As a continuation of the constant fun that I have been h

aving for the past several weeks, last Saturday was Selina's first birthday party. Mom, Dad, and I decided to

walk to the birthday party since it was such a beautiful day; Mom and I even sported our 'matching' sunglasses - stylish and essential. I was so excited when I saw the balloons on the mailbox that I almost bounced out of my stroller, so just imagine my excitement when we walked in to find balloons all over the floor and floating along the ceiling! The whole

birthday party was balloon themed; it was just like a wonderful dream. Lucas greeted me at the door, but I was

so focused on the balloons that I walked right past him without even glancing his way, which never happens. Luckily, he let my rudeness slide and immediately came to help me pull the balloons down from the ceiling. Jackson, Boris, and, of course, the birthday girl Selina were also there to celebrate. Selina is so close to walking, and her Daddy helped her traverse her way through all of the balloons. She even had her own little birthday stool. Jackson used the balloons as teethers and made the funniest noises by scrapping his teeth across them.

Lucas and I basically took over; we climbed on Selina's new little chair and table set, kicked the balloons around the room, and just

went crazy in general. At one point, I slipped and fell while trying to kick a balloon, at which everyone laughed; being the entertainer that I am, I continued falling on the floor and trying to get the same reaction. I can't help it that I am a riot; at least, I think so! Boris and I then created a new game using Mrs. Sindy's sheer curtains. I'm not sure if palming my face was part of the original rules, but I found it quite funny n

onetheless. At my age, it doesn't take much to create nonstop fun. Between the curtains and the balloons, this party was topnotch. Mrs. Sindy even made crepes with prune jelly for us kids; I thought the prune jelly was chocolate, so when I discovered otherwise, I spit it out and refused to take another bite. Selina sure didn't mind the prune jelly though! I was muc

h appeased once the real cake made its way out. I think that Mrs. Sindy and Mr. Markus were a little perturbed to find that black icing stains like no other; poor Selina wasn't terribly happy to get scrubbed down either. Lucas and I got to eat our cake together at Selina's little table, and Mrs. Allison let me thoroughly clean her

face when we were done. Lucas even wore

a balloon on his butt as a tribute to the festive occasion; well, actually, his daddy tied it to his butt as a joke. After cake came the presents, of course. I was a little better behaved this time, and I only took the tissue paper, which I shared with Boris, out of one gift. Miss Selina got some wonderful gifts, but she was much more interested in trying to escape so as to play with the dirt around the potted plants; she knows the finer things in life.

At the end of the party, the Moms got their picture taken followed by the

obligatory kids' couch photo. I'm usually all for the celeb treatment, but I wasn't feeling it that day because Jackson touched my leg; that's right, folks, he touched me. How dare him! Therefore, I threw a celeb-worthy fit instead. We all have our days. Thank you so much for a wonderful time, Mrs. Sindy and Mr. Markus. Happy First Birthday, Miss Selina!
Well, now back to the title, all of the recent partying caught up to me this past week, and I came

down with a nasty case of something. I ran a fever, had a runny nose, and just felt poopy altogether. Wednesday was the worst; I literally didn't even pick my head up off of the couch all day, which has NEVER happened. It was probably the worst I have ever felt. I would only sleep while Mom held me on the couch, and I

barely ate a thing; although, Mom did try to offer me a little of everything. Mom talked to the doctor who said there was no need to come in, thank goodness, and to just keep me hydrated, which meant all the Popsicles I wanted! Being sick isn't so bad; I got to eat whatever I wanted on the couch, and I got waited on hand in foot. I took better advantage on Thursday when I didn't feel quite as yucky. I also made sure to get

Pooh and my babies in on the pampering as I insisted that they

spend both days lounging on the couch with me; Pooh really knows how to make me feel better. He's been there through thick and thin - stitches, shots, sickness, etc. Mom did a pretty good job making me feel better as well; she tried to remember everything that her mommy would do when she was little and sick. I guess we all must have picked something up at Selina's birthday because Boris and Lucas also had cases of the yuckies this past week. We have got to lay off the sippy cup swapping!
Although I had to skip Gymboree last week, I did bounce back in time for playgroup, which was held at Mrs. Sindy's house on Friday. Selina was still recuperating from her big weekend and sle

pt most of the time. Tyler was finally feeling well enough to come and play. Jackson is still learning

