This weekend was a big weekend for the rents. Friday was Dad's birthday; I got him a card and slept while Mom picked out golf shoes for him; I think that sleeping

helped her out more than staying away to voice my opinions on each shoe choice. Grandma Purnell came over and watched me so that Mom and Dad could go out to dinner and then to Darwin's Blues Bar; I haven't quite figured out why I was not invited - I mean what is a birthday without me!? I did, however, have a good time with Grandma, so I guess I will forgive them this once for leaving me off the invite list. Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!
On Sunday, we celebrated Mother's

Day; it was the first time that Mom got to be included in the celebrated category. I think that she had a really nice day. Dad and I let her sleep in, and we even made her something called a Mimosa when she woke up; try as I might, I couldn't get even the tiniest sip of the bubbly masterpiece. Dad took care of everything that I requested. He picked up the frame that I wanted so that Mom could frame my big professional picture, and he even got Mom a gift

certificate to Spa Sydell, which I believe comes with another day of Daddy/Daughter time in which I may or may not get changed out of pajamas for the duration of the afternoon - sounds like good times! We also took Mom and Grandma Purnell out to brunch at Aqua Blue with Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Ian, and Aunt Mallory; my lunch of avocado, banana, bagel, and cookie was excellent. Everyone

else's lunch was just okay; for once I think that I got the better end of the deal. Dad made up for it though when he fixed Mom a really nice dinner of crab legs and shrimp. I desperately wanted to spend more time with Mom on Mother's Day, so I woke up numerous times during the night just to get those few extra moments of rocking with her. Your Welcome, Mom! Happy Mother's Day to Mom, all of my Grandmas, and all of the other mothers out there!

This week has come with new

responsibilities in feeding myself. I like to be a woman who is in charge of her own life, so I have decided to take control of the spoon in the last few days. I am also getting the hang of

finishing off the bagels and cookies instead of immediately feeding them to Opie. The end result of this new found job is a bit messy but totally worth it, at least in my opinion.

Opie seems to appreciate this new chapter as well judging from the fact that he sits intently by my high chair throughout every meal. I love to give him my bagels and cookies when I am done, and I throw my hands over the edge every once in awhile so that he can lick them clean - hilarious! Now, if I can only figure out that sippy-cup-deal, I would be well on my way. This week I get to try blueberries, plums, and kiwi; sounds good to me, but keep the cookies coming.

By the way, I am 7 months old as of today; feel free to send gifts!