Today was an interesting day. It started out a little rough due to the neighbor's lawn mower waking me up at the very beginning of my nap. It seems that someone is mowing one lawn or another everyday during my nap, which is getting a bit rude. Remember, beauty sleep is a necessity in this household! The inadequate nap led to an hour long meltdown around 11:30, which left Mom grasping at straws to figure out what was wrong; a lady needs her rest. Finally, a bagel settled me down - mmmm...bagel, but don't you just know

my luck, I proceeded to choke on the bagel, which really shook Mom up. Does anyone have any Xanax? I think Mom may need some; she seemed a little high strung after the choking incident. After the bagel mishap, Mom decided to get me out of the house, and although we were an hour late due to my hysterics, we made it to the Moms' Group lunch. I decided to

make Mom look like a big, fat liar by being perfectly content and even smiley while we were there; it's funny to make Mom look crazy. I had a great time playing with Lucas, and he even let me play with his instruments and his beach ball, which I thought was quite hysterical to grab. Every toy passed the taste test, which is the pinnacle of all tests to prove a toy's worth. Lucas

is a wild man! He was crawling everywhere and playing with everything; I can't wait until I can give him a run for his money. I was able to wrestle a toy away from him at one point; I just had to throw a little weight into it. He's awesome - a wild man who will still let me win once in awhile.

Parker sat in her little chair and hung out with us as long as she could, but I think she preferred her bumble bee Barnaby. I can understand; Lucas and I can get a bit rowdy when we are together. My two youngest new friends, Jackson and Selena, slept the entire time - oh, the good '

ole days, for Mom, I mean. It made my day so much better to hang out and forget my teething woes for awhile; I am so glad we went. I think that Mom really enjoyed seeing Allison, Joanne, Lindsi, and Sindy as well - I guess she likes grown up time once in awhile; although, I don't know why; I am way more entertaining in my opinion. I can't wait to see everyone at the park tomorrow! Current goals: learn to crawl to keep up with Lucas and grow some hair to rival Parker.

Things to remember when looking towards the future:
- Rolling onto your stomach is easy, but rolling back over is a lot more difficult. Recently, I have somehow rolled myself onto my stomach while laying in my crib, but I can't seem to flip myself back over, which really makes me mad.
- Getting undressed isn't so bad, but getting dressed is life-shattering in my mind; Mom and Dad just hope this changes in the near future - whatever that means.
- A humidifier is the only way to go when you want to get a good night's sleep - oh, so soothing.
- Having birds above your bed makes nap time not so lonely. Mom lets me grab them when I wake up; they have become my new obsession. I just want to know what bird tastes like; that's all.
- I love it that Mom sings anything and everything to me, and an original piece is oftentimes the only thing that pacifies me when I am in a mood. She is quite the lyricist when it comes to making up songs about taking a bath, washing the dishes, making a bottle, changing a diaper, or any other household happening. I may need to invest in voice lessons for her though.
Last but certainly not least - the remote control is the best invention ever; I'll take it over any of my toys any day of the week.
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