All the regulars - playgroup, Gymboree, running, errands, etc. - were all fine and dandy last week. I am officially a Gymboree pro, and I now help lead the pack for most of the activities; I always knew that I would become a leader and not a follower. Playgroup was packed this week, and we welcomed two new moms and two new friends. Mrs. Joanne, Parker, and Grayson hosted, so thank you guys for letting us tear the house down. Mom and I have come up with a new routine on the trail, which allows us to run part of the time and socialize with the other moms while walking the other part. I call out for Luke during the entire running portion and get very excited when I spot him in the distance. We have to be extra careful though because everyone has been seeing snakes on the trail lately, and snakes are not high on my need-to-get-to-know list.
Mom and I have been super busy during the week lately with errands

and social outings. Last week included lunch with Grandma. First, I ran around her office and acted shy in front of her co-workers. Pretty much only Leslie got to see a real glimpse of the true Olivia; I called out and looked around for Baby Gymbo before doing a little dance. It was good to see all of the CRI folks though. I also filled in as secretary, which required me to

answer the phones, about which I was very serious, and bang on the computer. I think that I make a pretty good secretary; I mean how could a client not be excited when I answer the phone. After a the CRI experience, Grandma took Mom and me to the Peachtree-Dekalb Airport to eat at the cafe overlooking the runway. I was totally intrigued with the planes, which took off and landed while we ate; I kept saying, "Plane, plane, sky

". We even got to play on the little playground right next to the runway. All I wanted to do was climb up the stairs and slide down the slide; however, I also got to fly my own little, blue airplane and go really high on the swing. Thanks for a great lunch, Grandma - oh, and for the M&Ms afterwards.
On Friday, Mom and I met Mrs. Teri for lunch, and of course, Mrs. Teri spoiled me with goodies. Mrs. Teri and Mr. Justin also came over for dinner on Friday night. Mrs. Teri spoils me with attention and lets me do whatever I want, and Mr. Justin chases me around and jokes with me, so, needless to say, I had an awesome time. Every time I fell on the floor, Mr. Justin would laugh and say, "Uh-Oh", so I preceded to run around and throw myself on the floor for his entertainment. Mrs. Teri even brought me a whole cookie cake with my name on it. Let's just say that I was on quite the sugar high before calling it a night. I love hanging with the Germanys, and I cannot wait for Baby Germany to join the fun!

On Saturday, Mom, Dad, Opie, and I met Sindy, Markus, Selina, and Rocky at WoofStock in Suwanee Park. I also went last year, and Opie has been the past 3 years. In previous years, it was called Petapooloza, but other than the name change, it was the same: Frisbee events, free treats for the dogs, vendors, dog adoptions, bands, food, and drinks. I, of course, rocked out to the bands and showed

off my unique dance moves. I was a wild woman, running all over the place and jumping from one level to the next. Mom and Dad had to take turns trying to keep up with me, and it was so hot that my cheeks

were bright red, but I didn't let that stop the fun. I also tried to push the stroller around the amphitheater and made sure that Selina was taken care of by keeping her yellow juice cup with her at all times. There were a few little boys next to us who caught my attention, and I attempted to play with them, but they weren't overly interested, so I ended up just following them around. Dumb, dumb boys don't know what they

missed out on. I think that Opie and Rocky had a good time as well, and

Rocky even made a statement while wearing Selina's pink hat. By the end of the afternoon, all I could do was just sit and take in all of the sights and sounds. I enjoyed every minute, even in the sweltering heat.

On Sunday, I got to hang with Dad and Opie while Mom attended Mrs. Stephanie Molletta's baby shower. Mrs. Stephanie is due to have a baby girl, either Madelyn or Madilyn, on June 22nd, and she looks so adorable; I know because I saw her last week. Mom said the shower was really nice and that Mrs. Sue lives in a really cool loft in the old Roswell High School building. Congrats Mrs. Steph and Mr. Eric! Miss Madi will be here before you know it.

Lots of new baby friends, and a cousin, are set to make their debuts in 2010, and I cannot wait to share all of my acquired wisdom with each and every one of them!
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