I have just discovered, as of yesterday, a new and exciting holiday: Easter. When I woke up yesterday morning, Mom and Dad informed me of a late

night visitor, the Easter Bunny, who came not to ransack our house but to leave me gifts. Now, he is the kind of visitor I'll invite back again and again. He left me a basket with rubber duckies, bunny ears, Easter eggs, leg warmers, fun socks, and a beach towel to use at my swim classes; he must know everything! However, I was slightly disappointed because as the day progressed, I figured out that Easter revolves largely around candy, and I didn't get any candy. I will make sure to write a complaint letter and send it to the Easter Bunny. Other than that minor detail, the holiday was great. I got

dressed up in my Springy Easter dress that found its way to my mouth throughout the afternoon; a little flash here and there was my gift to everyone. Mom fixed a big dinner, and Grandma Purnell, Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Ian, Aunt Mallory, Mrs. Sharon, and Mr. Carl all came to celebrate

with us. I was really excited to see everyone and equally as excited that they came bearing gifts. I want to thank Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Ian for the butterfly puppet that tastes quite yummy, Mrs. Sharon and Mr. Carl for the beautiful sweater that I have not yet tasted, and Grandma Purnell for the awesome basket of clothes and the singing Splish, Splash duck, which is a little scary but fun nonetheless.

I even made a new friend, Stella Blue, who kept licking my face; I don't think that Opie was a big fan of her though. I think that everyone had a nice time;

the guys watched the Masters, which I found boring, but the ladies entertained me non-stop. I love family days! Grandma Kendig also sent me an Easter package containing an Easter quilt, outfit, and stuffed animals, which I thoroughly enjoyed - thank you Grandma Kendig. I think that this holiday is a keeper, as long as I don't get stiffed on the candy next year.

Even more exciting than the Easter holiday, today is my 1/2-year birthday! I feel so old! Here are some new things that come

with being 6 months old: the ability to see the world, and my toys, from a sitting position; swim lessons, which to my dismay didn't even start today because a tree knocked out the power at the YMCA; remote control privileges - now, I just have to figure out how to work the darn thing; and 6-month pictures, which will allow me to revive my modeling career on Wednesday. I even got another little lick of cake icing yesterday - oh, the small joys in life. Here are some things that Mom hopes the 6-month-mark brings: an end to my peeling scalp; the ability to sit and play on the floor without assistance; the disappearance of one nap, which will, hopefully, make the other two last longer; the ability to hold

my own bottle; and my first word, which better be

mama. We'll see how I feel about these requests as I settle in to my new age. Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me...I think that I will celebrate Dad-style!
Here is adieu until Wednesday when I will let you all know how my first swim class goes.
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