My July was an All-American affair, complete with watermelon, fireworks, a sunflower field, pigtails, Winnie the Pooh, a couple of slumber parties, and, of course, a little lake fun. Plus, I got to find out in mid-July that I am going to be, or in my authoritative words "already am", a big sister, so I have had the rest of July to get more and more excited while showing Mommy's belly lots of love and trying to brainstorm good names for my baby boy.
July started off with a *bang*, also known as the 4th of July! Daddy ran his very fi
rst Peachtree Road Race, in which he did very well, and while he was out running with the 60,000 others in the extreme heat, Mom and I attended the Cumming Steam Engine Parade with the Wheelers. The parade was pretty fun, despite the sweltering heat; there was candy being thrown, hoopla all around, our Warbington Farms' tractor, and the owl in the school bus; no parade is complete without the owl in the school bus. Towards the end of the parade, the five of us rushed over to the fairgrounds to catch the main attraction, the steam engines, navigate the final stretch.
In theory, it was a great, exciting idea, but in reality, they were loud...ear-piercing, tear-evoking, earplug-necessitating L-O-U-D! It started off with a nice, little train that played a fun song, but then Lucas and I heard the whistles of two big steam engines blow, and we were begging to leave. Mom had just gotten her genetic CVS test done on the baby that Friday, and she was not supposed to be lifting anything, so Mrs. Allison came to my rescue and hugged me ti
ght while covering my ears before we all took off in the opposite direction From now on, I'll enjoy my choo-choo trains from afar. That evening the Wheelers, the Loiseaus, the Goldsworthys, and the Littles headed over to our house for a kid-crazy 4th of July celebration. We chased each other around the yard, feasted on an array of summer BBQ favorites, downed Mrs. Joanne's awesome cupcakes and Mrs. Alisha's festive cake, fought
over my car, and got twirled until we were dizzy. Then the rain came, and we were forced inside where the fun did not stop; we had a blast jumping on beds, pulling out every toy in the house, and enjoying lollipops during a viewing of Cars. Little Ella and Lyla quietly took in all the sights and
sounds with a nap here and there and a little bit of fuss; I don't blame them, for it was crazy! It was such a great day! I don't even think any of us were terribly disappointed when we didn't get to head to the Polo Fields for the fireworks show; instead, we had a show of our own thanks to the dads. Tyler was definitely the biggest firework enthusiast; Lucas was not so fond of the loud ones, and I just loved the excitement! Unfortunately, Madden and Parker missed the fireworks because of tired younger siblings; even if we have to leave early, I can't wait for my younger brother. 4th of July is awesome, especially with all of my best buds!

Winnie the Pooh is an American icon, and I have loved Winnie the Pooh from my earliest days. It was only fitting that Great Aunt Marsha and the Buice clan took me to m
y very first movie, Winnie the Pooh, since they gave me my big, stuffed Pooh for my first Christmas. I was super excited to see Cameron and to show him my parachute, but the outing started out a little rocky when I freaked out as Great Un
cle Ray put me in the car seat in their car. I was not leaving home without Mom! As a last minute change of plans, Mom jumped in and headed to lunch with Great Aunt Marsha, Great Uncle Ray, Cameron, and me. We had to get a little sneaky after lunch, and as Mom hid where she could see my reaction, I left with the rest of the crew without even looking back. Dad had to pick Mom up outside of Chick-fil-A on his way back from golf. I wasn't totally sold on the movie theater, but I
agreed to check it out, and once I was in my seat, all was good! The big lemonade in my hand, huge bag of M&M's in my lap, bucket of popcorn crammed into my seat, and shared Skittles definitely helped. I really enjoyed the movie, and I took my laugh cues from Cameron. I think Great Uncle Ray enjoyed the movie through his eyelids, but we'll give him a
break since he was so sweet to have the Winnie the Pooh excursion on his birthday. Happy Birthday, Great Uncle Ray! Oh, and Happy Birthday to Haley and Great Aunt Marsha, who are also July babies! After the movie, I did not forget the promise of ice cream that was used to lure me into the theater! The Buices brought me back happy as a clam and on the sugar high of a lifetime! Thank you guys, I had a great time, and now, I'm waiting for you guys to pick me up for an encore movie excursion featuring Lightening McQueen.
July started off with a *bang*, also known as the 4th of July! Daddy ran his very fi
To add to my 4th of July festivities, I got to have my very first slumber party at Gran
dma's house on July 3rd so that Mom and Dad could celebrate Allyson Bickers' 31st birthday on Lake Lanier. Harper and Aunt Steph joined Grandma, Grandma's good friend Regina, and me for a late lunch. I love m
y baby Harper, and I am super excited that she can crawl now! We tore through Grandma's newspaper and swapped toys; now, I really have a partner in crime. She is even getting the talking-thing down; soon, we will be able to plan our crimes. That evening, Grandma, Regina, and I attended the neighborhood party
and fireworks show, where I met a few new friends; however, it began to lightening, and Mrs. Regina said that she has never seen a woman move so fast while carrying a 2-year-old the mile or so home. Grandma wouldn't let me get struck by lightening, no way, no how! We did get to finish watching the fireworks show from Grandma's street, and I got to make friends with the neighboring kids. When Mom called at almost 11:00 to check on things, I was still awake, and I admitted to Mom that "I had ice cream for dinner"! That Grandma - I love her!

Winnie the Pooh is an American icon, and I have loved Winnie the Pooh from my earliest days. It was only fitting that Great Aunt Marsha and the Buice clan took me to m

Dad, Mom, and I made the most of our last weekend in July. Mom got a much-needed night out with her gal pals, who also happen to be the mothers of all of my best friends. Then the whole fam joined the Littles and Wheelers for dinner at the Goldsworthys'. There is never a dull moment when I am with my boys. The cupcakes, Winne the Pooh movie, and trampoline were definitely the highlights of the stormy, yucky evening.

Just so you know, Catch Air got some new attractions! I know you are beyond thrilled, and I know that I still love me some Catch Air!
I've been honing my soccer skills, and I am almost ready for the soccer field - the real soccer field. Uncle Ian will be so proud of me!
The first of my carrots has been pulled from the garden and is ready to eat!
Hanging with Madeline Molletta - Just watch out because she may poop in your pool!
All of these July events were super exciting, but I have saved the most exciting, besides the baby brother, for last: I sported my very first pigtails, and they look adorable! That is right, blog followers, I have enough hair for pigtails! I was so excited about my pigtails that I even made Dad take a picture on his phone when he got home. It only took almost 3 years, but they were well worth t
This is an Olivia Public Service Announcement:
Ride Safely - Always Wear a Helmet
I even pretend to put a helmet on and take it off when I ride my bike around the house and Dad's helmet is not available; however, I really want the bright pink helmet from Wal-mart!

Baby Boy Bump Watch 2011:
16 Weeks
Almost 17 Weeks

Alright, August, I'm ready for you to bring on some relief from these crazy July temperatures!