick out a few new library books, which really means that we got to grab a book off the shelf, run to the couch, sit down for two seconds, open the book, run it back to the shelf, and start all over again. Mrs. Allison was able to keep our attention for a few minutes with a quick read. Rodeo day was awesome, and I think that we make pretty cute cow people! Ms. Andrea even let us in on a little secret: One of the themes in November is going to be trains, and I 've already got my conductor gear ready to go. I cannot wait!
Last Sunday, October 24th, - just go with it and pretend that I got this post out a week ago - was Tyler's 2nd birthday, so on Monday,

we all put on our Halloween costumes and celebrated at Tyler's birthday party. It made for one heck of a usually boring Monday. We, of course, took the group picture when we first got there, of whic

h Carla wanted no part. Selina, however, was totally down for this group photo! Selina was a spider; Tyler was Mickey; Carla was a pumpkin princess; Lucas was a golfer; I was a bumble bee, and best costume goes to

Madden who was Nemo. This was our costume test run, and we all did pretty well. The kids' obligatory group photo was, of course, followed by a Moms' group picture. We then ate lunch before eating the yummy cupcakes Mrs. Alisha had for us, and while we ate our cupcakes, Mrs. Alisha read us a Halloween book. We then decorated our own pumpkins with st

icky faces and showed them all off; Madden and I tried to roll each pumpkin off of the coffee table before the activity started, but afterwards, all I wanted to do was hold my pumpkin up and show off my creation. After the activities, madness broke out. We chased each other around with the plastic gold clubs, laughed hysterically, and just had a ball in general. Then, we all hit a wall, and the fits began. Madden and Tyler each had a fit during the present opening; Carla melted whenever Mrs. Tina tried to put her down, and I saved my meltdown for when Mom tried to take off my costume and put on my pants. I am a bumble bee, darn it! My meltdown lasted

pretty much until we left, and it actually took Mom about 10 minutes to get my thrashing body buckled into my car seat. It was my biggest fit to date, but what do you expect when you sugar me up on a Monday and then try to get me to leave a party. I am a party animal, and I can go all day. It was a great time overall, so thank you, Mrs. Alisha! Happy Birthday, Tyler! We love you!
Tyler's birthday was a great trial run for the big day: Halloween! Daddy and I carv

ed our pumpkin in the morning, - yes, I know we are procrastinators - but I wasn't as into it this year. The thought of touching the pumpkin guts was gross, so I wouldn't help Daddy scoop out any of the seeds; instead, I just kept making disgusted faces and saying, "Ewww!" The finished product was definitely worth it though, and I was excited to put it out on the front porch. While I napped, Mommy made a pumpkin cake, of which I snagged a few samples of icing from off the counter. Daddy was a rugb

y player; Mommy was a wizard, and I, of course, was the best bumble bee ever. Mrs. Allison and Mr. Ben had a Halloween get-together at their house, so we packed up the wagon and headed down to meet up with the Wheelers, Bauers, Dulkos, and Goldworthys, as well as a few grandparents. Lucas, Selina, Boris, Tyler, and I played upstairs while the adu

lts ate; - we all wanted to save room for the candy - then we headed out for the trick-or-treating tradition, about which I have heard so much. Lucas jumped right in; Selina just wanted to ride in the wagon, and I wasn't so sure at first. I refused to get candy from the first house and tried to just snag the candy from Lucas' basket. However, a few houses down had little girls handing out candy, which wasn't as intimidating. As soon as I realized that it was yummy sweets we were collecting, i.e. lollipops, I was sold. It didn't take long, and I became the ringleader of the group running from house to house saying, "Trick-or-treat" as quickly as possible to collect my goods and move on. I did at one point start adding, "One more candy, please" to my repertoire, but Mom nipped that one in the bud pretty quickly. I was saying please - Geesh! I was really excited when Aunt Mallory, aka Princess Peach, and Chris, Mario,

