Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Here Comes Peter Cottontail..."

This past week was filled with Easter fun! On Wednesday, I got to go over to Lucas' house for an Easter tradition that involves dyeing stinky boiled eggs: I don't get it either. Lucas and I were immediately stripped down to our diapers, about which I was not so sure, and then we got to play in colored water. This is one crazy tradition! Although the Moms had planned this for about a week, the dyeing only kept our attentions for about five minutes; however, I was able to come away with a green hand - sounds like success to me. After stirring an egg or two in dye, Lucas and I climbed down and preceded to empty all of the pots, pans, and splatter guards out of Mrs. Allison's cabinets. In my opinion, we had way more fun with these items than the eggs. We also crawled around the house, kicked our feet on the back of the couch, and went for a spin in the Lego wagon. Who needs a planned activity when we can have fun doing anything. Mom and Mrs. Allison actually ended up doing the dyeing while we destroyed the house and begged to go outside. While the eggs were drying, we broke the Moms down and got to have a picnic lunch in the backyard. I wasn't so sure about the picnic lunch; I mean, I don't even like to eat when there are no distractions, so being outside made it too hard to concentrate on the food. However, Mom sat with me and made me eat a little bit before I could get up and play. Lucas has tons of outside toys, like a slide, a motorized jeep, a push car, and a wagon. He's so sweet and lets me play with whatever I want. We even got to see the bird's nest on the side of his house and listen to the baby birds that just hatched. "Tweet, tweet." The Moms finally drug us inside to help decorate the eggs. The stickers kept my attention a little longer than the dyeing, and I was very meticulous about where I placed each one. I'm already an apparent perfectionist. My eggs are now on display in the kitchen, and they look very festive if I do say so myself. Thanks for letting us bring the mess to your house, Mrs. Allison. Egg dyeing was alright, but playing with Luke was even better.

Mom spent Friday and Saturday getting the house ready and running errands for Easter. I helped her run errands on Saturday, during which we stopped at Old Navy so that I could get a hat or two. Our new motto is 'hat or hair'; either I have to grow some hair or wear a hat when I am outdoors. Seriously, I'm trying, people. Of course, we came out of Old Navy with a little more than just hats: two shirts for me, a pair of pink flip flops, and a dress for Mom. They were having a sale, so how could we resist? After shopping, we met Dad for lunch and sat out on the patio to soak in some rays. My chicken fingers and veggies were excellent; thanks for asking. The Oreo was better though. I also learned to say, "Happy East" on Saturday, just in time. On Sunday, I woke up to find that the Easter bunny had visited our house. I got a basket with Peeps, a bunny cookie, fruit snacks, clothes, a big girl cup and plate, and actual silverware; I also got a bubble lawn mower, so as to help Dad in the yard, and the best gift, a sand and water table for outside. I was most excited about the Peeps until I got outside with the table. I actually got to splash water all over the place without getting into trouble. I even got to play with something called sand - very interesting. The Wheelers came over later that morning so that Lucas and I could have an Easter egg hunt and take some pictures together in our Easter getups. The Easter bunny actually left footprints at Lucas' house! Lucas was a little more into the egg hunt than I. I was more interested in his wagon! However, once I found out that there was candy in the eggs, I got a little more into the hunting. The Moms tried to get cute Easter pictures of us sitting on the bench that Gramma Eileen sent me, but we couldn't take our focus off of the candy long enough; at least, it was a good bribe to get us to sit still. After a very short nap, Grandma Purnell, Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Ian, Mrs. Sharon, Mr. Carl, Aunt Mallory, and her boyfriend, Chris, all came over for a big dinner. It almost felt like Christmas! I had already gotten presents from Gramma Eileen in the mail, and the Easter bunny had visited; now, I got presents from Grandma Purnell, an Easter basket from Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Ian, a bunny from Aunt Mallory, and a Webkinz from Mrs. Sharon and Mr. Carl. I know that I am spoiled, and I don't mind at all! Aunt Stephanie brought me a bunch of chocolate, and I spent hours getting as much sugar into my body as I possibly could. By the end of the day, I was even stealing chocolate cookies off of the table when no one was looking. Dinner was really good; although, I barely ate a thing; I was saving room for the candy and chocolate. Then I got everyone outside to play with my sand and water table, and Aunt Stephanie taught me how to use the sidewalk chalk that she brought me. After getting out of the heat, I drug all of the ladies upstairs where we formed our own band; the boring guys stayed downstairs and watched golf. I was very excited when Mom brought the mixing spoon with homemade whipped cream on it upstairs so that I could lick it; I kept my tongue on it until it was totally cleaned. Easter was so much fun! Mom and Dad can't believe that I didn't puke from all of the candy. Happy Easter to everyone, and I hope the Easter bunny was good to you too!

