Today, I got to go on a playgroup field trip to the Imagine It Children's M
useum downtown. I knew that it was going to be an awesome day from the very beginning when we picked up Mrs. Allison and Lucas, and Luke got to ride in my car. We were so excited; we held hands, and I shared my car toys pretty nicely. I even handed over my Goldfish snack to my best
bud, which somehow exploded all over the backseat. Mrs. Sindy, Selina, Mrs. Olga, and Boris followed us down, and Mrs. Lisa and Baby Mo met us at the museum. I already knew what to expect since I had previously visited the museum with Grandma, Aunt Steph, and Mrs. Sharon while Mom and Dad were on their cruise.
It was, of course, a free-for-all; as soon as we walked in the door, all of us ran in different directions, only to cross paths from time to time. The grocery store and shopping carts were a huge drawing point. Lucas pushed his shopping cart everywhere he went and yelled at anyone who dared touch it; I believe I even got pushed down once. He did help me up though, s
o he's totally forgiven - like I would get mad at Luke anyways; I just laugh whenever he gets mad at me. Selina also loved the shopping carts and was pretty brave when it came to stealing shopping carts from much older kids - go, Lina! Boris dressed as a fireman, and he was so proud while wearing the hat and jacket. Boris is so sweet; I can definitely see him growing up to protect others. Baby Mo was wide-eyed the whole time, taking in all of the
sights and sounds. The museum has an under 2 section, and Baby Mo got to hang out with a huge caterpillar, but I think that he enjoyed walking around with his Mama more. Luke and I even unexpectedly saw one of our old Gymboree pals,
Caden, who walked into the museum at the same time as we did. I ran around everywhere and tried everything out! I even conceded to wear an apron while painting this time: I knew there was no way that Mom was going to let me get away with not wearing it, so I didn't even put up a fight. The grocery store and delivery truck were definitely my favorites, and I spent a lot of my time weighing and
buying different fruits and vegetables. Luke and I also had a really good time playing house in the big kitchen: It was a glimpse into our future as an old, married couple - yeah right; boys as anything other than friends are yucky. The sand didn't go so well on this trip. I had a great time playing with the sand until I took a huge bite of it, which was disgusting. I kept trying to get it out of my mouth and giving Mo
m a really dirty look; it's somehow got to be her fault that I ate sand. During my visit, I also learned about electricity, played some musical instruments, helped a choo choo around the tracks, ran away from a crazty cow, found several different slides, including one inside a banana, and copied some big kids who were running across a bench. After a couple of hours of running around like wild children, we all sat down and had lunch together; Luke and I even got to share c
hicken nuggets. Selina wasn't even remotely interested in eating, and Boris was off again in no time. However, Luke and I took our time and enjoyed not only the food but the picnic table in general. Luke was really sweet and kept his arm around me for part of the time while I fed him chips. The only glitch in the day is when Lucas bumped his head getting back into our car, which must have
really hurt because he cried really hard. During dinner this evening, I was telling Dad all about my day, and the main part I focused on was "Luke cry; bump head". I was really worried about him. The whole museum was awesome, even if Luke bumping his head is what stuck out most in my mind, and it was definitely worth the drive downtown!
Mom and I terrorized Catch Air last Sunday while Dad tried to install a medicine cabinet in the master bathroom. Mom and I didn't realize that putting in a medicine cabinet required ripping out a wall and getting drywall dust all over the house, so we excused ourselves and got the heck outta there. I have become such a regular at Catch Air lately that the lady at the front counter recogn
izes me and always greets me. Like always, I had a great time, and I even made a couple of building block towers. It's nice when Catch Air is quiet because I can pretty much play with whatever, whenever, and I can even take a break and just sit without the fear of losing the wagon to some older kid. Don't get me wrong; I'm not intimidated by the older kids, but it's nice to just have the place to myself once in awhile. Dada thinks I look so grow
n up in the following chair pictures; I'm almost 2 now, so I guess I am starting to get old. Just so you know, this was a week and a half ago, and the medicine cabinet is still not in the wall. Every time I walk into Mom and Dad's bathroom, I point at the hole and say, "Ewww, dirty" or "Ewww, yuck". I even lost my sink during this construction project, so Dada better hurry up and restore things to their original state because brushing my teeth in the kitchen sink is getting old.
