This is just going to be a quick recap post so that I can get started on the really important post: my birthday post.
As you all know, I had a very rough weekend a couple of weeks ago with a nasty case of Croup; however, karma revealed itself, and the following weekend was nothing but fun. After a lot of debate, observation, and advice from friends, the pediatrician, t

he pharmacist, and other parents, Mom and Dad painstakingly made the decision to go forth with their trip to Acapulco, Mexico. While they attended the most extravagant and amazing three-day wedding event imaginable, I got to play with Aunt Mal, Grandma, Great Aunt Marsha, Cameron, and Haley, which was a pretty great three-day event itself. I got to go over and celebrate Cameron's

birthday with him and the fam; I got to attend the Norcross Festival with Grandma, and I even got to eat breakfast at McDonald's. According to Grandma, I couldn't get enough of their pancakes! The festival was tons of fun and included a bounce house, craft time, ice cream on the lawn, and

a train ride. I was even involved in a train crash, which I thought was pretty exciting; although, it was just a woman who jumped out in front of the kiddie train and got her leg bumped. By the time Mom and Dad returned, I had acquired several different balloons - Grandma is a sucker - and perfected my "Happy Birthday to Livie" song. I kept telling everyone at Cameron's birthday that it was Livie's birthday next. I kept the theme consistent all week and spread the word to anyone who came within a ten-mile radius of Mom and me that my birthday was coming up and that my party was going to be at Catch Air. Oh, I'm so excited! Mom was extremely worried that I would be mad at her upon her return since I have been pretty Mama-needy the last couple of weeks, but to her relief, her fears were unfounded, and I immediately grabbed her and hugged her. I was really excited to see both Mom and Dad when they got back; although, I was sad to see Grandma go. Thank you, Aunt Mal and Grandma, for watching me so that Dad and Mom could get away to attend Naz and Fern's wedding celebration.

Mom and Dad want to send a quick message to Nazar and Fernanda Yasin: Congratulations to you both, and thank you for allowing us to be a part of your magical weekend. Every single detail was beyond the realm of imagination; the club night, the rehearsal dinner in the trees overlooking the bay, the beach wedding at sunset complete with a fireworks show and party that lasted all night long defined the

word perfection. We also made some great new friends, Domi, Stefan, Andy, Imrahn, Eva, Brooks, and many more, as well as got to party with some old ones, like Mr. Rob Sexton. It was the best vacation we have had in years! Again, thank you for letting us be a part of it, and we could not be more overjoyed for you and your beautiful little girl, Victoria; we wish you all of the happiness in the world.
A few other tidbits before the big birthday blog:
Mom and I have started attending the Interactive Storytim

e Sessions at the library with Mrs. Allison and Lucas. There are two different classes, the 18 month - 3 year class and the 2 - 5 year class. Although, the latter of the two is much calmer, and we can actually hear the books being read, the first is a blast! I don't care which I attend as long as I have Lucas with whom to stir up trouble. However, we can't be that much trouble; just look at how calmly and sweetly we waited outside of the door for class to begin; by the way, we are masters of manipulation. Anyways, after

each book, there is an interactive activity that allows us all to get up and move about the room: We dance and sing, talk about colors and numbers, play hide and seek with different creatures, shake our wiggles out,

and even get to meet the characters from the books at the end of the class. Besides the awesome classes, there are little computers with games just for us wee ones and a couch just our size next to the little shelves with kids' books. I even got my very own library card, and I get to pick out books every time we are there and then help Mom check them out at the scanner. After our first library class, Mom and I went out and got a library book basket, and I get to help Mom write the due date for my books on my chalkboard each time we check out new books. This library idea was a great one!

Now that the weather is getting cooler, Lucas and I can go down and get in a quick play at our neighborhood park anytime of day, which we avoided when it was really hot due to the lack of shade. Lucas and I even found our own tree; our tree will probably lose all of its leaves before any of the others. By the way, thank you, Mrs. Allison and Lucas, for watching me for an hour the other day so that Mommy could go to the Minute Clinic and get rid of her yucky plane germs. Oh, and Mrs. Allison, you can ride in my car seat anytime; although, I think that Mom should probably learn how to take that thing in and out of the car on her own at some point.

The things I learn and pick up on never cease to amaze and impress Mom and Dad on a daily basis. A coupl

e of things on that newly-acquired list: I have been using the potty quite a bit in recent days, and I can sing my entire ABC's, to which Mom has woken up several mornings this week. I also can't get enough of writing, drawing, coloring, painting, cutting, constructing, and everything related to creativity - not exactly new. Perhaps, I should become a doctor / model / artist / fashion icon / photographer / train conductor / mother / homemaker since all of those top my list of interests, along with yellow dump trucks, lollipops, and balloons. What do you think?
Oh, and for those of you who were concerned about my diminishing weight, have no fear. I have regained my appetite. I can now down three bowls of cereal, several pieces of fruit, half of a pancake, and then drink the milk from the cereal bowl. That's just at breakfast too! A man likes a woman who can eat, rig


Now, the wait begins for the good stuff: my b-day week pictures. Try not to bite all of your nails off from the anticipation.
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