to walk, and at one point, he fell and hit is mouth on the corner of the play cube. Being a pro when it comes to mouth injuries, I was able to bestow some advice via Mom. Lucas and I got to eat lunch together at Selina's little table; however, both of us were more interested in the whipped cream that was being served at the grown-ups' table. The moms had to

watch us closely to make sure that we did not share forks or cups since both of us were still getting over whatever went around earlier in the week. We did get a few food swaps in behind their backs though. Selina's rocking horse was everyone's favorite, and Lucas did try and hit me at one point when I wouldn't get off to let him ride; he got in trouble, and I got to keep riding, so it worked out in my favor. Lucas and I had to be careful not to rock over any of the little kids' fingers. Selina's dog Rocky was also a great source of entertainment; Lucas, Tyler, and I enjoyed taunting him through the gate on the stairs. Playgroup is always my favorite weekly activity. By the way, every time I get in the car now, I think that I am going to see Lucas, so I always call, "Lu, Lu" as we drive.
Another favorite activity of mine is hanging out in the backyard with Dad. As soon as he walks in

the door during the week or wakes up on the weekends, I immediately beg to go, "Side, side" and grab my shoes. Last weekend I helped Dad plant rosebushes and blueberry bushes. I even got to use the shovel after studying Dad's technique; unfortunately, I also g

ot my first splinter in the process. Dad promised that in the next couple of weeks we will get to spend a whole day outside planting the vegetable/herb garden. Mom insists that I rub sunscreen on my lip to keep the

sun off of my scar whenever I go out, but it is a small price to pay so as to feel the wind in my hair and the dirt in my fingers. I wish that the rents would just leave the door open all of the time so that Opie and I could come and go as we please because when I do have to come inside now, I throw an absolute fit. If Opie could write, I am sure that he would sign the open door petition. On a somewhat related note, I even put a phrase together when Dad came home the other day; as soon as he walked in the door, I said, "Shoes, side, Lu", which, for those of you who need an interpretation, means I want to put on shoes, go outside, and see Lucas. I definitely know what I want nowadays, and I am getting pretty good at voicing said wants.

This past Friday, Dad took Mom and I out for Japanese food since we had a rough week last

week, with my being sick and all. It was the first time that I had gone to a Hibachi restaurant, and it was quite an experience. We got to sit at a table with a bunch of other people; the two teenage girls at our table took an immediate interest in me, and they kept playing Peek-A-Boo and making funny faces so tha

t I would smile and laugh. When we were leaving, one of the girls even said that I was the cutest baby she had ever seen; now, that is a girl with good taste. Back to the restaurant experience, the lady gave me chopsticks with which to eat, and I think I was better with them than Mom is. I was able to get a couple bites of food to my mouth using the chopsticks that were

bound together with a rubber band; however, I much preferred playing and trying to grab Mom and Dad's clothes with them. Next, the cook came out to our table and made the food right in front of us. Mom and Dad pulled me really far away from the table when he started the fire because Mom actually got burnt many years ago at a Hibachi restaurant when the flame shot off the table and lit her and the lady next to her on fire. I ain't scared though! I wasn't t

erribly interested in the cooking part, but I really liked trying all of the food as the cook served each course. The rice, filet mignon, and shrimp were my favorites; it was the first time I was able to try filet and shrimp. I only got a couple pieces of the shrimp for fear of an allergic reaction, but I ate my fair share and then some of the filet. I give the Japanese restaurant experience two thumbs up, especially since they

brought me chocolate ice cream at the end. Speaking of restaurants, when we went out for lunch on Saturday, I got to drive the car in the little arcade. I was shifting and presssing the buttons and concentrating throughouly on the road until it was time to leave, at which point I threw myself on the floor and had my first public meltdown.
After lunch on Saturday, Grandma came by and spent about 30 minute

s with me before I had to go down for a nap. She brought me choo-choo trains, which have become my new obssession thanks to Chuggington,

and chocolate graham bunnies. The bunnies ended up being a bigger hit than the choo-choos, and I was so excited when I got to sit on the floor with the entire box and shove handfuls of bunnies into my mouth. After the bunnies were taken away by mean Mom, Grandma and I played with the trains by crashing them into each other, which was quite funny. Thank you, Grandma; you spoil me rotten.

