So, mom and dad went skiing in Breckenridge, CO this weekend, and Grandma came up to my house to watch me while they were gone. It was awesome!!! She never lets me cry for more than a minute or two without picking me up and carrying me around, so I basically spent the entire weekend hanging out on her hip. I got to do everything with her.

It is so easy to get my own way when she is here; she hates to see real tears. Eat your heart out, Kate
Winslet; I'll be getting the two Golden Globes in a few years. I do feel kind of bad because I did not sleep the night through at all while she was here, but I just love spending time with her. I gave her lots of big smiles and a few little laughs; I am still holding off on my big belly laugh. I want to keep everyone yearning for more.

I was really good while mom and dad were gone, at least that is what Grandma said, but
Opie about gave Grandma a heart attack. Apparently, he, or the wind, knocked the gate down, and he somehow got his paw stuck in the slates and ripped off a nail. He was bleeding pretty badly, and Grandma was really worried. Leave it to my brother
Opie to cause an uproar while mom and dad are away.

On Saturday, Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Ian, and Mrs. Sharon came to see me. They took me out to lunch; oh, how I wish I could eat real food! Ian flew me around like a plane, which I was not too sure about, and they put this stupid hat

on me; I showed them though! All in all, it was pretty fun hanging around, literally, with everyone. Aunt Stephanie fed me, and she didn't even shake the bottle this time. She was going to change my diaper, but then she chickened out! Thanks guys, for coming up and keeping Grandma and me company.

I must say that I wasn't sure I wanted mom and dad to come home so soon, but I was really happy to see them, and I know that they missed me A LOT! I loved my time with Grandma, and I wasn't quite done being spoiled rotten. Oh well, there is always next time! Thanks for a great weekend, Grandma!