It has been quite a week of ups and downs. As I mentioned before, I have begun the torture of teething; two teeth in a matter of a week is a bit ridiculous and painful! Now, I have a third tooth up and coming; when is the madness going to stop? This rude interruption to life has made the last week a bit crazy. Sleeping has been very difficult, which has thrown a wrench in mine and Mom's nights. Just when I got the hang of sleeping all the way through the night, teeth ruin everything. I have been waking up a lot, and the lack of beauty rest has made me a little grumpy during the day, but can you blame me? Although the last week has been rough, there have definitely been some fun times, like getting to try food that is not mush: teething cookies and bagels are very good; avocado is growing on me, and yogurt is disgusting. I won't even open my mouth if I think that there is yogurt on the spoon, and I have to stick my tongue out to take a taste of every bite before I will even crack my lips apart; I'm no dummy.
Some other recent fun times amidst the teething terror:

Last Thursday, Mom and I went down to the park and met some other neighborhood moms and kids. Mom started a Mom's Group in the neighborhood so that she and I could meet people and so that I would have playmates for this summer. Lucas came to the play group, which made me super excited. Parker is 11 weeks old, and I am so jealous of her hair;

she can actually wear a bow, and she's younger than me - so unfair! Jackson is only 7 weeks old, and he seemed really tired; I remember those days. We had so much fun playing that the moms, Joanne, Lindsi, and Allison, came over for lunch on Tuesday so that they could hang out and Parker, Jackson, Lucas, and I could play; unfortunately, I was in a sour

mood - stupid teeth and beginnings of social anxiety - and Jackson was still a little sleepy; oh, if he only knew of the fun times to come. Lucas had a blast though; he can walk while holding onto his push toy, so he was everywhere. Parker was so content sitting in her chair; I never really experienced that contentment when I was her age. Today, we are meeting again at the park, and a few more friends are joining us.

On Friday, Mom called the doctor for some teething tips, but the nurse convinced Mom that I had an earache and made me come in to get checked. I showed them how sick I really was with lots of smiles. I tried to tell Mom that I didn't have an earache; it will be so much easier when I can figure out how to form words. The doctor did find lots of yucky wax in my ear, which he cleaned out while I screamed uncontrollably; I made sure to shoot him one of my dirtiest looks, the ones I practice Aunt Stephanie, when he was done. Serves him right!

On Saturday, Dad took Mom and me out to lunch. I had the duck, the squeaky, rubbery kind.

It was delicious! Then we celebrated Aunt Mallory's 23rd birthday at Grandma's house. I enjoyed myself thoroughly when I was sitting in my high chair hanging out during dinner, but later on, I threw a bit of a fit; I am blaming it on the teeth as long as possible - Happy Birthday, Aunt Mallory!

Sunday was a day of relaxation and lounging with Dad, which was much needed. Although, it didn't help because Sunday night was my really rough night; I don't know if Mom has recovered yet. I have also decided this week that my new wake up time is between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m. - Mom might really lose her mind - sorry, but my mouth really does hurt. Despite the lack of sleep,

we did not miss out on a little Cinco de Mayo celebration on Tuesday; Mom and Dad had Margaritas, while I enjoyed a Margarita coaster. By the way, Happy Anniversary Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Ian; I hope your anniversary/Cinco de Mayo was a fiesta.
Adios 'til next week!
1 comment:
Sounds like you guys are going through exactly what we are with the teething...except Hudson still has NONE! He also pulled the same stunt Miss OK did with smiles and giggles at the dr when I thought he was sick. Why do you guys do that to us?! Miss you two!
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