The days seem to keep getting hotter, so Mom and I have had to bump up
our run time to earlier in the morning. It gets hot quickly! The other day, after a long, hot run, Mommy took off her shirt when we got to the car, - don't worry, she had a sports bra on - so I, in turn, decided that I didn't need a shirt. I looked pretty silly riding around with no shirt, as I observed in my little mirror, but boy, it sure was cooler! I've also become Mom's personal trainer, and whenever she starts to slow down, I yell, "Run, Mama, run!" It keeps her going and causes some snickers from passersby.
To counteract all of that running that Mom and I have been doing, we decided to make brownies last week. It was way too much fun! I kept my tongue out and tried to lick the batter while Mama stirred. She finally just gave up and gave me the entire batter-coated spoon. I enjoyed every last lick, and I even took the time to do a little pampering and gave myself a chocolate facial. It was delicious and beneficial; my skin has never looke
d so...delectable. Our brownie baking ended with a much needed shower. I thought the brownie batter was good, but the baked product was even better. I chose yellow sprinkles as my topping, - I like everything yellow right now - and I tried to shove the entire brownie in my mouth at once. When Dada told me to slow down and take a drink of milk, I was so scared that my brownie would disappear that I lifted my milk cup with my elbow so as to avoid putting my brownie down for even a second. I wonder where our new baking hobby will take us next.
Last week was the co
nclusion of summer for all of the school-aged kids in the neighborhood, so the pool was packed all week. I don't mind because I am enthralled with older kids; I love to watch what they
do and imitate them. At one point, an older girl stood under the very powerful waterfall, so as soon as she was done, I immediately booked it over and stood under the waterfall on and off for the rest of our pool excursion. I am getting really brave and becoming a really good swimmer. Water careening down on me - no problem; in fact, it is quite funny and refreshing.
On Thursday, Mommy and I met Mrs. Stephanie and baby Madelyn for lunch at Cracker Barrel. Poor Miss Madelyn has Colic and reflux, so she is having a rough firs
t few months, and poor Mrs. Stephanie isn't getting much sleep. Miss Madelyn is a cutie though, and she is starting to get better, so that is good news...for everyone in the Molletta household. After lunch, I played checkers while Madelyn tried to drift off to sleep. Madelyn and I then took advantage of the rocking chairs outside; a little rocking is probably all she needs, along with the constant noise of a hairdryer. I think Mom remembers those days all too well, which is probably why I still don't have a new baby brother or sister. Oh, but when asked, I usually insist that I want a boy sister; although, sometimes I am okay with a girl sister too. I can't wait to see you again soon, Miss Madelyn and Mrs. Steph; hang in there.
This past Saturday, Mom got to go to a beautiful baby shower that was thrown for Aunt Stephanie by Grandma's very good friends, Mrs. Polly and Mrs. Linda. The shower was at the Village Cafe in Smyrna, and according to Mom, it was absolutely lovely. Many of Grandma's longtime friends were there, as well as Great Aunt Marsha, Haley, Great Aunt Robin,
Hannah, Aunt Mallory, and Harper's other Grandma, Mrs. Sharon. The food was amazing, and Aunt Stephanie got lots of beautiful outfits, fun toys, helpful necessities, and memorable books for baby Harper. It was so sweet and thoughtful of Mrs. Linda and Mrs. Polly to throw such a nice shower, and I
know that Aunt Stephanie really appreciated it and everyone for helping celebrate baby Harper's upcoming arrival. We love you, Aunt Steph, and we are already love you too, Baby Harper. In fact, I feel like I already know Harper. The other day when we were shopping for Harper, Mom asked if I remembered that Aunt Steph has a baby in her stomach, and I said, "Yes"; then
Mom asked, not thinking I would know off the top of my head, if I knew what the baby's name is going to be, and I looked right at her and said, "Harper". I get it, people! I was also able to answer "Aunt Steph" when asked who was going to be the baby's mom and "Livie" when asked who was going to be the baby's cousin. You may not be impressed, but Mom certainly was. On Sunday, Mom continued the upcoming baby excitem
ent by attending Mrs. Teri's baby shower, which was also really nice. I sometimes get Mrs. Teri mixed up with Aunt Steph because their babies are only due 10 days apart, and they kind of look alike, especially considering both are pregnant. Mom said that the shower had a bow theme, which was super cute, and each guest brought a bow for baby Germany to wear after she arrives. Mrs. Teri now has a bow of every color and size; I guess she just has to hope that baby Germany doesn't end up following in my footsteps as far, as hair is concerned, or those bows may be hanging out on the wall for quite some time. Mrs. Teri, we cannot wait to meet baby Germany, with her, hopefully, head full of hair!
