I just experienced my first Christmas this past week, and I was very impressed. I mean a holiday with tons of lights, brightly colored paper, and gobs of people begging to hold me; what could be better? Mom decorated the house for my enjoyment, and I love looking at all of the white and colored lights; it seems that she
has also hung a big sock on the fireplace just for me, and the rents hold me up to touch it all of the time. The best part of the house is the Santa who climbs a ladder to decorate the tree; I could watch him for hours! Then all of these boxes with colorful paper showed up under the tree; it was very exciting! Opie was really excited too! I liked this whole Christmas thing before it even arrived.

Grandma Kendig came in from Arizona to visit, and I got to meet her for the first time. It was really nice. She brought a picture of dad from when he was a baby, and we look like twins,

Grandma Kendig came in from Arizona to visit, and I got to meet her for the first time. It was really nice. She brought a picture of dad from when he was a baby, and we look like twins,
except for the cheeks and dimples that definitely come from mom.
On Christmas Eve (so I was told), I got to get all dressed up, and
we went to Grandma Purnell's house, and
there were tons of people there. Everyone wanted to hold me. It was fun for a minute, but it was past my normal bedtime, and as I have said before, I need my beauty rest, so I insisted on crying until mom rocked me to sleep. Had I known that I was going to miss opening presents, I might have stayed awake a bit longer, but mom opened
them for me, and I got lots of neat stuff, including an Olivia book and a doll all the way from Paris, which Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Ian bought for me from their trip. Aunt Mallory got me a very trendy shirt and jacket from Lucky; my
impeccable fashion sense never ceases to impress. Grandma Purnell got me an interactive house that teaches me numbers and letters; I have no idea what that means,
but I'm sure that I will find out soon enough. Christmas Eve is definitely something I plan on staying awake for next year!

On Christmas Day, I woke up really early and refused to go back to sleep. I heard about this Santa guy, and I really wanted to see him. Even though I put forth one heck of an effort
to stay up as long as possible after my 4:00 a.m. feeding, I still did not see the big jolly guy, and I was so tired that I slept through present opening AGAIN! I need to come up with a better plan for next year.
Santa and Grandma Kendig got me all kinds of cool presents; I even got my own mini-golf set with a sea creature obstacle course from Grandma K; Tiger Woods better watch himself!

All of the gifts that I got are amazing!! Two of my favorites are my Pooh
bear from Great-Aunt
Marsha and my hand-painted bird to match my room from Ms. Sharon. Ms. Lisa came over today and brought me a scarf that she made to match mom's scarf, which Lisa made a few years ago. I don't mind matching
with mom now, but I hope she doesn't get too used to the idea. At this point in my life, I would rather stare at the TV
than play with any of the cool stuff that I got; I mean mom and dad have a 50" TV in the living room, how can I resist? Yet, I know that these toys will be very fun once I can at least sit up on my own.

with mom now, but I hope she doesn't get too used to the idea. At this point in my life, I would rather stare at the TV

I hope everyone had as merry of a Christmas as I did! I can't wait for Christmas next year!!!

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