Last week was full of quality Dad-time as well, which was awesome. Mom and I met Dad for appetizers at Summits one evening, and I discovered a very handy item: Dad's wallet. I must figure out how to get my hands on that wallet as much as possible; although, I'm pretty sure Dad will indulge me most of the time. I went ahead and practiced my cute look on the server so that I don't lose my touch any time in the near future. I also went to visit Dad at work last week, which was a nice treat. He showed me off to everyone, of course. Then we sat in his office and got some work done. Dad is really good at his job, and he even got invited to speak to a paying audience at his alma mater Georgia Tech tomorrow, so good luck, Dad. I, on the other hand, don't think that I am ready for the workforce as of yet since I couldn't reach everything on the desk despite my best efforts, and I couldn't quite figure out how to hold the pen. I'd rather go to my swim classes and Gymboree classes right now anyways.
Speaking of classes, Lucas and I attended the Music I class at Gymboree yesterday. I'm not so sure that it will become one of my favorites. I really liked the clapping and bouncing songs, and I didn't mind the dancing, but everyone banging on the instruments was a little much for me. We had to use a different instrument for each song, which
did not catch my fancy and even made me whimper at some points. Mom also sang along with all of the songs, which I tried desperately to ignore. However, I did like the free play at the end when we got to grab all kinds of different instruments and play whatever we wanted. I also sat up really well during the entire class; I now prefer standing or sitting up at all times, which makes bath time increasingly more difficult for Mom. I'm working on toning my leg muscles before bathing suit season. Anyways, I don't think that Music Class I is going to become a regular; maybe, Music Class II next year will be more entertaining. I think that my favorite part of yesterday was when Lucas first came over before the class. He crawled around, played with my toys, and pulled himself up by the side of the ottoman to "talk" to me, which I found beyond entertaining and funny. He is the first baby or kid to make me laugh, and I just think he is the bee's knees. Next week, Luke and I are going to try the Play and Learn class at Gymboree; I have a feeling that we will both like this class much better because it involves bubbles and slides. I wonder if it will be even better than swim class, which was very exciting today, by the way. I put my face in the water; actually, Mom put my face in the water, which I don't really appreciate because it made me choke a little bit, but I guess I'll try it again next week. I am getting really good at kicking in the water, but the paddling with the hands is extremely confusing; I am not a boat despite what Ms. Maria sings!
Today, I get to try juice from my very own sippy cup for the first time (mega-mess, here I come), and hopefully, Aunt Mallory is going to come over and go to the park with Mommy and me. Plus, I've got a really busy weekend planned. Life gets more and more exciting everyday!
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