showed up to trick or treat with me. We, meaning the kids, all did really well for about 45 minutes. Tyler tried to tour the houses, and we all collected a good amount of candy, and then we started to crash. The wagons became a hot commodity, and there was a little bit of fighting over the seats. It started to get dark, and one house really freaked me out; it is not a good idea to have a fully dressed up person scare 2-year-olds when they

walk up to collect candy, just fyi. After that, trick-or-treating started to lose its novelty, and we all headed back to Mrs. Allison and Mr. Ben's house. We got to eat some cake, which I, of course, shared with Aunt Mal, and I finagled a lollipop out of the deal. Then Mrs. Allison let us glue apples onto a paper tree and paint with real apples; I think that I was the only one who was really into the apple painting. Lucas kept doing the funniest move all night because his pants were too tight, so he ended up in his skives before painting even begun. We all had so much fun! I was exhausted by the end, as I am sure was the common case. Thank you so much, Wheelers! I hope everyone had a very happy and not too spooky Halloween.
On Friday, the 22nd, I got to

attend my very 1st sleepover at Lucas' house. Mrs. Allison and Mr. Ben were so sweet and offered to watch me while Mom and Dad ran their 1st 10K race, and since the race was really early in the morning, I got to sleepover at the Wheelers' house. Lucas and I played and laughed for about an hour before it was time for bed. Mom and Dad stayed until I went down, and although I got really upset right before I laid down, once I was in Lucas' bed, I was out c

old. Mrs. Allison has a video monitor, and she swears that I didn't move once all night. Don't worry, folks; Lucas slept on the pull-out couch in the other room, which he was really excited about as well. He is so good to me. The next morning, I woke up to Lucas' running into the room, and I just died laughing, We ate breakfast at his

little table, played house for a bit, and found joy in climbing in and out of the refrigerator. It was so much fun! Lucas is definitely my partner in crime. Mom and Dad appreciated it more than they can express and were both very excited to run with Mrs. Joanne and Mr. John in the Fast Pace Cumming 10K, and for those of you who don't know, that is 6.2 miles! Dad and Mom both had a great run and finished in under an hour: Dad's final time was 56:45, and Mom's was 59:37. I think that they were both very pleased. Again, thank you, Wheelers; you guys are amazing friends who warrant a thank you in pretty much every blog for all that you do. Muah!

We got to kind of return the favor the

following week, but on a much smaller scale, when we watched Lucas for a couple of hours. Lucas and I thoroughly enjoyed playing the drum together until we got in trouble for hitting each other with the sticks. I made some soup for rockin' Lucas, which I tried to force feed him as he continued his drum solo. The hit of the day was the suitcase that Dad left out, which we took turns rolling across the room, as well as my house; I like to cook in the house, and Lucas likes to try and climb out of the windows, to each his/her ow

n. We took a pretend trip to the store, coaxed Mom into some parachute time, and both got our diapers changed in my room, of which I have reminded Mom everytime I have gotten my diaper changed in my room since then. Finally, we took a much needed rest in my room and shared a bowl of apples. It made for a very nice morning and early afternoon that led to a very nice na


On Saturday, the 23rd, after the big race, Dad, Mom, and I got to go do

wn and take dinner to the Germanys, which is really just an excuse to go and see baby McKenzie. She is so alert for a newborn! Mr. Joe and his friend Jena joined us for hamburgers and sides, and the ladies took turns passing around Miss McKenzie, who didn't seem to mind as long as the receiver kept walking. Mrs. Teri was a bit tired but looked amazing, and I had the best time hanging with Mr. Justin.

