This week has been pretty uneventful. Opie and I have been hanging out, but I think that he is still undecided about me. I've been playing in my very own jumperoo for which mom had to practically fight a man at Babies 'R' Us. That's my mom! With all of the jumping and playing, I've
been a really good napper, and I couldn't even keep my eyes open while hanging out on my play mat the other day. Anyways, as I said, the week was uneventful for the most part until today. Oh, the agony of it all! I can barely talk about it without getting upset.
Mom and dad took me to the mean doctor again. I can't figure out what I did to deserve this; I promise I will sleep past 6 from now on. Of course, every nurse commented on my adorable cheeks, which is not very original considering every person who meets me comments on my cheeks. They're cheeks people; get a grip. Then they made me strip down to my skivvies - how embarrassing! I am currently 24.6 inches long, which is ranked in the 65th percentile. Dad retains his hope that I will be a tall basketball player through another doctor's visit; I keep thinking, don't hold your breath. I weighed in at a healthy 15 lbs. even, which places me in the 79th percentile; before you say anything, that is down from the 84th percentile at the last visit, thank you very much. Now, here is where I am a little disturbed; my head circumference is 16.4 inches, and that places me in the 70th percentile, which is quite a leap from last time when I was in the 53rd percentile. Here come the fat head jokes! As I was dwelling on my current big head dilemma, mom and dad allowed
those mean people to stick me with 4, count them, 4 needles! The lady even got blood on my collared Polo onesie; can you believe it? It was horrible. The only saving grace is that I heard the doctor say that I am now allowed to start trying real foods. I will get cereal this weekend, and once I master the whole cereal bit, I can start eating vegetables and then fruits. Do they really think it is going to take me any time at all to figure out how to eat? Ha, I was born to eat! The doctor also said that it was okay to finally take that stupid head support cushion out of my car seat because I have such good head control. Finally, my ears aren't getting smushed every time I sit in my car seat. All in all, I look great, and I am meeting all of my milestones. However, I could have told mom and dad that without the needles!

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