So, as life gets crazier in the Kendig household, my blog posts will probably be getting a bit least until life calms down. Try not to commit yourself out of sheer disappointment; I know it is hard.
Here is a look back at November, otherwise known as the calm before the storm...
At the beginning of November, I finally got an appointment with the oh-so-popular Dr. Eaton for my 3-year
checkup; Mommy has decided to switch my primary care physician to Dr. Eaton since she is female, like me, and she is also really nice. As you may know, I am not a big eater; in fact, unless something is predominately made of sugar, it is a battle 85% of the time to get me to eat it. Therefore, Mom was a bit worried about my weight, but I rank in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. I ooze perfection! The continuous food battle can now come to a ceasefire, for Mom is no longer going to fight with me at every meal. Yay...for everyone involved! This was the first doctor's appointment in about two years that did not consist of an ongoing, full-fledged freak out. I actually thought getting measur
ed and weighed, as well as taking my big girl eye and ear exams were pretty cool, and I was excited to go along with every facet of the appointment. The only time that I got a little upset was when Dr. Eaton pressed on my belly not knowing that I really had to pee, which caused me to cry since I didn't want to pee all over myself and her. After a quick trip to the bathroom, during which I got to pee in a cup, my belly no longer felt hard, and I let her press without a peep. By the way, peeing in a cup was the coolest thing I have ever done in my entire life...or at least I acted like it was! I am such a big girl! I easily hit all of my milestones and exceeded the verbal milestones for my age, which shouldn't surprise anyone who has ever met me. I make sure to practice the verbal skills...a lot! I have not, however, mastered the Silent Game, much to Mom's chagrin. Here's to healthy, on-track, three-year-old me!
My weekly ballet classes in November mostly consisted of preparations for my December recital. I received my adorable costume for the big event, and I have mastered the art of jingle bell ringing. I'm totally ready for the big stage! My main goal now is working on getting enough hair to have a real ballerina bun come recital day. I love having ballet class every week with my best girlfriend, Parker; her little br0ther Grayson has also been practicing his moves in the lobby while he waits. "Balance, Balance, Use Your B

Here is a look back at November, otherwise known as the calm before the storm...
At the beginning of November, I finally got an appointment with the oh-so-popular Dr. Eaton for my 3-year

This month's noteworthy preschool events included:
We also spent the month learning about Thanksgiving, and we were even visited by real Indians with tepees! You know you are jealous.
All of the school practice and lessons finally led up to the big day, and we spent Thanksgiving with the fam at Great Aunt Marsha's house, otherwise k
nown as Cameron's house if you ask me. The night before, I helped Mom make a chocolate pie, and the morning of, I helped Dad make an apple pie as our contibutions, along with corn souffle and bacon brussel sprouts, to the big feast; I made sure to act as our official sugar taste-tester. On Thanksgiving morning, I also chose a special outfit to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which only reall
y kept my attention for a few minutes here and there; I much preferred making a bed out of Dad's newspaper and pretending to sleep - go figure. Anyways, back to the big Thanksgiving Day Feast, all of the food was great, and the company was even better. The men watched football; the women posed for numerous pictures with one another, and I got to play some video games, like a big kid, and run wild with c
ousin Harper and my second cousins, Cameron, Haley, and Hannah. Although I had practiced my blessing multiple times, I actually got a bit shy, for the f
irst time ever, and wouldn't perform it for the masses. They should have come to my school performance if they wanted to hear it. Great Grandma Jenkins came down from West Virginia to spend the holiday with us, and she brought me some super sweet gifts, like a Panda, a new purse, and some money for my piggy bank, as well as a robe for Mommy to take to the hospital and lots of adorable outfits for Ethan. Thank you so much Great Grandma! However, Mom told me to pass on the word tha
t you do too much; you need to save your pennies for yourself! We love you. As the cherry on the Thanksgiving pie, my Great Uncle Steve got to come home from Iraq...for good! He has been over there for 7 years, so it was a surprise for which to be very thankful. It was so amazing to have four generations of the wome
n in my family together for the second year in a row, and I want to say that I am very thankful for the 15 cookies that Grandma snuck to me throughout the evening; Mom and Dad also appreciate the massive sugar rush that ensued. On a serious note though, I am so very thankful for the many people in my life who love me, for this year's great blessings, and for the upcoming arrival of my little brother Ethan.
As is becoming tradition, I got to go and see Santa Claus during the week of Thanksgiving with Dad, Mom, and Grandma. He did also visit me at school earlier in the month, s

Dinner with the Yasins
The month also included...
A visit from my God Mom Kate! She came in from Louisiana for Mom's baby shower, and I was super excited to see her! She even spent the night so that we could play in the morning. I miss my God Mom, but I can't wait to see her again in a couple of months after Ethan is born. I know Mommy misses her too.

I met Ms. Teri for lunch one afternoon, which is always a treat. She got Ethan and me awesome, matching owl hats for his newborn pictures! Thank you, Ms. Teri!
A few little updates:
My iPad skills are out of control! Nowadays, I sometimes have to show Mom how to do things. Gotta love the iPad, especially "Monkey's Lunchbox" and the "Giraffe Writing" games. Technology is no match for me, and I am getting really good at writing my numbers and letters, as well as playing the memory games.
I have decided that I quite like Adele, and I especially love to sing her song "Someone like You" at the top of my lungs in the car. I have, however, developed a strong distaste for Justin Timberlake's music, and every time he comes on the radio, I remind Mom of my dislike and tell her to change the station! I am definitely a girl who knows what she likes when it comes to music, and I am not shy about voicing my preferences.
I still refuse to come downstairs by myself after naps and in the mornings. I want Mom or Dad to come and get me, and that is just the way I like to do things around here; I don't care what they say big girls do! Humph!
Dad and I added a new measurement to the inside of my closet door, and I have grown 2 inches since September!
Baby Ethan Update:
Week 31
It is not going to be long before baby Ethan is out of Mommy's belly and actually here to touch and see and hug and hold. One of my biggest concerns is if I am going to be a
ble to carry Ethan upstairs by myself, but Mom said I would have to wait awhile since he will be very fragile when he is first born. I'm okay with that; in fact, I even let all of my Publix friends know the other day that "my baby brother is really fragile". I still can't wait to help take care
of him though! My Publix peeps are excited as well; Ms. Peggy even got me a big sister shirt and got Ethan a gift basket of baby necessities, which is beyond sweet! We have been diligently working on his room, adding lots of owls and even a rocking moose from Ms. Lisa; it is getting really close to being finished and ready for his arrival. Even though everyone has been more than generous when it comes to clothes for baby Ethan, for he has even more than I do, Mom has added a few new outf
its of her own to his wardrobe; Mommy can't resist. I di
d add some items onto my official Christmas Wish List just for Ethan; I think that he needs a Cars bed for his room, which I, as his big sister, dutifully requested of Santa. Forget the crib; I think that he should be able to move straight into a big boy bed! I got my brother's back, even if he isn't going to be here quite in time to make his own Christmas requests. I make sure to love on and talk to my baby brother often so that he is up to speed with what is going on out here; Dad caught one such conversation on video. My baby brother is "so sweet". As far as all of the nitty-gritty details go, November's doctor's appointment went great, and Ethan is right on schedule! I am looking forward to the return of Mom's patience though.