I think he is an absolute hoot, and when I wasn't destroying Mrs.Teri's house, I was sitting on Mr. Justin's lap laughing hysterically. Before leaving, Mom and Mrs. Teri got a picture holding their little girls, and I look like such a big girl next to baby McKenzie; it is hard to believe that I was ever that little, and technically, I never was, but you get the idea. Thanks for letting us come and hang with you guys; we really enjoyed it. McKenzie is beautiful!
I was lucky enough to see McKenzie again this past Tuesday when we went to keep Mrs. Teri company after Mr. Justin left to go out of town. We had a little lunch, which really just consisted of my stealing Mrs. Teri's crackers instead of eating my own lunch. Baby McKenzie slept most of the time, which is a first for her. Mom and Mrs. Teri are so crazy; they tried to take pictures of Miss McKenzie while I watched the craziness from my Thomas movie on the floor. I wouldn't have liked it either, McKenzie. It was good practice though because...

on Wednesday, Mom put together a 6-week photoshoot for cousin Harper. I help

ed Mom set up the backdrops and get props ready, which really means that I played "Where's Olivia" from behind the backdrop while Mom begged me not to tear it down. Once Harper and Aunt Steph arrived, I got to hold Harper and give her a few kisses before confiscating all of Harper's stuff and making my own little bed from which to watch the chaos; unfortunately, Mom made me lay down in my real bed for nap b

efore the chaos began. How rude! I think the photoshoot went alright, aside from Harper peeing all over herself and the floor at the very beginning and the poop on the butt fiasco - don't ask. Mom got some cute pictures, which was easy since Harper is so beautiful. Again, I don't know what Aunt Steph is talking about because I didn't her Harper cry once. In fact, she slept the entire day, and I would know because we headed to Grandma's with Aunt Steph a

nd Harper after the photoshoot and spent the entire evening and well into the night hanging out. Aunt Mal showed me how to stuff money down my shirt - she teaches me all of the good stuff - and everyone seemed to have a good time finding funny notes and old items while cleaning out Mom's old room. I ran up and down Grandma's hallway like a crazy girl until I was literally dripping with sweat, and Mom had to force me to go home. I was able to squeeze in a little 10:00 couch time with Aunt Mal though. I will miss Grandma's house, and I know that Mom will too.

To further explain, Grandma sold her house. It is the same house that Mom and Aunt Mal have lived in since the day they were each born, and it holds tons of memories. It will be sad to see it go, but I know that it will be a big relief for Grandma. I think I'll miss Christmas Eve most, but it doesn't matter where we are as long as we are all still together. Some of you may remember this room from hanging out with Mom in the olden days. Oh, bittersweet...
Aunt Steph definitely returned the photoshoot favor when she consented to watch m

e on Thursday night so that Dad and Mom could join the SoloHealth team at the Business to Business Top 25 Georgia Entrepreneurs' Award Ceremony down at the GA Tech Hotel and Conference Center where Bart and SoloHealth were recognized. It was the first time that Aunt Steph has ever watched me, and I would say it went pretty well. You know you are in good hands when Mom and Dad get a text halfway through dinner that states "She doesn't have any pants on and is chasing the cat while eating Oreos. We have it all under control." It was awesome! I also tried to help out by attempting to shove Harper's pacifier in her mouth everytime Aunt Steph's back was turned. What!? Isn't that what babies like? I also checked on Aunt Steph when she went to the bathroom by peering around the door and saying, "Steph pee?" You didn't think you would get away with peeing in peace with a 2-year-old around, did you? I was really excited when Unce Ian got home and chased me around with boots on his hands - hilarious! Aunt Steph said that I totally played up to Uncle Ian; of course, I'm no dummy; I know what I am doing. The whole night was a blast...until the possum incident. The possum was huge, and it was just standing on their stairs. It totally freaked Mom and Dad out whe

n they were walking up to get me, and when we left, I saw it, then Uncle Ian said, "Hurry, get to your car!" right behind me, and I lost it. I cried all the way to the car and tried to jump out of Dad's arms and into Mom's. The possum was really terrifying, people! Aside from that one moment, I really had a good time. Thank you so much, Aunt Steph and Uncle Ian, for watching me, and thank you for letting me try to accost you with your pacifier multiple times, Harper. Also, congratulations to Bart, Daddy, and the entire SoloHealth team! I'm so proud of my Daddy!
Check out my robot dance:

I can totally dress myself now! I didn't say that I could dress myself properly; you know what they say about assuming...
I cannot believe that October is over; it was an insane, but exciting, whirlwind of a month. I think that I have earned a little R&R. Now, bring on the holidays!

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