My days are now filled with pulling up on one object, sitting down,

crawling to the next object, and pulling up again; it is quite a calf workout; just check out my oh-so-muscular calves. I have even learned to pull up on the side of my crib, which allows me to bang furiously on the side when I want to get up; it results in a much faster response time from the rents. One of my favorite places to pull up is on the window sill so that I can look out across the great, wide

world, which actually consists of our fenced-in backyard - oh, to be free in the wilderness. Opie and I are planning our escape; although, I don't know if he is going to be much help considering he is afraid to go beyond the parameters of the fence, and he is not the most intelligent of partners, but don't tell him I said that. Since my plan of escape seems pretty futile at the moment, I have been tending to some

necessary tasks around the house. Mom gave me my first toothbrush the other day, and I have been practicing some cavity prevention on my two lonely teeth. I was supposed to get more teeth like 2 months ago, so where are they, people? Anyways, there is no place like the living room

for taking care of all your hygienic needs. I even try to share the toothbrush with Opie, but for some reason, Mom doesn't think that is a good idea. She just doesn't understand the bond that Opie and I have developed - I chew on his raw hides when Mom isn't looking, and in turn, he gets to share my toothbrush - seems reasonable to me. I have also been helping Mom around the house;

today, I helped her fold the laundry. For those of you who don't know, taking the laundry out of the dryer and throwing it behind you counts as folding. The most important

part of my daily routine, well, today's routine at least, has been creating and practicing the catchy intro that is sure to become a household saying once my game show gets picked up and becomes a huge hit. Mysterio, the fortune teller who predicted my future on a surprise t-shirt before I was even born, predicts that I will become a game show host, which is totally fitting if you ask me. It is such a busy, important life that I lead.
This past weekend was full of family fun, just the way I like it. On Saturday, Grandma Purnell met Dad, Mom, and me out for lunch while we were running errands.

She fed me ice cream until I almost puked; you gotta love Grandmas! On Sunday, Mom, Dad, and I went down to Little 5 Points to hang out with Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Ian, which meant a new coffee table and channel changer with which to play - yay! While Dad and Uncle Ian played golf, the ladies went shopping, and when the guys finished, we went out for an

early dinner at the Porter. I had the most amazing macaroni and cheese ever! It was so creamy and had like four different types of cheese - decadent! I think that I hung in there like a trooper considering my 20 minute nap, and I was good as gold at the restaurant. I love hanging out with Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Ian, and Mrs. Sharon; they're always so much fun. I also have a new found fondness for Uncle Ian; I can't help smiling at him no matter how tired I am. There is nothing like spending a weekend with the ones you love, so I'm giving this past weekend daps.

Tuesday was our turn to throw the weekly Moms' lunch.

My contribution, I took a really good nap Tuesday morning so that Mom could get everything ready, and I shared all of my toys with the other kids; I'm such a doll. As always, I had a great time playing with Lucas, and Jackson laughed so much this time. It is really neat to see him get older each week; before you know it, Lindsi, I'll be teaching him how to blow Livie raspberries. Jackson let

me wear his hat for a bit - no boy jokes, folks! I hope I didn't stretch it out too much seeing as my head is about twice the size of his, but I think I look pretty good in a baseball cap if I do say so myself. I'll have to get one for those future bad hair days that I hope are to come. I followed Lucas around the house, and he even introduced me to Mom's shoe closet and the coffee coasters; now, how did I miss that world of fun for so

long?! Lucas

gave me a little kiss, and we traded toys back and forth for a few hours. Of course, I knocked him over once or twice, just for old time's sake. He's my favorite friend. I wanted to look extra cute for everyone, so for a little while, I wore the hippie head rag that Aunt Stephanie got for me on Sunday when we were out shopping. Moms' lunches make my week!
Okay, make sure you are sitting down for this one. To top off a great day yesterday, which was Tuesday, August 5th, for the records, I said my first word, "Da-da". That's right folks, I am on my way to becoming a master linguist. My next goal is to learn the words ice cream and no. Mom insisted on making me parrot my first word for the video camera. Ya gotta be patient and wait for it in the video; I know, the excitement is killing you. Although I resisted at first, I finally gave her a good da-da to get her to turn off the camera. I hope that they are saving now for the years of eventual therapy the camera is going to cause; either that, or I am going to be the next Angelina Jolie, sans the weird stuff and the 30 kids.
By the way, Daddy should never mow the grass; all of his time should be spent with me. Forget the HOA!
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