While Mom
was busy with her weekend of baby showers, I got to hang around the house with ol' Dad. On Saturday, we went to the Suwanee farmer's market and got some fresh peaches before enjoying an afternoon at the pool. I kept begging Dad to turn on "People Fall"; I'll explain later. On Sunday, Dad and I just relaxed and prepped a
whole, huge fish for dinner, and Mom came home just in time to hang out with us before we threw him on the smoker. We aptly named him Big Fish; however, I wasn't quite as
excited about the fish as I was about getting to play outside while Dad smoked the fish. Dada even found a real caterpillar in the tomato garden, and I got a live introduction to a caterpillar, just like the one in "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" book, which I read all the time. I also decided that my baby doll's stroller was big enough for me as well, so I got in and convinced Mama to push me around the house; thank you for the fun, me-sized stroller, Miss Haley. Since we had so much fish to go around, Mr. Joe, Mr. James, and Aunt Mallory all came over for dinner that evening, which made my weekend.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to eat with them because the fish took an hour and a half longer than expected, and I had to go to bed, but I'm glad they got to enjoy it. Fish isn't really my thing anyways. I was a little miffed that Aunt Mallory again neglected to bring Baxter, but she promised that I would see him the following d
ay, so I let her slide. When it was time to get ready for bed, James was sitting in the chair where I always read before night, night, so I went right up to him and said, "Move, James, move". I'm quite the sweetheart, I know. Oh, and thank you, Joe Guy, for helping Dada fix the wall so that he can finally get the medicine cabinet in place! It was a very good weekend.
I was even more excited to find out that Aunt Mal and Mr. Chris were coming over on Monday night to stay with me while Mom and Dad went to the Green Day concert. Thankfully, Aunt Mal did bring Baxter this time. Dada and Mama had so much fun at the concert, and Gree
n Day put on a great show, so thank you, Gramma Eileen, for the tickets as Dada's birthday present. Dad couldn't stop talking about how much fun he had. I also had a great time with Mr. Chris and Aunt Mal; although, they did put both of my legs in one hole of my pajama bottoms,
and I had to wobble around for a few minutes before they figured it out. Silly Mal and Chris! Thank you guys for coming and babysitting. Oh, and thank you, Chris, for pulling my highchair into the living room so that I could watch TV while I ate dinner; I am trying to convince Mom that should be a nightly tradition, but I don't see it happening.
The pool has been nice and quiet this week now that school is back in session. Lucas, Boris, Tyler, and I were practically the only ones there. Unfortunately, the lifeguards have also gone back to school, so the big slide is closed during the week, but not to worry, we found a new way to entertain ourselves by watering the plants
around the pool. We can have a good time doing anything, as long as we are together. Luke and I did fight over the watering can a little; apparently, my eye-batting, lip-quivering charm is starting to lose its effect on him. It looks like I'll have to come up with a new diversion to get what I want, like, show him something else fun to do and watch while he drops whatever the desired item is; it seems to be a good new plan of action.
"Scream, Lucas Timeout" - The other day while I was playing at Lucas' house, Luke started screaming, which landed him in timeout. After he was releasesd from the corn
er, I screamed, then ran over and put myself in timeout. Every day since, I have let out a little scream and said, "Lucas, timeout". For whatever reason, I am utterly fascinated by what gets Luke in trouble. In fact, I am so fascinated by timeout that I automatically put myself in timeout when I do something wrong, and my baby doll spent all day in timeout last week. When Mom asked me what she did to get timeout, I would say, "Baby hit". I'm keeping the baby dolls in line around here.
