I'm going to warn you now; this is going to be a lengthy blog because this has been a crazy week!

Let's start with last Sunday; I finally got to try a real vegetable, and boy was it disappointing. Sweet potatoes are not going to be one of my favorites. It tasted terrible, and then bumps appeared around my mouth. Go figure that I have an allergic reaction to the first food, besides cereal, that finally enters my mouth. Mom, of course, called the doctor, and I have been told that we have to shelve sweet potatoes for a few

weeks and try some other vegetables. Darn! (I'll pretend to be upset so that Mom doesn't catch on to the fact that it was psychosomatically induced so as to move on to bigger and better veggies asap.) The next exciting vegetable was squash - not bad, especially in comparison to the sweet potatoes; the taste took a little getting used to, which caused a few unpleasant faces, but I think I'll give this one another shot.
Aunt Mallory babysat me last Saturday, and she encouraged me to try out a new trick. This is my latest favorite past time:
It is even more fun to do while eating! You know you love this one, Mom.

I'm so glad that I picked up the new trick when I did because I had lots of people to entertain this week

. I finally got to meet my Granddad, Grandma Trish, and Uncle Doug. Unfortunately, Uncle Darren and Miss Felicia couldn't make it, but they got me an awesome pair of new kicks, which I feel serve a much better purpose in my mouth rather than on my feet, but I guess that is just my opinion. Thank you Uncle Darren and Miss Felicia; I hope I get to meet you guys soon.

Uncle Doug was really fun! I loved starring at him, and he always made funny faces on the sly to keep me entertained. He got to go out with Aunt Mallory one night; I didn't get invited, which I find a bit rude, but I think that he had a pretty good time. I really like him, and I hope I get to see him again soon.

It was wonderful to finally meet my Granddad and Grandma Trish; they came all the way from Arizona just to meet me - and I guess to see Dad and Mom too - but really to meet me. I think I made Granddad a little nervous; I guess that my moodiness when he held me didn't help, but I'm kind of like a dog in the sense that I can practically smell fear. However, by the end of the week, we had a pretty good thing going. I can tell that

he is going to be a really good Granddad, so I guess I'll give him a break next time. Grandma Trish didn't waste any time getting down and playing with me; she knows a good thing when she sees it, just refer to her purse collection if you

don't believe me. We had a great time hanging out and holding hands. Dad really enjoyed their visit also since he doesn't get to see them very often. I really liked getting to see my Dad with his Dad and the rest of the Kendig clan; you know a girl has got to know where she comes from.

We all had a busy week together. I was quite the little tour guide taking them around town and showing them the sights...alright, alright, Mom and Dad were the actual masterminds, but let's not get caught up in the small details; I was along for the ride, after all. We checked out a few of the historic towns in the area, like downtown Alpharetta and downtown Roswell, where we did a little shopping. We enjoyed many of the local

restaurants - wait, let me rephrase that - they enjoyed many of the local restaurants while I tried not to throw a hissy fit because of the apparent injustice in this whole food deal. However, I think that I did a pretty good job of holding it together, and I even found that a few of the establishments made a nice spot for a quick nap. We got to meet a couple of Grandma Trish's friends, Dave and Janet, who were extremely nice, even when I decided to have a bit of a meltdown at their house. I can't help it; I was tired. I introduced

Grandad, Grandma Trish, and Uncle Doug to Grandma Purnell, Aunt Mallory, Aunt Stephanie, and Uncle Ian, which turned into a lovely evening at Grandma's house. As icing on the cake, we took them to see the King Tut exhibit on Friday, which

was my 5-month birthday, by the way. Next time, I would rather go to Chuck E Cheese, but I guess King Tut was okay this time. I slept through most of the exhibit, insisted on a bottle towards the end, and dressed up like a Pharaoh in the gift shop - not my idea. I think that everyone really enjoyed it - the exhibit I mean, not my moment as a Pharaoh, for which I am thoroughly embarrassed. I really hope that they all had a great time because I am so happy that I finally got to meet them, and I cannot wait to see them again. Arizona - here I come, perhaps.

Today has been a day of relaxation after the very busy week. I ate a little squash and played around in the

awesome ballet outfit Grandma Trish got for me; again, I think that it's rightful place is in the mouth. I make one good looking ballerina; perhaps, this is a viable career option; although, dainty is not really a choice adjective that I would use to describe myself. Then I did what any normal 5-month-old does on a Saturday afternoon and lounged around the house dressed up like a flower, a great ending to an exquisite week. Now, I need to sleep for quite awhile to catch up on my beauty rest.

I'm glad you guys had a great week! Lucas LOVES watching Olivia videos on my computer!
Oh my gosh that video is too funny! Love how Olivia starts yawning half way through! Mom, your boring me!!! :) This raspberry business is old news!
She is absolutely adorable. I want to squeeze her chubby cheeks. I miss Mason's, his have since deflated a bit. ;)
Love the videos. For some reason I couldn't get them to work the first time I read this post. Olivia's got all here tricks working in the first one - raspberries, eye rubbing, big smiles. Too cute.
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