On Saturday night, we went to Mr. Justin and Mrs. Teri's house for dinner with the Throwers

and the Bickers. Mrs. Teri put together a little Easter egg hunt for us kids complete with our own little baskets and stickers inside the eggs as prizes. It was so much fun! Brayden found most of the eggs, which was fine with Hudson and me. We were way more into putting the eggs into our baskets and then swinging our baskets around so that the eggs would fly out. Thank you so much, Mrs. Teri! I love going to Mrs. Teri's house because she has drawers full of kids' toys and books. While the boys preferred to play in the house most of the time, I insisted on being outside with the girls; I've got to catch up on my gossip too. Mrs. Lisa, Mr. Monroe, and Baby Monroe were there, and Baby Monroe is starti

ng to get a lot bigger. He is so cute, and he loved being held outside. Mrs. Teri even got to feed him outside while I sat next to her, which was great practice since
Mrs. Teri and Mr. Justin are going to have their own baby in September! I could not be more

excited for them; they are both going to be great parents. I may be a little jealous though because I like it when Mrs. Teri comes over to visit and holds me, and I think I have a little crush on Mr. Justin. I'll get over it though, and I can't wait until I have another baby with whom to play. Mr. Justin also got in a little practice by enteratining all of us for awhile. Congrats, again, Germanys; you guys truly will be amazing parents! Mom got to hold Baby


while Mrs. Lisa made the spagetti, and I didn't mind at all; I was more interested in swinging outside and playing anyways. According to Mom, Baby Monroe is starting to look more like his daddy, and the Thrower three are one beautiful family, especially with the addition of Monroe IV. Dada didn't get to hold the baby because he hasn't been feeling well; I must have

given him my little bug. After a delicious dinner, Mrs. Teri let me eat some of her ice cream cake, and then Brayden, Hudson, and I all put on our pajamas to go home. Before leaving, I hung out on the couch with the boys while Mom took a couple of pictures. At first,

Brayden accidently put me in a headlock while trying to hug me for the picture, and I think that Hudson was laughing at me while I screamed. Oh well, I had a great time hanging out with them; even if, it did culminate in headlock. Thanks so much for having us over, Justin and Teri!

For the record...
I have come up with a great aerobic course around Mom and Dad's bed: climb up onto Mom's nightstand, jump onto the bed, lower myself down, run around to the other side, and do it all over. I literally do it again and again as long as I can every chance I get, which means whenever the door to Mom and Dad's room is left open. Mom hasn't even been able to put the comforter on the bed for weeks because the comforter is too hard to grab onto, which doesn't deter me; it just causes me to fall more. Between the new routine and my little cold last week, my body is definitely bathing suit ready.
I have found a way to make beautiful music, or at least music, with a straw. My talent amazes me more and more everyday.
Oh, I got Mom to download all of my favorite Imagination Movers' songs to her iPod; now, I get to dance whenever I want! I also love to dance to all of the musical Easter cards that Gramma Eileen has been sending to me; however, I like it even better when Dad takes the musical part out of the card, and I get to press the button to make it sing. I must have a little engineer in me, just like Dad. Thank you, Gramma.
This section is only for those who really care about my eating habits. Crazy Mom has been taking pictures of my food lately fo

r one of her friends who is interested in what I eat everyday. For breakfast, I always have a combination of fruit, such as bananas, strawberries, pears, apples, plums, or peaches; a cheese and egg omelet or yogurt; and a grain, like a whole grain waffle, toast, or chocolate chip pancake. For lunch, I usually have another mixture of fruit, perhaps pineapple, cantalope, and watermelon; something with cheese, like a grilled cheese or macaroni and cheese; some sort of protein, such as chicken, ham, turkey, or tof

u; tomatoes, which is one of my favorites; and crackers, which can be peanut butter crackers, wheat thins, graham crackers, or whatever. As you can see, I couldn't wait for Mom to finish her picture, so I snuck a little off the side. Some of my favorite snacks include kiwi, cucumbers, cereal bars, and goldfish, which I only get for snack if I've eaten most of my fruit during breakfast and lunch. I pretty much always eat whatever Mom and Dad eat for dinner; for example, tonight, I will be having salmon, rice, broccoli, and sugar snap peas,

and of course, halfway through dinner, I will insist that I am done and ask for a pop, a popsicle for those of you

who don't know - yum, yum, yum. I hope I haven't bored you to death; this is a 'Mom' section. To make things a little more exciting for you and me, Mom has started letting me eat my yogurt all by myself - "I'm a big kid now!"