Last Tuesday included a very fun playgroup at Luke's house. Luke and I started out the playgroup by playing a bit of Peek-A-Boo through the door of his little house. I also played a little game of up and down; I love to climb up onto things or stand up while saying, "Up!" and then climb down or crouch down while saying, "Down!" I even wake up saying, "Up and down" into the monitor; I find the whole concept quite captivating. After a little playtime, Luke and I took a quick snack break, and I fed him some yogurt covered raisins; I take good care of my friends. Mrs. Amber brought Jace and Jordan for the first time, and I really enjoyed climbing in and out of Jace's car seat; I have a new found fascination with anything baby. I am beyond excited that it is finally nice enough to play outside. It is my favorite place to be nowadays! The only downfall is this stinkin' pollen! My allergies are out of control; therefore, I have been blowing my nose on everything - Mom's shirt, Dad's shorts, every wipe in the wipe's container, and anything else made of cloth. Anyways, while outside, we all wanted to ride in Luke's little car. Each of us kept helping one another get out of the car. It seemed like a nice gesture; however, we were just trying to jump in as we helped the first person out. I hardly let Luke or Jordan play with the car, and if either of them even touched the door while I was inside, I freaked out. I made sure to wear my sunglasses to keep the sun out of my eyes, and I have taken to putting them on top of my head, just like Mom, when I don't need them. Selina, Carla, and Jackson got in on the fun by taking turns on the slide; it won't be long now before Selina and Jackson are running around with us older kids. Mrs. Tina had an exciting announcement: She is expecting another baby in November, so congratulations to Mrs. Tina and Carla, who is going to be a big sister! Playgroup is always so much fun, but it is even better when it is outside.

On Thursday, I went to my 2nd Gymboree class. The concept this time was in and out, so there were lots of tubes to crawl through; however, I would rather climb up and down. I participated in the activities a little more this time; although, I still preferred to play on my own. I also had another small meltdown when Mom tried to coerce me into participating in one of the activities, but it was only one, and it wasn't nearly as bad as the fit I threw during the previous class. Luke was there, of course, and although we didn't play with each other the whole time, we did keep an eye out for one another. We even went down the slide together once or twice. Again, I was a pro when it came to climbing, and a few mothers even commented on my climbing abilities and coordination. I was even trying to climb objects that weren't meant for climbing; Mrs. Allison called me quite the daredevil. Dad will be happy to know that sports are definitely in my future. In fact, Lucas and I even practiced shooting a few hoops. Maybe, I'll be a famous basketball star; although, I don't see the height factor working in my favor. At the end of class, we are all supposed to get in a circle and sing the "Pat, Pat" song while calling Gymbo; Lucas loves this part of the class and did an excellent job with patting. I, on the other hand, ran in the opposite direction. Perhaps, this Thursday, I will join in even more of the activities; at least, I am moving in the right direction. After we left Gymboree, I made sure to call Grandma in the car and let her know all about it as we drove to meet Dada for lunch: Truly, I am listening to Grandma talk in the picture. Gotta love some Gymboree!

On Saturday, I practiced my climbing skills on Dad's ladder when he got it out to finally get my stitches balloons off of the fan. He had to help me, of course, but I did a pretty good job of grabbing the rungs and pulling myself up; unsurprisingly, I had no fear of climbing higher and higher.

By the way, Gramma Eileen, I discovered the little Daschund that you sent years ago, and he has become my personal horse. Go, Doggy, Go!

I also have developed a little habit that Mom says is not so lady-like. I love to walk around with my hand, or hands, down the back of my pants. I wonder from whom I learned this...hmmm.

Well, I must wrap this up. I've got some choo-choos to watch and some sand to throw. Enjoy the sun for spring (feels more like summer) is here!

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