When Mom and I woke up on Sunday, we quickly finished our Father's Day art projects - a t-shirt and homemade Father's Day card with my hand prints (thanks to Mrs. Allison, *wink, wink*); then we waited for Dada to get up so that we could give him all of his gifts: a Lucky t-shirt with a special message from me written on it, a homemade card, a picture collage coffee thermos, a wok, and special Margarita mix since Dad has been on a Margarita kick lately. We didn't have to wait long since Dada wanted to smoke a whole pork shoulder for Father's Day, and he had to start it at midnight and attend to it every few hours - guys are so weird! After a pancake breakfast and gift giving, Grandma got up, and we all played at the pool until lunch was ready. We had a feast that included pulled pork, potato salad, sweet corn relish, coleslaw, smoked corn on the cob, asparagus, and baked beans - all homemade. That's what
Dada wanted for Father's Day. Of course, I enjoyed my red popsicle more than any of the homemade stuff! The rest of the day was a lazy Sunday that included a nap for Dada and a dinner of leftovers, for which Aunt Mal joined us. I was nice enough to share my popsicle with Aunt Mal,
and she was nice enough to play Mario Kart on the Wii with Daddy. I hope you had an amazing Father's Day weekend, Dada! You deserved every minute of it for being such a wonderful Daddy! Mama and I love you soooooo much!
So, back to the diaper days of summer...
Our AC downstairs went out this week, so I've gotten to spend quite a
bit of time running around in nothing but a diaper. I was sporting a diaper the other day while indulging in my current favorite
pasttime: climbing onto the arm of the couch and running down like it is a hill, as well as climbing up onto the back of the couch and giving orders from my throne above the rest. I'm queen of the house, or just the couch - whatever. I even sport a diaper when it rains, which it did almost every afternoon last week. Summer is hot, and I look hot in a diaper, so I guess it's all good!

Couch Running:
Last Thursday was my last Gymboree class until fall. We are so busy in the summe
Hugs from Lucas are always welcome!
I'll follow Lucas anywhere:
Airlog Bounce:
Enjoying our favorite slide one last time:
Yes, I am that funny! Here's to enthusiastically calling Baby Gymbo and making everyone crack up:
One last ride on the Gymboree Choo-Choo:
On Friday, Mrs. Steph Molletta came up to go to the pool and out to lunch with Mom and me. Mrs. Steph has a baby in her belly too! This baby in belly stuff is getting a little confusing; I mean, does EVERYONE have a baby in her belly right now!? Mrs. Steph is actually due today, and she still looks so cute! As far as we know, no baby has come yet, but I can't wait to meet her! As long as you don't go into labor, we'll see you tomorrow, Mrs. Steph. We are trying to keep her busy until Miss Madelyn decides to join us.
By the way, Mom wants you all to know that the Terrible Twos have begun because I have been very whiny, indecisive, and insistent lately. However, I'm hear to tell you to get used to it because two or not two, I like things MY WAY! I also like to say, "Mama" about 4 million times a day now, and if she doesn't answer me, I will just say it over and over with mounting determination. Mom also wishes that she had never taught me the word more; I want more of everything - to see more trucks when we are driving, to see more dogs when we are running, to watch more choo-choos when we are home, to go down the big slide more times when we are at the pool, and so on and so forth. In fact, I don't even wait until the first truck or dog or slide ride has passed before I start asking for, "More" or saying, "Again!" I think that Mom's new favorite saying is, "You know, you really wear me out, but I love you anyway" because I have heard that a lot lately.
Belly babies weren't the only source of excitement last week;
I also had my very firs
t blue-raspberry lollipop, and it turned my tongue blue! I could not stop sticking it out and staring at it. A blue tongue has got to be the coolest thing I have seen yet; oh, the lollipop was really good also, so thanks to my dry cleaning man. However, Mom was a little freaky about the whole thing and kept saying, "Don't bite it; just lick it". That Mom is such a worry-wart; I think that I can handle a lollipop, especially one that turns my tongue blue!
By the way, Mom wants you all to know that the Terrible Twos have begun because I have been very whiny, indecisive, and insistent lately. However, I'm hear to tell you to get used to it because two or not two, I like things MY WAY! I also like to say, "Mama" about 4 million times a day now, and if she doesn't answer me, I will just say it over and over with mounting determination. Mom also wishes that she had never taught me the word more; I want more of everything - to see more trucks when we are driving, to see more dogs when we are running, to watch more choo-choos when we are home, to go down the big slide more times when we are at the pool, and so on and so forth. In fact, I don't even wait until the first truck or dog or slide ride has passed before I start asking for, "More" or saying, "Again!" I think that Mom's new favorite saying is, "You know, you really wear me out, but I love you anyway" because I have heard that a lot lately.
1 comment:
Baby Gymbo video is classic. Those shorts look super cute on her, too.
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