"Bock, Bock, Chup, Cheese, Please" - So, I have become quite vocal about what I will and will not eat. Just last week, Mom asked what I wanted for lunch, and I looked at her with the utmost seriousness and said, "Bock, bock, chup, cheese, please", and I got just what I wanted: chicken, ketchup, and cheese. Whenever I am offered something that I do not want, which is pretty much everything else, I close my eyes and shake my head frantically. If I can't see it, it's not there!
"Boo-Boo Bunny" - Before I was born, Aunt Steph got me a Boo-Boo Bunny to keep in the freezer for those inevitable boo-boos. After using it for a few bumps and bruises, I've gotten into the habit of asking for it whenever I wake up. I actually really did need it the other morning when I woke Mom and Dad up with terrifying screams. After running upstairs, they found my leg caught in between two of the rungs of my crib. Dad had to lift me while Mom pushed my leg up and out. The horrible experince was not only mentally scarring but also physically; my leg was all red, so I sadly cried for my Boo-Boo Bunny to make my leg all better. I am also cutting a molar, so I like to hold the cold bunny against my cheek to relieve the soreness. It doesn't hurt that Mom and I like to sing, "I said a hip hop/Hippie to the hippie/The hip, hip a hop, and you don't stop..." lyrics while the bunny hops around, and Dad likes to make the cold bunny hop around my back, which are both quite entertaining and make me forget all about the pain. Once I get the bunny, or Mama and Dada fix whatever is wrong at the time, I always say, very enthusiastically, "All better!" Genius, I know.
Here are some other highlights from the last week and a half:

The days seem to keep getting hotter, so Mom and I have had to bump up

Last week was the co

On Thursday, Mommy and I met Mrs. Stephanie and baby Madelyn for lunch at Cracker Barrel. Poor Miss Madelyn has Colic and reflux, so she is having a rough firs

While Mom

A few of my new favorite things to talk about include...
"People Fall" - I think I may have mentioned in my last blog that I discovered this awesome new show called "Wipeout". People do crazy stunts and inevitably end up falling into waiting water below, which in turn, causes me to laugh and yell, "Ohhhh, no!" All weekend and week, I have been demanding to watch, "People Fall", which is the name that I came up with all on my own. I was begging Dada all weekend, and I even pointed my finger in Chris' face on Monday night and demanded to watch, "People Fall". Unfortunately, I have to be patient because it only comes on Tuesday and Thursday nights; however, I was super exited when it came on this evening. Last time I watched it, I was incredibly animated and kept grabbing my head and going, "Oh, No!"; this time I was just so happy that it was finally on that I was silently glued to the TV. People falling has got to be one of the best sources of entertainment!
"Scream, Lucas Timeout" - The other day while I was playing at Lucas' house, Luke started screaming, which landed him in timeout. After he was releasesd from the corn

"Bock, Bock, Chup, Cheese, Please" - So, I have become quite vocal about what I will and will not eat. Just last week, Mom asked what I wanted for lunch, and I looked at her with the utmost seriousness and said, "Bock, bock, chup, cheese, please", and I got just what I wanted: chicken, ketchup, and cheese. Whenever I am offered something that I do not want, which is pretty much everything else, I close my eyes and shake my head frantically. If I can't see it, it's not there!
"Boo-Boo Bunny" - Before I was born, Aunt Steph got me a Boo-Boo Bunny to keep in the freezer for those inevitable boo-boos. After using it for a few bumps and bruises, I've gotten into the habit of asking for it whenever I wake up. I actually really did need it the other morning when I woke Mom and Dad up with terrifying screams. After running upstairs, they found my leg caught in between two of the rungs of my crib. Dad had to lift me while Mom pushed my leg up and out. The horrible experince was not only mentally scarring but also physically; my leg was all red, so I sadly cried for my Boo-Boo Bunny to make my leg all better. I am also cutting a molar, so I like to hold the cold bunny against my cheek to relieve the soreness. It doesn't hurt that Mom and I like to sing, "I said a hip hop/Hippie to the hippie/The hip, hip a hop, and you don't stop..." lyrics while the bunny hops around, and Dad likes to make the cold bunny hop around my back, which are both quite entertaining and make me forget all about the pain. Once I get the bunny, or Mama and Dada fix whatever is wrong at the time, I always say, very enthusiastically, "All better!" Genius, I know.
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