On Friday, Lucas and I did a costume-trial run at his house, aka a
photo shoot for the Moms. Lucas just moved about 7 houses down from me, so we can play all the time now! He even has his very own playroom and a huge hallway, down which we can chase each other over and over. His house also has tons of low windows, out of which we can keep watch over the neighborhood. It was Mickey Mouse and Miss Fairy on a rampage! Lucas' ears actually squeaked, which
just fueled the need to wrestle him to the ground so that I could squeeze them. The only downfall was my darn wings; they kept getting in my way, so I had to push them back a few times. Mom had to figure out a way to keep them in place for the real holiday; it took a few safety pins, and the problem was solved. The longer we played, the
more costume each of us lost until we were just in the under layers of our costumes. The ears and the wings were just slowing us down. Lucas has a pony that you can actually ride, but I screamed hysterically when Mom tried to put me on it; doesn't she know that I could get seriously injured!? I was not fond of Lucas' talking Elmo either; everything was fine and dandy until Elmo opened his mouth. One thing that I do really like is Google, Lucas' kitty cat whom we chased all over the upstairs. We even played a game of
Peek-a-Boo while Lucas was laying in his crib, and I was standing on my tiptoes to see over the side. After all of the playing, we had to take a quick snack break; Lucas was sweet enough to feed me a couple of Baby Goldfish before deciding that he wasn't interested in sharing anymore of his snack. Yay for our new neighbors, and welcome to the neighborhood!
On actual Halloween, I was a bit grumpy during the day; I was just so excited about Halloween night that I wanted to get the party started. In the morning, I debated my costume choice and pondered some other options, like wearing Mom's glasses and going as her. In the end, I decided to stick with being a fairy. When I woke up from
my second nap, Mom got me ready as Woodland Fairy Olivia; she dressed up as Mama Fairy. As I was getting ready, Dad decided to put on his costume, which included the scariest mask ever! I heard Mom tell Dad NOT to put on the mask, but alas, he he didn't listen, and I lost my mind when I saw him. It was awful; I couldn't even look at him without crying for at least 10 minutes
after the mask was gone. How could he!? Needless to say, the mask did not reappear. I think that Mom and Dad were a little worried at that point about how I was going to react to the whole Halloween custom, but everything turned out just fine. After Dad removed his mask and I put on my awesome Converse, - thank you, Uncle Darren and Miss Felicia - we headed to a Halloween party at
Great Aunt Marsha's house. Every year, Marsha, Ray, Haley, and Cameron create an insane haunted
house in their garage with life size monsters, a real Dracula who pops out of his coffin, cackling witches, crazy clowns, and so much more for the entire neighborhood to enjoy. Great Uncle Ray even made a full graveyard for their front yard and huge columns with a gate for the front of the house. It is amazing, and over 100 people showed up to be scared out of their minds. Of course, I
didn't partake in the haunted house this year, but I had a great time eating all of the goodies and playing Cameron's drums. I think that the drum set was the highlight of my night, and I am definitely adding it to my Christmas wish list. Aunt Mallory and Grandma were there to keep me thoroughly entertained. I do wish that one of them
would have told me that I spent half the night with spaghetti sauce on my face - not a great addition to the fairy costume. I did almost stick my finger in a candle, but a little danger on
Halloween is appropriate. I was terrified of anyone wearing a mask or face paint, but I was totally okay with the horrifying werewolf mask hanging in the corner. I got to stay up way past my bedtime, and just when Mom and Dad thought that I was going to throw a fit from exhaustion, Cameron and all of his friends came inside, and I mustered up my second
wind to run around with them, play the drums, and fall on the floor for their attention. I have a slight
crush on Cameron, and I flashed some big smiles for his friend Alex too. What can I say, I prefer boys to girls; boys are just more fun. I had an awesome time! Great Aunt Marsha even got me a neat Halloween outfit with girly skulls all over it, which I wore today, and made me a goody bag with candy and Halloween toys; I really like the hand clap toy. Thank you, Aunt Marsha and Uncle Ray, for a great time!
On a side note, I found an innovative way to sit in my princess chair this past week. As Aunt
Stephanie concluded, a girl has got to get creative when she doesn't have a matching princess ottoman. I recently discovered a new use for the clear top to my Bee Bop Band drum; it is the best instrument on which to blow mouth raspberries, and it com
es in handy as my own personal traveling seat. I have also decided that the dining room table is a fort made just for me, and I now spend a large percentage of each day hiding in my fort. I just wish that I could figure out how to get n and out without bumping my head. Lastly, I found out this past week that Grandma has got the best racetrack, also known as the longest hallway ever, in her office, and I love going to visit everyone at Carr, Riggs, and Ingram. I want to give a quick shout out to all of my awesome blog fans who have made me a superstar at CRI: thanks, Ms. Traci, Ms. Linda, Ms. Polly, Ms. Jody, Ms. Lisa, Ms. Mateja, Ms. Lauren, Mr. Jim, Ms. Lynn, Ms. Leslie, and whomever else I may have forgotten. You make my efforts worthwhile!

Holiday season has offically begun!
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